
  1. 汉族人口在昌吉地区占到75%多。

    However , Han People account for 75 % of the population There .

  2. 清代汉族人口大规模地流入贵州,给贵州带来了积极和消极的影响。

    The population of large-scale inflow of Guizhou bring positive and negative impacts .

  3. 在各个民族中,汉族人口最多,约占全国总人口的91.59%。

    The Han ethnic group has the largest population , accounting for91.59 % of the total population .

  4. 530例中国汉族人口δ-氨基乙酰丙酸脱水酶基因多态性分析

    The gene polymorphism of δ - aminolevulinate dehydratase ( ALAD ) in 530 cases of Chinese Han population

  5. 汉族人口多,也是长时期内许多民族混血形成的。

    The huge Han population is the result of the intermingling of many nationalities over a long time .

  6. 少数民族中以维吾尔族为主,人口达9650629人,汉族人口达8239245人。

    The majority of minority nationalities is Uygur with the population of 9,650,629 . The population of Han nationality is 8, 239.245 .

  7. 结论中国汉族人口的ALAD2等位基因频率与文献报道的亚洲人群的结果相近,而低于高加索人口

    Conclusion The frequency of the ALAD 2 allele in Chinese Han population was similar to that in Asian populations and lower than that in Caucasian population

  8. 在汉族人口中,不同海拔地区出生的新生儿体格发育具有显著性差异。结论高海拔环境对新生儿体格发育有影响。

    Among the population of Han nationalities , neonate 's physical growth showed a significant difference at different altitudes Conclusion High altitudes could be an impact factor for physical growth of neonate .

  9. 清代及民国时期,随着塞外移民的展开,内蒙古汉族人口大幅上升,形成与蒙古族交错杂居的格局。

    During Qing Dynasty and the Republic China period , with the Han immigrants pouring into the Inner Mongolia grassland , the coexistence pattern of Mongolians and Han nationality came into being .

  10. 影片和书中都描写了汉族人口对蒙古平原的侵入,导致狼群被杀,草原逐渐遭到破坏。

    Both the film and the book depict the encroachment of the Han Chinese population on the Mongol plains , which leads to the killing off of the wolves and the gradual destruction of the grasslands .

  11. 十二个少数民族傣族、爱呢族、布朗族、基诺族、拉祜族、阿佤族、瑶族、回族、壮族、彝族、白族、和苦聪族和大多数汉族人口住在一起。

    Twelve ethnic minority nationalities-the Dai , Aini , Bulang , Jinou , Lahu , Awa , Yao , Hui , Zhuang , Yi , Bai , and Kucong-live here along with a substantial Han Chinese population .

  12. 彝族,是凤庆县除汉族以外人口最多的民族。

    Except for Han Nationality , Yi Nationality is the major population in Fengqing of Lincang , Yunnan .

  13. 汉族占整个人口的大部分。

    Han Chinese makes up most of the population .

  14. 汉族占全国人口的92%,其他55个民族占8%。

    The Han people take up 92 percent of the total population of the country , leaving 8 percent for the other 55 nationalities .

  15. 汉族作为广西人口最多的一个民族,其传统文化内涵丰富,异彩纷呈,地域差别甚大。

    As the nationality with the largest population in Guangxi , the traditional culture of Han Nationality is abundant in connotation , many and various in extraordinary splendour and greatly different among regions .

  16. 汉族占中国人口的绝大多数。在汉族人中,除了那些非常传统的家庭,成人礼已不再举行。

    Among the Han people , which constitute a vast majority of China 's total population , the passage into adulthood is no longer celebrated , except in those very , very traditional families .

  17. 如今,来自中、东部省份的汉族人在库尔勒人口中占70%。

    Today , Han Chinese from central and eastern provinces make up 70 per cent of the population in Korla .

  18. 从各民族的人口构成来看,汉族一直占全国人口的绝大多数,少数民族的人口占少数。

    The Han population accounts for the majority of the total population of the country , while the populations of ethnic minorities are in the minority .

  19. 第二章简述了石河子市的历史沿革和民族构成,用图表形式展示了石河子市近年来的汉族及少数民族人口变化的数量与趋势。

    The second chapter briefly Shihezi the history and ethnic groups , and use a chart shows the Shihezi city form in recent years the Han and the number of minority population changes and trends .