
  • 网络Nature Climate Change
  1. 研究人员在在线报告《自然气候变化》中提到,自1865年以来,海洋吸收的热量大约一半发生在1997年之后。

    Around half of ocean heat intake since 1865 has taken place since 1997 , researchers report online in Nature Climate Change .

  2. 虽然《自然气候变化》(NatureClimateChange)在2013年刊载的一份研究宣称两者间有因果关系,不过朗尼奇表示,还有太多复杂因素,很难确定乱流与气候变化的直接关系。

    While a paper published in 2013 in the journal Nature Climate Change said there was a causal link between the two , Dr. Lanicci said that there are too many complex factors to make this connection directly .

  3. 旨在达成全球气候协议的巴黎气候大会谈判昨日进入了令人担忧的新阶段,《自然气候变化》(NatureClimateChange)期刊上发表的一项研究表明,气候协议打算削减的二氧化碳排放量已意外下降。

    Talks in Paris aimed at reaching a global climate accord entered a fraught new phase yesterday , even as research showed the carbon dioxide emissions that the agreement is supposed to cut have unexpectedly stalled .

  4. 《自然气候变化》(NatureClimateChange)杂志本周发表的另一份太阳能研究报告显示,CSP系统可以解决世界大部分地区很大一部分电力供应。

    In the other solar study , researchers writing in Nature Climate Change this week said concentrating solar power or CSP could supply a large fraction of the power supply in much of the world .

  5. 这是根据发表在《自然气候变化》的一项新的研究得来。

    That 's according to new research published in Nature Climate Change .

  6. 该报告发布在《自然气候变化》杂志上。

    The report is in the journal nature climate change .

  7. 他的团队于5月18日在自然气候变化上发表了这一研究结果。

    His team published its observations on May 18 in Nature Climate Change .

  8. 这是根据最近发表在《自然气候变化》杂志上的一项研究得出的结论。

    That 's according to a study in the journal Nature Climate Change .

  9. 阴山北部轻度风蚀地区的自然气候变化有增强风蚀作用的趋势,需多加关注;

    The climate changes in lighter wind erosion regions tended to make wind erosion heavier and should be paid more attention .

  10. 同时在参数选择上应该遵循室内环境波动与自然气候变化相协调的原则,最大可能的减少室内外的温度差。

    For parameter chosing , indoor environment change should agree with natural climate , which means temperature difference should be reduced as much as possible .

  11. 早前一项发表在《自然气候变化》上的研究指出,女性所适合的办公室平均温度大约比男性高3度。

    According to an earlier study published in Nature Climate Change , women are suited to an average office temperature about 3C warmer than men .

  12. 而自然气候变化研究发现风势更强劲而且其路径比过去1000年的任何时候更为密集。

    The study in Nature Climate Change finds that those winds are now stronger and their path tighter than at any time in the past 1000 years .

  13. 《自然气候变化》杂志7月份刊登的一篇研究称,将全球变暖幅度控制在2摄氏度的可能性只有5%,而控制在1.5摄氏度的可能性约为1%。

    A study in July in the journal Nature Climate Change said there was only a 5 % chance of holding global warming under 2 ℃ . For 1.5 ℃ , the odds were about 1 % .

  14. 事实证明,美国东海岸的海平面正以高出全球平均水平3至4倍的速率上升。美国地质调查局发表在《自然气候变化》期刊上的一项研究如此报告。

    Turns out the U.S. East Coast is experiencing sea level rise three to four times higher than the global average , according to a study from the U.S. Geological Survey in the journal Nature Climate Change .

  15. 在《自然气候变化》杂志的一项新研究中,来自哈佛大学、麻省理工学院和普林斯顿大学的研究人员使用了一种最先进的、详细的计算机模型,来观察如果利用太阳能工程将全球气温上升减半会发生什么。

    In one new study in Nature Climate Change , researchers from Harvard , MIT , and Princeton used a state-of-the-art , detailed computer model to look at what might happen if solar geoengineering was used to cut global temperature increases in half .

  16. 2012年,《自然·气候变化》(NatureClimateChange)杂志发表了一项相关研究,其结论是,“热带水电站的排放量常常被低估,它们可能在长达几十年的时间里,超过化石燃料的排放量。”

    A 2012 study , in the journal Nature Climate Change , concluded that " emissions from tropical hydropower are often underestimated and can exceed those of fossil fuel for decades . "

  17. 他们周一在《自然·气候变化》(NatureClimateChange)杂志发表的一项研究显示,大多数写字楼的温度设置,都是基于一种几十年不曾改变的公式,这一公式是依据男性的代谢率设定的。

    Their study , published Monday in the journal Nature Climate Change , says that most office buildings set temperatures based on a decades-old formula that uses the metabolic rates of men .

  18. 一项相关的最新科研报告已发表在自然杂质气候变化特刊上面,它能支持我的上述经验之谈。

    A new social science study in the journal Nature Climate Change backs my anecdotal experience .

  19. 有些共和党议员表示,争论仍存在,自然气候可以变化多少。

    Opponents of the bill also argued that climate change is a national and not a state issue .

  20. 自然植被对气候变化响应的研究:建模

    Research on the response of vegetation to climate change : modeling

  21. 是否有任何相似性的变化,自然气候和全球变化的商业环境?

    Is there any similarity between the changes in global natural climate and the changing business climate ?

  22. 多数天主教徒(60%)和非福音派白人新教徒(65%)表示,他们相信飓风和洪灾等自然灾害是气候变化所致。

    Most Catholics ( 60 percent ) and white non-evangelical Protestants ( 65 percent ) say they believe disasters like hurricanes and floods are the result of climate change .

  23. 这一水平应当在足以使生态系统能够自然地适应气候变化,确保粮食生产免受到威胁,并使经济发展能够可持续地进行之时间范围内实现。

    Such a level should be achieved within a time-frame sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change , to ensure that food production is not threatened and to enable economic development to proceed in a sustainable manner .

  24. 本文概述了过去、现在和未来自然植被对气候变化响应研究的主要进展,阐述了自然植被响应气候变化,特别是未来全球气候变化的基本的可能结果。

    In this paper , the main progresses of researches on responses of vegetation to climate change are reflected from the three temporal scales of past , current and future , especially , the basic regimes of impacts of future climate change to vegetation are set forth .

  25. 过去2000a来的自然变化时期,气候变化的纬向差异对北半球不同纬度带CH4排放格局有重要影响。

    During the past 2000 years , the latitudinal difference of climate change in the North Hemisphere had a crucial impact on the terrestrial methane emissions .

  26. 自然生态系统响应气候变化的脆弱性评价研究进展

    Research advances in vulnerability assessment of natural ecosystem response to climate change

  27. 丰富的自然资源和对抗气候变化的相对弹性也是如此。

    The same can be said for abundant natural resources and relative resilience against climate change .

  28. 世界上一些大的自然灾害都与气候变化有关,比如洪水和大面积山体滑坡。

    Some of the worlds cataclysmic disasters are associated with climate change , such as floods and massive landslides .

  29. 自然因素主要以气候变化、海平面上升、风暴潮、湿地景观破碎化为主导因素。

    The main natural factors are climate change , sea level rising , storm surges , landscape fragmentation of wetlands .

  30. 湿地生态系统的主要自然干扰因素包括气候变化、海平面上升、火灾、外来种的侵入和地壳运动;

    The main natural disturbances include climate change , global sea-level rise , fire disaster , foreign species invading and crustal movement .