
  1. 第三部分介绍王源的思想。

    In the third section , there is an introduction to his thought .

  2. 王源的经济思想;

    Wang Yuan 's economic thought ;

  3. 第四部分简单的介绍王源思想的影响。

    In the last section , there is an introduction to the influence of his thought .

  4. 为了摆脱对身份的焦虑,重获社会认同,王源必须重新建构他的文化身份。

    In order to relieve the identity anxiety and regain the social recognition , Wang Yuan had to reconstruct his cultural identity .

  5. 以王龙、王虎、王源为主人公所构成的“大地三部曲”,使人联想到人们概括过的人生的三个阶段或三个境界:骆驼、狮子和婴儿。

    The Trilogy , with Wang Long , Wang Hu and Wang Yuan as the heroes , reminds us of the three stages or three states of human life : camel , lion and infant .

  6. 在“畅想2030”行动中,王源将关注问题以素描形式提交了草图,传达了他的信念,支持年轻人获得平等优质教育。

    The teenager boy band member also drew attention to a sketch he submitted during the ' Imagine 2030 ' Campaign , which he said conveys his belief and support for young people 's equal access to quality education .

  7. 在演讲中,王源对2016年10月联合国在中国推出的“畅想2030”行动的成就进行了概述,该行动吸引青年人关注联合国的可持续发展目标。

    During his address , the teenage singer gave an overview of the achievements of the ' Imagine 2030 ' campaign , launched by the UN System in China in October 2016 to draw young people 's attention to the UN 's Sustainable and Development Goals .