
  • Skeleton formation;【医】skeletogeny
  1. BMP属于TGF超家族的一员,在胚胎发育及骨骼形成中扮演着重要的角色,目前人类至少有15种BMP被发现并证实。

    BMPs belong to the TGFb superfamily , and play an important role in embryonic development and bone formation . At least 15 types of BMPs have been identified in humans .

  2. 骨骼形成主要通过软骨内成骨和膜内成骨两种方式来完成。

    There are two major forms of bone formation , intramembranous ossification and endochondral ossification .

  3. 磷酸钙是对摩羯座起着重要作用的矿物质,也是骨骼形成中最重要的因素。

    Capricorn 's cell salt is calcium phosphate , which is the most important element in bone formation .

  4. 骨骼形成的第一步,羧基磷灰石被沉积在原胶原蛋白分子末羰之间的成核部位。

    Bone formation Hydroxyapatite is deposited in nucleation sites between the ends of tropocollagen molecules as the first step in bone formation .

  5. 分析这些变异胚胎说明了突变发生在手足成形和中轴骨骼形成过程中,然而显著的缺陷是在近尾部形成。

    Analysis of these mutant embryos reveals variable , yet striking defects in caudal specification , limb patterning and axial skeleton formation .

  6. 组织结构对企业犹如人的骨骼形成人体一样,作用重大,组织结构支撑着企业的框架和运转流程。

    Organization structure is very important to enterprises . As if the bones were human formation , organization structure underpins enterprise framework .

  7. 但只有当肌肉与骨骼形成一定角度时,它们才能转动,从而拖动骨骼绕某个轴旋转。

    To be able to do this , the muscle must be attached to the bone at an angle . By pulling , the muscle can cause the bone to pivot .

  8. 由海洋生物骨骼化石形成的石灰石而得名。

    They owe their color to chalk formed from the fossilized skeletons of sea creatures .

  9. 骨吸收作用是通过破骨细胞的活动完成的,因此,破骨细胞在骨骼的形成和骨量的调节方面起着关键作用。

    Bone resorptive function is resulting from the activation of osteoclast . Therefore , osteoclasts play a key role in bone formation and bone mass regulation .

  10. 骨骼发生及形成通过两条不同途径:膜内成骨和软骨内成骨。虽然是两种不同的成骨方式,它们有着共同的特征:形成血管是它们发生的先决条件。

    Bone is formed by two distinct modes of ossification : by intramembranous ossification and by endochondral ossification . Despite the differences , the two types of ossification have as common feature : the pre-requisite of vascularization .

  11. 兔骨骼肌肌球蛋白分子形成凝胶过程的负染观察

    Observation of Gel Formation from Rabbit Striated Muscle Myosin Molecules

  12. 分布于方解石组成的骨骼颗粒间并形成多级有机质网脉说明,瘦长红珊瑚的矿物相与其有机基质相关。

    Through the multi-level organic matrix mesh in the bone particles , it indicates that the mineral phase is related to the organic matrix in Corallium elatius .

  13. 近年来的研究发现,甲状旁腺激素在局部骨组织改建、再生等一系列过程中发挥了关键性的重要作用[1-3],对于骨骼具有促进骨形成和增加骨吸收的双向作用[4-6]。

    Recent studies have shown that , PTH has a role in both bone formation and bone resorption , suggesting its importance in the process of bone remodeling and restoration .

  14. 研究表明:长期从事太极拳运动,可对骨骼肌肉运动系统形成良性刺激,可有效地减少体内骨矿物质的自然丢失,使骨密度多年保持稳定,并有效调节骨钙&血钙之间的动态平衡。

    The results showed that long period Taijiquan exercise could have effective stimulus to skeletal muscles , decrease the loss of bone minerals , keep the bone density stable , and modulate the dynamic balance between bone calcium and serum calcium .

  15. 骨骼的,关于骨骼的,形成骨骼的,或依附于骨骼的。

    Of or relating to or forming or attached to a skeleton .

  16. 适量的氟有利于钙和磷的利用以及在骨骼中沉积,可加速骨骼形成,促进骨骼生长,增加骨骼的硬度,维护骨骼的健康。

    Fluoridation is conducive to the deposition of calcium and phosphorus in the bone , accelerate bone formation , promote bone growth , increase the hardness of bone to maintain bone health .