
  • 网络supermoon;Super Moon
  1. 本次超级月亮将比其它月份圆月大14%、亮度提高30%。

    The supermoon will be up to 14 per cent bigger and 30 per cent brighter than other full moons during the year .

  2. 本周五(3月20日)将上演天文现象三合一:春分当天发生日全食,还能看到超级月亮。

    Friday , March 20 , will see an astronomical triple play when a rare total solar eclipse occurs on the same day as the vernal equinox , and a supermoon makes an appearance .

  3. 专家们却说超级月亮引起地震一说是没有根据的。

    However , in reference to the rumor , experts said it had no factual basis .

  4. 就历史而言,超级月亮和自然灾害是没有关系的。

    As far as history is concerned , the super moon has nothing to do with disasters .

  5. 京晶:但是今晚,这月亮会足够近得被称为超级月亮吧?

    But tonight the moon will be close enough to be called a super moon , right ?

  6. 周日距离英仙座流星雨高峰还有两天,而超级月亮将迎来圆月。

    On Sunday , two days before the meteor shower reaches its peak , the moon will become full .

  7. 这次将会发生在另一次的“超级月亮”时,月亮特别接近地球。

    This will be happening during another " super moon " when the moon at a particularly close approach to earth .

  8. 有人传言说超级月亮的出现,给人类带来了灾难:日本地震是超级月亮引起的。

    It was said that the super moon can bring disasters to man & Japan 's massive earthquake was an example .

  9. 月亮离地球38万千米,超级月亮只是比平时离地球近一些,与平均距离时的月亮相比稍微大了一些。

    The moon is380 thousand kilometers away from earth , and the super moon is just a little nearer than usual , compared with the average distance .

  10. 一些天文学家和其他人称之为“超级月亮”,月球会以椭圆形轨道绕地球运行,所以月球离我们星球的距离会产生不同。

    Some astronomer and others refer to it as a super moon because moon follows an elliptical orbit around the earth its distance from our planet varies .

  11. 马克:今晚有超级大月亮蓝色血月。

    Mark : There 's a super blue blood moon tonight .

  12. 7月12日也曾出现过超级大月亮的天象,同时9月9日还将出现新一轮超级月亮。

    An unusually bright full supermoon was also seen on 12 July , and another is due to appear on 9 September .

  13. 每2.72年就会出现一次蓝月,当月亮离地球更近,看上去更大了不就是一个超级大月亮吗?

    I know . A blue moon happens once every 2.72 years . Isn 't a super moon when the moon is closer to Earth and looks a lot larger ?