
chāo dà xínɡ yóu lún
  • VLCC;ultra-large crude carrier;super-large crude carrier
  1. 这条计划长达278公里的运河连接加勒比海(CaribbeanSea)和太平洋(PacificOcean),从尼加拉瓜湖穿过,可能导致附近的雨林消失并威胁到附近的原住民部落。这条运河还会使得超大型油轮从奥梅特佩岛的伊甸园旁边经过。

    The proposed 278km route , connecting theCaribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean , will carve through Lake Nicaragua , potentiallydisplacing the surrounding rainforest and threatening indigenous communities.The route will also bring the supertankers right past Ometepe 's Eden .

  2. 有很长时期,吨位最大的常用油轮超大型油轮(vlcc)每日进账不到1万美元,而运营成本一般超过2万美元。

    For long periods , very large crude carriers , the biggest commonly used oil tankers , have been earning less than $ 10000 for every day they operate , against operating costs typically above $ 20000 .

  3. 超大型油轮过马鞭洲航道时安全航速的探讨

    When ultra-large oil tanker horsewhip continent route the security speed discusses

  4. 各方普遍预测,随后将出现80至100艘超大型油轮和一些干散货船的订单。

    Expectations that orders for between 80 and 100 VLCCs and some dry bulk carriers will follow are widespread .

  5. 超大型油轮的投资决策经济分析经济可承受性及其在科研和开发决策中的应用

    The Economic Research of Investment Decision for Vlcc Economic Affordability and Its Applications to R & D Decision Making

  6. 受中国石油需求持续增长的推动,超大型油轮的运费每日约6万美元。

    China 's growing oil demand underpins rates for very large crude carriers , the largest commonly-used oil tankers , of about $ 60,000 a day .

  7. 船舶运输是海洋环境油污的主要来源之一,特别随着世界石油运输的迅速增长,超大型油轮的出现,海洋环境面临的威胁也越来越大。

    Shipping is one ever-increasing major oil pollution source of marine environment , especially with large amount of crude oil transshipped at sea with VLCC nowadays .

  8. “河北精神”号超大型油轮技术部经理们在星期五的一份声明中说,驳船上的起重机将油轮的三个油仓扎穿了很多孔。

    Technical managers of the MT Hebei Spirit said in a statement on Friday the crane aboard the barge punched holes in three of the tanker 's tanks .

  9. 如此大规模进口的原油,绝大部分需要通过海上运输,为了降低运输成本,就必须要用超大型油轮承运,与之相匹配,需要建设具有大规模接卸能力的港口及码头设施来完成接卸和中转任务。

    Such a large-scale import of crude oil needs marine transport . In order to reduce the transportation cost , it is necessary to use large tanker carriers and large-scale ports and terminal facilities to complete discharge and transfer tasks .

  10. 格尔指出:我们开始再次在城市里聚集,和伙伴们碰面,发扬我们的文化,而不只是从甲地到乙地,人们试图让这艘超大型油轮调个头。

    We started to gather in cities to meet with our fellow man again and develop our culture , rather than just to get from A to B , and there were attempts to turn this super-tanker around , Gehl says .

  11. 斯托普福德指出,船东把巨额资金押在一艘船上(一艘新的超大型油轮仍耗资逾1亿美元),希望两三年后的市场将让其挣得可接受的回报。

    Mr Stopford points out that owners bet tens of millions of dollars per ship – a new VLCC still costs more than $ 100m – in the hope that markets two or three years hence will earn it an acceptable return .