
  1. 王琳者,1983年生于河南省清丰县也。

    Wang Lin was born in Qingfeng County Henan Province in1983 .

  2. 这件蓝色毛衣会是王琳的吗?

    Can this blue sweater be Wang Lin 's ?

  3. 王琳是我们的排球队队长。

    Wang Lin is the of the volleyball .

  4. 王琳表示自己考虑退出。

    Wang said she considered quitting .

  5. 当游客突然大发脾气,大喊大叫时,王琳感到很沮丧。

    When the tourist suddenly lost his temper , Wang became upset for being yelled at .

  6. 王琳很喜欢这个绰号。

    Wang likes this nickname .

  7. 请给王琳打电话。

    Please call Wang Ian .

  8. 据悉,王琳是上海第六医院的一名护士,她是从医院中拿的药物和注射器。

    Wang , a nurse at the Shanghai Sixth People 's Hospital , took the medicine and tools from the hospital .

  9. 不过就在第二天,由于帮助一位迷路的孩子找到自己父母,王琳得到来自各方的嘉奖。

    Still , the very next day , Wang received a reward of sorts when she helped a lost child find his parents .

  10. 在魔法世界里,千寻遇到了很多挑战。影片中狡猾的女巫由王琳配音,她想让千寻永远做她的仆人。

    In the magical world , she encounters challenges and a cunning witch , voiced by Wang Lin , who wants to keep Chihiro as her servant forever .

  11. 在未婚夫熟睡时,王琳又在其腹部注射胰岛素,致使因中枢神经系统和呼吸道衰竭而死亡。

    He fell to sleep soon after . Wang then injected insulin into her fiance 's abdomen , leading to his death as a result of central nervous system and respiratory failure .

  12. 来自复旦大学18岁的王琳(化名),回忆到自己向一名游客解释展馆前队伍如此长的原因。

    Wang Lin , an 18-year-old volunteer from Fudan University who asked that her name be changed , recalled trying to explain to a tourist why a line to visit a pavilion was so long .

  13. 2011年,王琳和未婚夫李明(化名)开始恋爱,经双方父母同意把婚期设定在2015年1月。

    In 2011 , Wang fell in love with her fiance Li Ming ( not his real name ) , and they set the wedding for January 2015 , with endorsement from parents of both sides .