
  • 网络Osseointegration;osseointegrate;osteointegration;osseointergration
  1. 骨整合在耳廓畸形和缺损修复中的临床应用

    Clinical application of osseointegration for auricular defects and deformity

  2. 各组16周时骨整合均优于9周。

    Osseointegration was better in 16 weeks .

  3. TM种植体的表面特征与骨整合RGD序列与种植体骨整合

    Surface properties and osseointegration on TM implant Correlative Progress between RGD and Implant Osseointegration

  4. 本文就RGD序列的生物学效应和它在种植体骨整合中的应用及其影响因素作一综述。

    This paper reviewed the biological effect , application and influence factors in implant osseointegration .

  5. RGD序列与种植体骨整合目的通过临床实践探讨影响钝钛种植体骨整合界面形成的因素,寻求防治措施,提高种植义齿的成功率。

    Correlative Progress between RGD and Implant Osseointegration Objective To analyze the effect of clinical factors on implant osseointegration formation .

  6. 应用三色荧光标记LSCM观察复合种植体周围骨整合情况。

    Multiple fluorescent was labeled at different times and then LSCM was used to observe the newly formed bone around the complex implant .

  7. 术后12周共培养细胞/ADM实验组修复组织呈透明软骨样,表面光滑平坦,与周围软骨及软骨下骨整合良好,而ADM对照组和空白对照组为纤维性修复和无修复。

    In the cocultures / ADM experimental group repaired tissues represented hyaline-like , integrated with peripheral cartilages and subchondral bones excellently , but repaired tissues in ADM group and blank group showed fibrous repair and no repair at 12 weeks after transplantation .

  8. 骨整合行耳廓畸形和缺损修复术患者的护理

    Nursing for 20 patients with auricle malformation and defect remedy by bone conformity

  9. 上下颌骨微型支抗种植体-骨整合的变化

    Implant-bone changes following maxillary and mandible mini-implant as anchorage

  10. 糖尿病兔与正常兔植入种植体骨整合对比研究

    Comparative Study on the Osseointegration of Implants in the Diabetic and Normal Rabbits

  11. 骨质疏松状态下牙种植体骨整合及生长改变的实验研究

    Experimental study on osseointegration and bone formation of dental implants in rats with osteoporosis

  12. 前言:目的:了解种植体周骨整合形成后在骨质改建过程中胶原的作用。

    Objective : To evaluate the function of collagen in osteointegration and bone remodeling .

  13. 自体骨髓细胞增强多孔钛碳灰石涂层植入物在兔体内的早期骨整合

    Autologous marrow stromal cells enhance earlier osseointegration in porous coated-apatite titanium implants in rabbit

  14. 间歇应用阿仑膦酸钠促进假体的骨整合

    Intermittent Application of Alendronate Promote Osteointegration of Prothesis

  15. 即使种植体骨整合成功,种植义齿还是无法正常使用。

    Although osseointegration can be successful , the restoration is unable to work normally .

  16. 目的探讨骨整合修复耳廓畸形和缺损的临床意义。

    Objective To investigate the clinical value of osseointegration for repairing auricular defects and deformity .

  17. 结果所有种植体骨整合良好,仅有1颗种植体因修复不当而脱落。

    Results All of the implants osseointegration except 1 implant loosed because of improper prosthesis .

  18. 目的:探讨微量元素锌对种植体骨整合率的作用。

    Objective : To study the effect of zinc supplement on bone-contacting implant surface ratio ( BCSR ) .

  19. 结论:种植体术后早期适量的补锌能够提高种植体的固位强度,提高骨整合的速度和质量。

    CONCLUSION : Moderate zinc supplement may increase fixation strength and promote the speed and quality of osseointegration .

  20. 种植牙已经广泛用于恢复口腔中缺失天然牙的形态和功能,并且将种植体直接植入颌骨中,达到骨整合即为成功的概念也已取得共识。

    Implantation of artificial tooth roots has been widely applied in dental surgery to recover the lost functions of a natural tooth .

  21. 骨整合理论认为种植体的成功主要取决于种植体&组织界面的形成,而尽早、尽快在种植体与骨组织界面之间形成稳定的骨整合已经是临床急需解决的问题。

    It is a crucial problem to form stable osseo-integration at title interface between implant and bone tissue as early as possible .

  22. 目前,这种最新骨整合技术已用于小型牙齿和面部植入手术应用,研究人员目前已研制出全比例假肢。

    The technique has already been used for small-scale dental and facial implants , and researchers are now bringing it to full-scale limb prosthetics .

  23. 缩短种植体骨整合时间,达到种植体即刻负载或早期负载是种植体表面改性研究的主要目标。

    The main purpose of surface modification of dental implant is to shorten the time of osseointegration , and as to reach immediately or early loading .

  24. 在各兔胫骨内植入纯钛螺纹状种植体,种植体植入2、4和8周后分别获取各组标本2个,进行组织学、影像学等检查,观察各组种植体的骨整合效果。

    Two specimens with implants were harvested from each group after 2,4 and 8 weeks since the implantation . The reactions of the bony tissue to the implants were analyzed both histologically and radiographically .

  25. 不同孔隙度多孔钛种植体对骨整合影响的研究扩,整用扩孔钻或仿佛是用扩张钻去造出、成形出、整出或扩大(某个孔)

    The Study of the Effect on Osseointegration of Different Porosity Titanium Implants ; To form , shape , taper , or enlarge ( a hole ) with or as if with a reamer .

  26. 活性过渡层使材料表面成分更为合理,在分子及细胞水平符合细胞、机体的要求,将可能使材料表面特性在骨整合不同阶段更加优化及合理。

    The transition layer made the components of the surface more reasonable at the level of molecular and cell , and maybe optimize the property of the materials surface at different stages of osseointegration .

  27. 为使钛种植材料获得更好的生物相容性,促进界面更迅速骨整合,钛种植体表面的改性一直是研究的热点,常用的方法有化学、物理学及形态学方法等。

    In order to endow titanium implant material with better biocompatibility and bioactivity , titanium implant surface-modification has become the research highlights . Chemical , physical and morphological methods were used as common methods of surface modification .

  28. 目前,人工指关节的设计融合了解剖形状设计、骨整合概念、高新科技材料三种新概念,在一定程度上提高了关节功能的恢复。

    These designs failed invariably , due to breakage and wear of the components . Recently , there are three new concepts of designs in finger joint prosthesis : anatomical shape designs , osteo integration designs and new material .

  29. 结果:钛涂层317L接骨板螺钉与骨面呈骨整合界面结合关系,新骨形成快;

    The result showed that there was bone intergrated interface between titanium - coated screw and host bone with active new bone formation .

  30. 结论在家兔胫骨内纯钛微种植体骨钉骨整合可在8周内完成。

    Conclusion : Osseointegration between implanted mini-screw and bone tissue may complete in 8 weeks in rabbit tibia .