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  1. 自然物候记录可以提供全球环境变化最直接和有效的证据。

    Nature phenological record could provide the most direct and effective evidence of global environment changes .

  2. 与北京过去150年春季自然物候变化的对比分析发现,2002年北京的冬暖和春早水平创150年来的最高纪录。

    Compared with the phenodate in spring for the last 150 years in Beijing , it suggests that the warm winter and advanced spring in 2002 is the most obvious in the last 150 years in Beijing .

  3. 在前人物候季节划分研究的基础上,提出了划分自然景观季节的物候频率分布型法,并利用北京小西山山前一带物候历中的资料,将当地的物候季节划分为12个季段。

    In this paper the authors advance a new method called Phenological Frequency Distribution Pattern for determining the seasonality of natural landscapes and divide the phenological season in the foot area of the West Hill of Beijing into 12 stages using the data of the local phenological calendar .