
qián dēng
  • headlight;projector;headlamp
前灯 [qián dēng]
  • [headlight] 通常带反射镜和专门透镜的一种灯,安装在火车机车、有轨电车或摩托车的前部,用来照亮前方道路

前灯[qián dēng]
  1. 他叫她把前灯照到门上。

    He asked her to shine the headlight on the door .

  2. 我叫他把汽车的前灯照向那道门。

    I asked him to shine the headlight on the door .

  3. 那辆汽车大开着前灯。

    The car 's headlights were on full beam .

  4. 兔子在耀眼的汽车前灯照射下。

    The rabbit was caught in the glare of the car 's headlights .

  5. 考虑到迎面而来的车辆,他把自己的前灯调为近光。

    He dipped his headlights for the oncoming traffic .

  6. 当他们靠近一辆缓慢行驶的货车时,他把汽车前灯调成了近光。

    He dipped his headlights as they came up behind a slow-moving van

  7. 还是大白天,但所有汽车的前灯都亮起来了。

    It was still daylight but all the cars had their headlights on

  8. 一个女司机在他超车时不停地闪着车前灯,这让他火冒三丈。

    He lost his temper after a driver flashed her headlights as he overtook

  9. 开到那辆车后面时将前灯调为近光。

    Dim your lights behind that car .

  10. 这辆汽车的前灯灯光令人目眩。

    The car 's headlights are dazzling .

  11. 汽车的前灯刺破了阴森森的黑夜。

    The car 's headlights pierced the gloom of darkness .

  12. 我的汽车前灯照亮了一道很宽的水沟。

    My headlights shone over a broad ditch of water .

  13. 汽车前灯耀眼的光使我们睁不开眼。

    The glare of the headlights almost blinded us .

  14. 这就是下雨前灯突然熄灭的原因。

    That was the reason why the lights suddenly went out before the rain came .

  15. 大功率LED适合高亮度方面的应用如汽车前灯、大面积显示屏和普通照明等。

    High power LED is suitable for high luminance applications like automotive headlights , large-area displays and general illumination .

  16. 她用榔头猛敲他的汽车前灯。

    She took a hammer to the headlamps of his car .

  17. 一辆车朝我撞过来了,撞碎了我的前灯。

    A car ran straight into me and smashed my headlights .

  18. 狗看到前灯的灯光在逼近,开始吠叫。

    The dogs began to bark at the approach of headlights .

  19. 当车驶近山的时候,他降下了车前灯。

    He dipped his headlights as his car approached the hill .

  20. 我看见车的前灯向我靠近。

    I could see a car 's headlights coming towards me .

  21. 前灯雷达天线系统的仿真设计

    The Simulation Design of Antenna System of Head Light Radar

  22. 汽车的前灯照射着前方远处的路面。

    The headlight of the car lit up the road far ahead .

  23. 兔子被汽车前灯耀眼的灯光吓得呆住了。

    The rabbit froze in the dazzle of the car 's headlights .

  24. 我们在雨中看见汽车前灯的微光。

    We saw the gleam of headlights through the rain .

  25. 当你看见另一辆车向你驶来时,把前灯调成近光。

    Dip your headlights when you see another car coming towards you .

  26. 汽车大开着前灯驶来。

    The approaching car 's headlights were on full beam .

  27. 不亮前灯的公车超越我们,我们超越牛车。

    Buses with no headlights pass us , and we pass oxcarts .

  28. 我看见前灯的光线在路面拐弯的地方扭曲着。

    I watched the headlights twist with the curves of the road .

  29. 那部汽车的前灯灯光使我们的眼睛感到昏眩。

    Our eyes were dazzled by the car 's headlights .

  30. 汽车前灯使我目眩。

    I was dazzled by the car 's headlights .