
chāo yàn
  • transcendent
超验[chāo yàn]
  1. 对主体来说,它们都既是内在的,又是超验的。

    For subjects , they are both immanent and transcendent .

  2. 于是,超验与经验在实践中统一起来。

    So transcendent and empirical are unified in practice .

  3. 亨利·大卫·梭罗(HenryDavidThoreau,1817-1862)是十九世纪美国超验主义哲学家、文学家、当代环境主义运动的先驱。

    Henry David Thoreau ( 1817-1862 ) is the 19 th century American transcendentalist , writer and the pioneer of modern environmentalism .

  4. 周一几十名粉丝涌入北京一家酒店,举着“约翰尼・德普我们爱你”的标牌,只为一瞥德普的风采。德普来到北京是为了宣传他即将上映的科幻惊悚片《超验黑客》(Transcendence)。

    Dozens of them swarmed a Beijing hotel Monday for a glimpse of the star armed with ' We love you Johnny Depp ' signs as Mr. Depp arrived to drum up hype for his upcoming sci-fi thriller ' Transcendence . '

  5. 曾主演《加勒比海盗》(PiratesoftheCaribbean)三部曲等大片的德普此次在《超验黑客》中扮演一位病入膏肓的科学家。他也是最新一位亲身上阵前往中国宣传影片的好莱坞明星。

    The star of movies including the ' Pirates of the Caribbean ' trilogy , Mr. Depp -- who plays a terminally ill scientist in ' Transcendence ' -- is just the latest of Hollywood stars to fly to China to promote their films in person .

  6. 为了吸引中国观众,DMG准备在中国市场特别推出3D版《超验黑客》,而且4月18日影片会在美国和中国院线同步首映,这是罕见之举,因为电影制片商对盗版问题通常存在很深忧虑。

    To target the Chinese market , they 're planning a 3-D version of ' Transcendence ' to be exclusively released in China , as well as a synced debut with the U.S. on April 18 -- a rare move , given high levels of concern about piracy among studios .

  7. 超验与悟道&象征主义与中国古典诗学

    Transcendence and Grasping the Truth & Symbolism and Chinese Classic Poems

  8. 艾米莉·狄金森;超验主义;自然观;再定义;

    Emily Dickinson ; Transcendentalism ; view of nature ; redefining ;

  9. 霍桑对爱默生超验主义的认同与批判

    Hawthorne 's Identity with and Criticism on Emerson 's Transcendentalism

  10. 他的荒野实践成就了他独特的自然观,他的自然观超越了他所在的时代,跳出了超验主义的藩篱。

    His special nature thoughts come from his wild practice .

  11. 沃尔登湖的超验主义者&亨利·大卫·梭罗的泛神论思想

    Transcendentalist of Walden & On Henry David Thoreau 's Pantheism

  12. 从超验主义的视角重新解读凯特·肖班的《觉醒》

    Re-interpreting Kate Chopin s the Awakening from the Perspective of Transcendentalism ;

  13. 第三,爱默生与超验主义。

    Third , it is about the relationship between Emerson and Transcendentalism .

  14. 美是超验的,超验的美就是善。

    Beauty is transcendental , and the transcendental beauty is the good .

  15. 第二章详细阐述了超验主义自然观在小说中的体现。

    Chapter Two elaborates the Transcendentalist views of nature in Little Women .

  16. 重塑本体论的现代诠释确立本体论的超验信赖

    Remolding the Modern Annotation of Ontology and Establishing the Transcendental Trust of Ontology

  17. 反思和批判了传统超验主义信仰观的思想误区;

    Meditates and criticizes the wrong thinking area of the traditional Transcendental belief ;

  18. 西方传统哲学的基本理路在于超验的思维方式建构,黑格尔之前的哲学都很好地传承了这一进路。

    Western traditional philosophy way of thinking is transcendental .

  19. 超验主义的主要代表人物是爱默生和梭罗。

    The representatives of transcendentalism are Emerson and Thoreau .

  20. 从基督的二性看爱默生的超验主义

    View Emerson 's Transcendentalism from Two Characters of Christ

  21. 联想回指分析回忆的超验意义&现代西方浪漫哲人论回忆

    Analysis of Associative Anaphora The Transcendental Meaning of Recall

  22. 本篇文章尝试从超验主义的视角对斯坦贝克的该部名著进行重新解读。

    This thesis attempts to reinterpret the work written by Steinbeck from transcendentalism .

  23. 然后本文讨论了人们在理性社会对超验自我的追求过程中产生的迷失状况。

    Then it discusses the selfhood missing in the pursuit of transcendental selfhood .

  24. 二是求知,即获求知识的过程;生活有两种基本形式:超验和经验。

    Life has two forms : transcendence and experience .

  25. 美国的文艺复兴&超验主义与美国民族文学的形成和发展

    American Renaissance-Transcendentalism and the Development of American National Literature

  26. 他和爱默生以及其他的超验论者在思想上也有相通之处。

    His thought had something in common with that of Emerson and other transcendentalists .

  27. 解读通感技巧中的超验价值

    Super Acids Ultra-micro Carrier Transcendental Values in Synaesthesia

  28. 霍桑、梅尔维尔与爱默生的新英格兰超验主义者团体之间的联系无拘无束。

    Hawthorne and Melville mingled freely with Emerson 's circle of New England Transcendentalists .

  29. 人生之谜和超验之美&体悟《红楼梦》

    Enigma of Life and Beauty of Transcendent Experience A Dream of Red Mansions ;

  30. 在一定意义上,超验原则乃是哲学与诗性智慧的契合点。

    In some sense , super-empiricism is the fusion of philosophy and poetic wisdom .