
chāo rén
  • Superman;superhuman;be out of the common run;be out of common run
超人 [chāo rén]
  • [be out of common run; superhuman] 智能、体力、行为等超越常人的人

超人[chāo rén]
  1. 超人的第二自我是克拉克∙肯特。

    Superman 's alter ego was Clark Kent .

  2. 乔喜欢看《超人》的漫画书。

    Joe loved to read ' Superman ' comics .

  3. 人们开始觉得他超人一等。

    People were beginning to attribute superhuman qualities to him .

  4. 他在智力[体力]上是个超人。

    He is a superman in mental faculties [ physical strength ] .

  5. 想要读懂人心、穿墙或者拥有超人的力量听起来或许有点愚蠢,但事实上,这些想法说明了在生活中真正看重的东西。

    Dreaming about whether you would want to read minds , see through walls , or have superhuman strength may sound silly , but it actually gets to the heart of what really matters in your life .

  6. 他是个成功的演员,以“超人”电影而著名。

    He was a successful actor , famous for the Superman films .

  7. 这部电影把甘地描绘成一个超人

    The film portrays Gandhi as a kind of superman .

  8. 预知是超人的洞察力的一种形式。

    Precognition is a form of clairvoyance .

  9. 步入兆亚投资集团(searchinvestmentgroup)的办公区时,你会在大厅看到一座巨型波普艺术“超人”雕像。

    Step into the offices of search investment group and you will see a giant pop-art statue of Superman in the foyer .

  10. 在这个由超人形象合伙创作人杰瑞。西格尔继承人提起的诉讼中,华纳兄弟电影公司和DC漫画公司胜诉。

    The studio and DC Comics won a lawsuit filed by the heirs of the character 's co-creator Jerry Siegel .

  11. 我在脑袋里面把他们数了个过场:超人干了这个,蜘蛛侠干了那个,X战警又做了些别的。

    I rattled them off in my head : Superman doing this , Spider-Man doing that , the X-Men doing the other .

  12. 在那以后,DC漫画公司和华纳兄弟电影公司如要使用超人形象,都需要与他们签署金融协定。

    After that , neither DC Comics nor Warner Bros will be able to use Superman without a financial agreement with the heirs .

  13. 此人是学艺术的,还给美国第一大漫画公司DC设计过人物形象(超人和蝙蝠侠就是DC家的),他用南瓜雕刻出了一系列恐怖的鬼脸。

    Drawing on his background in art and his work in designing models for DC , Ray sculpts intricate horrific faces out of pumpkins .

  14. 很明显,x射线视觉来自于《超人》,他有看穿一切物质的魔力,铅除外。

    X-ray vision obviously comes from Superman . He just had the magic power to look right inside of anything , except for lead .

  15. 结合自主版权的超人CAD/CAM系统的开发,本文提出了一种适合于裁剪曲面图形显示的曲面三角化算法。

    Combined with the development of SuperMan CAD / CAM system owned copyright , the paper presents an algorithm of triangulation of trimmed surface for the surface rendering .

  16. 上个月,《好莱坞记者报》称这位35岁的演员因合约到期,将不再出演DC漫画电影中的超人一角。

    Last month , The Hollywood Reporter wrote that the 35-year-old actor will no longer appear as Superman in future DC Comics movies , as his contract is due to end .

  17. 该算法已经成功应用于超人CAD/CAM曲面造型及加工系统,主要用于快速原型技术(RPT)的STL文件生成,算法表现稳定。

    The algorithm is successfully applied to SUPERMEN CAD / CAM for generation of STL file used by rapid prototype technique ( RPT ) .

  18. 去年西格尔的继承人被授予《超人》的一半版权,最近的这项裁决意味着他们只能向DC漫画公司索要版权所得,而不是华南兄弟公司。

    The Siegel heirs had been awarded half the rights to Superman last year and this latest ruling means they can only claim profits from DC Comics and not from Warner Bros as well .

  19. 一位联邦地区法院的法官裁定,华纳兄弟电影公司就电影和电视节目中使用超人形象,比如《超人前传》,而向DC漫画公司支付的费用为公平市值。

    A US District Court judge has ruled that the fee paid by Warner Bros studio bosses to DC Comics to use the character in films and TV shows such as Smallville was at fair market value .

  20. 研究结果表明:100m跑优秀运动员具有理想的身体形态、超人的专项素质、合理的技术特点和良好的心理素质,这些是创造优异成绩的保证。

    The result shows that hectometer excellence athletes have ideal body configuration and superman specialty diathesis and reasonable technique and good psychology , which are pledge of excellent performance .

  21. 《蝙蝠侠大战超人》和《正义联盟》相继落败后,华纳兄弟公司希望最新版的DC蝙蝠侠电影能够获得成功,因此华纳给了里夫斯大量时间来打磨剧本。

    Warner Bros. , in giving Reeves plenty of time to develop the script , is hoping the latest iteration of the DC icon is done right , following the disappointments of " Batman v Superman " and " Justice League . "

  22. 就连有超人之称的香港首富李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)也折损了一半财富。李嘉诚掌管着一个不断发展壮大的商业帝国,足跨国际房地产、石油天然气以及电信等行业。

    Even superman Li Ka-shing , the city 's richest person , who heads a sprawling international property , oil and gas and telecommunications empire , had lost half his fortune .

  23. 激励她走上导演之路的电影中,有一部是1989年的武打科幻电影《机械超人》(Cyborg)。

    One of the films that made her want to direct was the 1989 martial-arts sci-fi film " Cyborg . "

  24. Herbert三年前还赢得了吉尼斯世界纪录,他拥有世上最大的超人纪念品收藏,其中包括玩偶,海报和珠宝。

    Herbert 's also been in the Guinness Book of Records for three years for owning the world 's largest Superman memorabilia collection which includes dolls , posters and jewellery .

  25. 社工KanChi-wai回忆说,我年轻一些的时候,人们都把李嘉诚称作超人。

    ' When I was younger , people called Li Ka-shing ' Superman , ' ' recalls social-worker Kan Chi-wai .

  26. 超人也是流行音乐中一个经久不衰的偶像,比如本尼·古德曼(BennyGoodman)1940年专为超人写的一首歌。又比如1966年结构精巧的百老汇音乐剧《超人正传》(It'saBird…It'saPlane…It'sSuperman)。

    Superman has also been a persistent icon in popular music , from a dedicatory piece by Benny Goodman in 1940 to the ingenious 1966 Broadway musical ' It 's a Bird ... It 's a Plane ...

  27. 我们甚至都不再把这位卡尔-埃尔(Kal-El)当成是超人。超人这个名字在整部影片中都没有提及,虽然它差点从埃米•亚当斯(AmyAdams)饰演的洛伊斯•莱恩(LoisLane)口中脱口而出。

    We won 't even be seeing this iteration of Kal-El as Superman , a name that goes unspoken throughout , though it almost escapes the lips of Amy Adams 's Lois Lane .

  28. 关于高谭市的具体位置,一直存在争议,一种说法认为它位于东海岸,而另一种观点认为它坐落在中西部,靠近超人的故乡大都会(Metropolis)。

    The location of Gotham city has always been a bit hazy , sometimes it was depicted on the East Coast , and a few times it was located in the Midwest , near Superman 's hometown of Metropolis .

  29. 新推出的这款名叫BraRangers的内衣得名于电视剧中的变形超人,与其配套的内裤口袋里还绣有“别用塑料袋!”的字样。

    The " Bra Rangers " -- named after the television characters that morph into superheroes -- come with matching underwear whose pocket has the inscribed message , " No more plastic bags ! "

  30. 在剧集中,超人问德希·阿纳兹(DesiArnaz)扮演的里奇(Ricky):你是说,你跟她结婚15年了?

    ' Do you mean to say that you 've been married to her for 15 years ? ' Superman asks Ricky ( Desi Arnaz ) .