
However , Han People account for 75 % of the population There .
The population of large-scale inflow of Guizhou bring positive and negative impacts .
The Han ethnic group has the largest population , accounting for91.59 % of the total population .
The gene polymorphism of δ - aminolevulinate dehydratase ( ALAD ) in 530 cases of Chinese Han population
The huge Han population is the result of the intermingling of many nationalities over a long time .
The majority of minority nationalities is Uygur with the population of 9,650,629 . The population of Han nationality is 8, 239.245 .
Conclusion The frequency of the ALAD 2 allele in Chinese Han population was similar to that in Asian populations and lower than that in Caucasian population
Among the population of Han nationalities , neonate 's physical growth showed a significant difference at different altitudes Conclusion High altitudes could be an impact factor for physical growth of neonate .
During Qing Dynasty and the Republic China period , with the Han immigrants pouring into the Inner Mongolia grassland , the coexistence pattern of Mongolians and Han nationality came into being .
Both the film and the book depict the encroachment of the Han Chinese population on the Mongol plains , which leads to the killing off of the wolves and the gradual destruction of the grasslands .
Twelve ethnic minority nationalities-the Dai , Aini , Bulang , Jinou , Lahu , Awa , Yao , Hui , Zhuang , Yi , Bai , and Kucong-live here along with a substantial Han Chinese population .
Except for Han Nationality , Yi Nationality is the major population in Fengqing of Lincang , Yunnan .
Han Chinese makes up most of the population .
The Han people take up 92 percent of the total population of the country , leaving 8 percent for the other 55 nationalities .
As the nationality with the largest population in Guangxi , the traditional culture of Han Nationality is abundant in connotation , many and various in extraordinary splendour and greatly different among regions .
Among the Han people , which constitute a vast majority of China 's total population , the passage into adulthood is no longer celebrated , except in those very , very traditional families .
Today , Han Chinese from central and eastern provinces make up 70 per cent of the population in Korla .
The Han population accounts for the majority of the total population of the country , while the populations of ethnic minorities are in the minority .
The second chapter briefly Shihezi the history and ethnic groups , and use a chart shows the Shihezi city form in recent years the Han and the number of minority population changes and trends .