
  • 网络osteonecrosis;necrosis of bone
  1. 而对照组的股骨头内骨小梁萎缩变细,骨质坏死;

    In the conrol group , the bone trabeculae withered and remained necrotic .

  2. 二膦酸盐相关性颌骨骨质坏死的影像学表现

    Imaging Findings of Bisphosphonate-associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaws

  3. 伤后7d骨断端骨质不完全坏死,0.1cm外骨质结构基本正常,皮质骨及松质骨出现明显的修复活动。

    It was at 7 days that osteonecrosis was apparent , the structure of bone beyond 0.1 cm was nearly normal and restoration of bone was seen .

  4. 双膦酸盐有趋骨性并有抗骨质疏松症活性。二膦酸盐相关性颌骨骨质坏死的影像学表现

    Bisphosphonate have bone ? seeking affinity , some of them are used as drugs for osteoporosis . Imaging Findings of Bisphosphonate-associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaws