
  • 网络Shanghai pilot free trade zone
  1. 国家将深化上海自由贸易试验区改革,并在浦东新区开展市场准入行政改革试点。

    The country will deepen reform at the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone and pilot an administrative reform on market entry in the Pudong New Area of the city .

  2. 公安部近日推出了一系列针对广东自由贸易试验区外籍技术人才的优惠政策。

    The Ministry of Public Security unveiled a series of favorable policies for skilled foreign workers in the pilot free trade zone in Guangdong .

  3. 在推进中国上海自由贸易试验区基础上,选择若干具备条件地方发展自由贸易园(港)区。

    Based on practices in the China ( Shanghai ) Pilot Free Trade Zone , a number of qualified areas will be built into FTAs .

  4. 设立中国上海自由贸易试验区,探索准入前国民待遇加负面清单的管理模式。

    The China ( Shanghai ) Pilot Free Trade Zone was established and the management model of pre-establishment national treatment ( PENT ) with a negative list was introduced .

  5. 中国发布了北京、湖南和安徽三个新的自由贸易试验区的总体规划,努力将国家对外开放提升到更高的水平。

    China has issued a master plan for three new pilot free trade zones in Beijing , Hunan and Anhui amid efforts to elevate the country 's opening-up to a higher level .

  6. 上海自由贸易试验区的挂牌成立是中国保税区向自由贸易区转型的成功的首例,顺应全球经贸发展新趋势。

    Shanghai free trade zone was set up Chinese is transformation of bonded zone to free trade zone the first successful , conform to the new trend of the development of global economic and trade .

  7. 建设好、管理好中国上海自由贸易试验区,形成可复制可推广的体制机制,并开展若干新的试点。

    We will ensure the successful building and management of the China ( Shanghai ) Pilot Free Trade Zone so that this model can be copied and extended , and we will launch a number of new trials .

  8. 这一年,我们隆重庆祝改革开放40周年,对党和国家机构进行了系统性、整体性、重构性的改革,推出100多项重要改革举措,举办首届中国国际进口博览会,启动建设海南自由贸易试验区。

    In 2018 , we celebrated the 40th anniversary of China 's reform and opening up . We unveiled a comprehensive and systematic overhaul of both Party and State institutions . We launched over 100 major reform measures , held the first China International Import Expo , and began construction of a pilot free trade zone in Hainan .

  9. 除上海外,目前广东、厦门、重庆等地也正在申报自由贸易区,上海自由贸易试验区的成功申报,给这些地区提供了很好的可供借鉴的发展经验。

    In addition to Shanghai , in Guangdong , Xiamen , Chongqing and other places are also declared free trade , free trade Shanghai declare the success of pilot area , to these areas provides a good development experience to draw on .

  10. 引出了上海自由贸易区第二章,上海自由贸易试验区的设立和它在法制领域的创举。

    The Shanghai Free Trade Zone The second chapter , the establishment of the Shanghai free trade zone and it in the legal field initiative .