
  • 网络somatoform autonomic dysfunction
  1. 目的:了解心理因素和自主神经功能失调在肠易激综合征发病中所起的作用。

    AIM : To investigate the roles of psychological factors and automatic dysfunction in the attack of irritable bowel syndrome .

  2. 结论:肠易激综合征女性患者伴有心理障碍和自主神经功能失调,在内脏刺激及心理应激时表现为交感神经张力增高而迷走神经的活性降低。

    CONCLUSION : Female patients with irritable bowel syndrome are accompanied with psychological obstacles and automatic nerve functional disorders , which are manifested by the increased tension of sympathetic nerve and decreased activity of vagus nerve under stimulation at internal organ and psychological stress .

  3. 感觉、运动、或自主神经纤维功能失调,会导致周边神经病变。

    Dysfunction of sensory , motor , or autonomic nerve fibers leads to peripheral neuropathy .

  4. 您突然发作时的病状和体征,如心跳、苍白和过多的血汗等,跟您自主神经系统功能失调是相符的。

    The symptoms and signs which occus during an attack , such as palpitations , paleness and excessive sweating coincide with an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system function .

  5. 自主神经系统的功能失调能引起心搏出量的减少、贫血、脑功能抑制,最后失去知觉。

    Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system can lead to a decrease in the cardiac output , cerebral anemia , suppression of brain function , and finally to a loss of consciousness .

  6. 结论:原发性高血压患者心率变异减低,自主神经功能受损,平衡失调。

    Conclusion : Our results suggest that HRV is decreased in essential hypertensive patients .

  7. 结论:(1)随着慢性肾功能衰竭病程进展,患者逐步出现心脏自主神经系统损害及功能失调;

    Conclusion : ( 1 ) Patients with chronic renal failure ( HRV ) have their cardiac autonomic nervous system impaired conspicuously in the course of uremia .