
  • 网络Xixian County;Xi Condado;Xi Grafschaft;Xi Comt
  1. 第二部分为信阳市息县农村居民点建设的背景条件。

    Chapter two is the background about the construction of Xixian rural settlement in Xinyang city .

  2. 但这种工作法并不是灵丹妙药,在息县某乡的两个村庄产生了截然不同的效应。

    But this method of working is not a panacea , different villages has the opposite effect .

  3. 第四部分为信阳市息县农村居民点建设现状及面临的困难和问题。

    Chapter four is the current situation and problems of the construction of the rural settlement in Xixian , Xinyang city .

  4. 本文选取河南省息县&一个传统的农业大县为实例,对其竞争力进行了定量及定性的评析。

    This article took Xixian County for example , which was a traditional agricultural county in Henan province , and evaluated its competence , quantitatively and qualitatively .

  5. 息县是农业大县和人口大县,农村经济社会发展相对滞后,具有典型的三农问题特征。

    Xixian is an agricultural country town with a large population , and the rural economy develops quite slow . Thus , it is a country town that owns representative " three agricultural " issues characteristics .

  6. 第三部分为信阳市息县农村居民点建设的理论基础。从人居环境理论、规模经济理论、公众参与理论、帕累托最优理论等四个方面来选定理论支撑点。

    Chapter three is the basic theories about the construction of rural settlement in Xixian , Xinyang city , which covers the Human Settlement Theory , Scale Economic Theory , Public Participation Theory and Pareto Optimality Theory .

  7. 结果1.孕产妇产前保健利用率(产前检查率、孕早期检查率和产检5次以上检查率)息县(综合项目县)和宜阳(一般项目县)高于淮滨(空白对照县)。

    Maternal pre-pregnancy health-care utilization ( prenatal care rate , pregnancy rate of early detection and the rate of production inspection found more than 5 times ) of Xixian ( integrated project counties ) and Yiyang ( General County ) was higher than Huaibin ( control counties ) . 2 .

  8. 息县是中国历史上县制保存最为悠久的县,更是典型的农业地区,在这里推广的4+2工作法具有典型意义,可以从多层面反映了这种工作法不同效果。

    In history , Xixian is a county that preserves the most glorious county ,, is a typical agricultural areas , here extension " 4 + 2 " methods of working have the typical significance very much , could reflect this method of working different effect from many stratification planes .