
  • 网络Chinese bridge
  1. 阐述了汉语桥比赛的重要意义。

    Explained the significance of the " Chinese Bridge " competition .

  2. 第九届“汉语桥”中文大赛澳大利亚区决赛正在这里举行。

    The9th " Chinese Bridge " final round in Australia was convened here recently .

  3. 这已是中国第三次举办“汉语桥”世界中学生中文比赛。

    It was the third year China has held the contest .

  4. 那么,家齐的这次中国汉语桥之旅,又有哪些背后的故事呢?

    Are there any unknown stories of Jiaqi in his tour to Chinese Bridge ?

  5. 汉语桥能够增进世界人民友谊,促进世界多元文化共同发展。

    Besides ," Chinese Bridge " can promote the friendship and culture development of the world .

  6. 潍坊一中美国“汉语桥”夏令营篝火晚会现在开始!

    Now , the campfire party of the USA " the Chinese bridge " summer camp begins !

  7. 第五部分是汉语桥比赛对对外汉语教学的启示,主要体现在语音、口语、汉字、词汇等四方面。

    The fifth part is the revelation of the " Chinese Bridge " Competition for Foreign teaching Chinese .

  8. “汉语桥”完了,我们回国,我很担心我以后联络不到她们。不是每个韩国人都有这个机会。

    I 'm afraid I can 't get in touch with them after we returned to our separate homelands .

  9. 不少中东欧国家的青年学生踊跃参加汉语桥竞赛活动,并取得了优异成绩。

    Quite a few students from CEE countries have actively participated and excelled in the Chinese Bridge Chinese Proficiency Competition .

  10. 明年100名巴基斯坦高中生将应邀来中国参加汉语桥夏令营。

    Next year , 100 Pakistani high school students will be invited to participate in the Chinese Bridge Summer Camp in China .

  11. 第二届“汉语桥”世界中学生中文比赛复赛第一场日前在重庆电视台举行。

    The first semi-final of the2nd " Chinese Bridge " Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign High School Students held at Chongqing TV station recently .

  12. 而这也正是本文的出发点,是选择汉语桥作为课堂教学内容的原因之一。

    This is also the original intention of this article , and the reason for selecting Chinese Bridge Competition as the content of teaching program .

  13. 孔子学院作为“汉语桥”工程的主要项目,是中国文化发展“走出去”战略的重要举措。

    As the main program of the " Chinese Bridge " project , the Confucius Institutes play an important role in the " Going global " strategy for Chinese culture development .

  14. “汉语桥”中文比赛是一项旨在测试学生汉语学习技能的竞赛,而汉语被认为是世界上最难学习的一种语言。

    The Chinese proficiency competition " Chinese Bridge " tests student 's skills in various aspects of learning what 's often considered to be the most difficult language in the world .

  15. 10月28日晚,第三届“汉语桥”世界中学生中文比赛闭幕式暨颁奖晚会在重庆市人民大礼堂举行。

    The3rd " Chinese Bridge " Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign Secondary School Students and reward ceremony were closed in the Great Hall of the People of Chongqing on the evening of Oct.28 .

  16. 通过介绍什么是跨文化交际、文化和语言之间的关系,阐释文化与汉语桥比赛之间的联系,论述研究背景、研究内容和方法及研究意义。

    To give the general description of cross-cultural communication and introduced the relationship between culture and language . Try to explain the link between the subject and the " Chinese Bridge ", discourses the research background , content , methods and the meaning of the study .

  17. 汉语国际推广的正式确认以及被全面地采纳和实施,是在2003年《汉语桥工程》(2003-2007)颁布之后。

    It is after the enactment of " Project of Chinese Bridge " in 2003 that " the international promotion of Chinese " has been adopted and implemented .