
  1. 王颖故事:BeinganewMom最近你家小宝贝怎样?

    Jessica : Jessica : Hey ! How 's your baby girl doing these days ?

  2. 王颖电影中的华人形象

    Reorienting the Vision : The Construction of Chinese American Identity in Wayne Wang Films

  3. 引论部分介绍王颖电影的研究背景,分析国内的研究现状和学术评价,指出本文的研究方向及研究意义。

    In part is introduced Wayne Wang ' sfilm research background , analyses the current research status and academic evaluation , points out that the research significance .

  4. 王颖对原著进行了一系列增删和改写,并以这部电影赢得票房和口碑,跻身美国主流电影导演行列。

    Gordon white of the original work and a series of rewrite , and with the movie box office and win public praise , entering the mainstream American film director ranks .

  5. 在25年的电影生涯中,这位女演员的演技受到多次的肯定,并成了一些中国最优秀导演的缪斯,其中包括王家卫、张艺谋、王颖,还有关锦鹏。

    In a25-year-career , the multi-award-winning actress has been the muse to some of China 's greatest directors , including Wong Kar Wai , Zhang Yimou , Wayne Wang and Stanley Kwan .

  6. 第三部分主要从文化身份建构的三个层面&民族、阶级和性别层面进行深入分析,对王颖电影中的文化身份进行了梳理和探寻。

    The third part , mainly from the cultural identity of the three level-national , class , and gender , makes a deep analysis of the level of Gordon white in the film cultural identity reviews and explore .

  7. 第四部分从《喜福会》拓展到王颖的其他电影,继而得出王颖电影中文化身份的不确定性,指出其游离的文化身份认同。

    The fourth part from " the joy luck club " expanded to the Gordon white other film , and then draw Gordon white film of the uncertainty of the cultural identity , points out that its free of cultural identity .

  8. 过去我一般在火车站或售票点买票,但现在我都在家里网上订票。从安徽来京工作的白领王颖(音译)说。

    " In the past I usually bought train tickets at the railway station or its official agents , but now I always buy at home on my computer ," said Wang Ying , a white-collar worker from East China ` s Anhui province , who works in Beijing .