
  • 网络Huanghe Science and Technology College
  1. 黄河科技学院成长发展之路

    The Development Road of Huanghe Science and Technology University

  2. 民办高校党的建设创新之路研究&以黄河科技学院为例

    A Study of the Way to the Innovation of Party Construction of Civilian-run Colleges and Universities Taking Huanghe S T University as example

  3. 此外,选取黄河科技学院作为个案,从该学院的发展历程做一纵观分析,从而构架论文的主体结构。

    In addition , the thesis takes Huanghe College of Science and Technology as an example to structure the main framework through analyzing its development .

  4. 民办高校人才培养模式的改革与实践&黄河科技学院改革人才培养模式研究

    The Reform and Practice of Talented People Training Model of Civilian-run Colleges and Universities A study of reforming talented people training model of Huanghe S T University

  5. 论民办高校面向21世纪的可持续发展&黄河科技学院晋升本科高校的理论思考

    On the Possibly Lasting Development of Civilian run Colleges and Universities Confronting the 21st Century Theoretic Consideration of the Promotion to Regular University of Huanghe S T University

  6. 在迎对评估建设中促进高校内涵式发展&黄河科技学院本科教学工作水平评估的体会内涵式提高:马克思主义基本原理教改的关键

    Promote the Interior Development of University with Preparing the Evaluation The " connoting-style " improvement is the key to educating and teaching reform of the Basic Principles of Marxism

  7. 黄河科技学院成为全国第一所民办本科普通高校,走出了一条民办高校可持续发展的道路。

    Huanghe S & T University has now become the first civilian run regular university in our country and thus opened upa way to possibly last development of civilian run colleges and universities .

  8. 通过文案调查,对民办高校目前新闻宣传的现状做规范的定性分析;通过实地调研,特别是以黄河科技学院为个案,使定性分析有了更多的实证材料,从而摆脱了简单文字描述的窠臼。

    Copy investigation , the status of the private colleges of journalism and propaganda , standardized qualitative analysis ; through field research , especially on the Yellow River Technical College as a case , the qualitative analysis to have more empirical material from a simple text description of the stereotype .