
  • 网络transport competition
  1. 秦皇岛港煤炭运输竞争形势分析及对策

    The Coal Transport Competitive Situations Analysis and Countermeasures of Qinhuangdao Port

  2. 重视运输竞争对运输市场的影响作用

    Stressing the Influence of Transportation Competition on Transportation Market

  3. 为加强铁路同成渝高速公路运输竞争的能力,必须在保证乘客乘坐舒适性的情况下,大幅度提高铁路旅客运输的运行速度,同时,要尽量减少投资,降低运输成本,降低票价,吸引旅客。

    In order to improve the competition with the Chengdu-Chongqing high grade express way , it 's necessary to increase significantly the riding speed on railway passenger transport and to ensure comfort not worse at the same time .

  4. W航运有限公司一直在珠三角地区经营集装箱支线运输,竞争压力非常大,公司在营运过程中面临着很多严峻的问题。

    W Shipping Co. Ltd. has been operating in container feeder service of Pearl River Delta region with great pressure of competition .

  5. 其次,本文分析了上海港集装箱运输的竞争格局,使用SWOT分析法对上海港的竞争战略展开了研究,并提出了相应的建议。

    Then , Shanghai 's container transport competitive pattern was analyzed . By adopting the SWOT method , the research carried out the competitive strategy of Shanghai and gave some suggestions .

  6. 基于以上的预测值和SWOT分析对天津港集装箱运输的竞争策略进行了分析,包括发展天津港集装箱运输的相关目标,任务以及具体的措施及策略。

    Based on the above forecasts and SWOT analysis of the Tianjin Port Container Transport competitive strategy analysis , including the development of Tianjin Port container transport-related objectives , tasks and specific measures and strategies .

  7. 铁路虽有安全、量大、舒适、方便的优势,由于当前交通运输业竞争激烈,因此必须提高运行速度到140km·h-1或160km·h-1以缩短旅客在途时间。

    Although the railway is superior in safety , mass transportation , comfort and convenience , keen competition in the current carrying trade .

  8. 道路运输市场竞争与垄断结构分析

    An Analyses on Competitive and Monopoly Market Structure of Road Transportation

  9. 中国的运输工业竞争激烈。

    Fierce competition agitates the forwarding agents industry in China .

  10. 提高对客户的服务水平是公路运输企业竞争的主要策略

    Improvement of Service : a Major Measure for Transport Operator in Competition

  11. 长江水路与沿江运输的竞争分析

    The competition analysis of the waterway and railway along the Yangtze river

  12. 提升铁路运输企业竞争优势的薪酬战略

    Remuneration Strategy for Improving the Competence of Railway Enterprise

  13. 中国外贸运输业竞争结构浅析

    Analysis for Competition Structure of China Foreign Trade Transportation

  14. 满足旅客需求是参与旅客运输市场竞争的基础条件。

    That meeting passenger demand is the basic condition for participating market competition of passenger transport .

  15. 亚美航线集装箱运输市场竞争策略研究

    Research on Asia-America Liner Compete Strategy

  16. 他也帮助铁路保持足够的效率以应对即将到来的卡车运输的竞争威胁。

    He also helped railroads remain efficient enough to compete with the coming threat from trucking .

  17. 近年来交通运输市场竞争日趋激烈,铁路要保持其优势,必须要优化运力资源,提高效率。

    With the fierce competition of transportation , railway must optimize resources and improve efficiency to maintain its advantages .

  18. 现在,航空运输业竞争激烈,很多航空运输公司采取低成本运营策略。

    Now , the competition of air transportation industry is so intense that many airline take low-cost operating strategy .

  19. 分析了中长途旅客运输市场竞争环境以及运输通道内既有线和客运专线合理分工。

    The share of a railway transportation channel and competition in medium and long distance passenger traffic market were analyzed .

  20. 现时要考虑其他运输方式竞争和国家经济政策对运量的影响;

    Nowadays the influence of competition from other modes and the national economic policies on ridership must be taken into account .

  21. 航空运输市场竞争日趋激烈,要使我国航空公司在激烈的竞争中生存和发展、并保持和创造竞争优势,成本管理是其重要保障。

    Cost management is important for the development and advantage of our airlines in the aerial transportation market with increasing competition .

  22. 1995年之后,因国内、国际经济环境的变化,直接导致航空运输市场竞争激烈。

    After 1995 , along with the changes of domestic and foreign economic environment , came the fierce competition in the air transportation market .

  23. 对运输市场竞争比较激烈且产品价格已经放开的货物运输实行市场定价。

    The prices of those goods transport that have intense competitions in transport market and open prices to market should be determined by market .

  24. 同时中国航空市场不断对外开放,大量的国外航空公司进入中国,开辟飞往中国的航线,中国航空运输市场竞争加剧。

    At the same period , Chinese aviation market opened to foreign countries and many foreign aviation companies swarmed into China to develop new skyways .

  25. 物流运输业竞争日益激烈,加强质量管理和控制是其生存和发展的关键。

    It is a key to reinforce the quality management and control to struggle for existence and development during logistic transportation in competition day by day .

  26. 随着民航运输市场竞争越来越激烈,如何合理、有效地制定航班计划就成为航空公司对未来发展进行决策的重要内容。

    With competition becoming more and more intense in air transport market , how to formulate flight scheduling reasonably and effectively becomes important content of airline decision .

  27. 在当前运输市场竞争全面加剧的形势下,必须培植市场观念,研究营销策略,强化营销手段;

    Under the current situation of intensified competition in the transportation market , the railway must foster market sense , study business strategy and strengthen marketing method .

  28. 在各种运输方式竞争激烈的背景下,作为新生力量的高速铁路如何在成熟的既有交通运输方式中发挥优势,是个重要的研究课题。

    In the background against the fierce competition of various modes of transport , how the high-speed rail to expand the existing strengths is an important research topic .

  29. 东亚地区经济贸易的不断发展,导致有关港口之间集装箱运输的竞争空前激烈,已进入白热化状态。

    The constant development of economy and trade in East Asia has led to unprecedented intense competition among ports in container transportation , which has now reached a perfervid state .

  30. 随着运输市场竞争的日益激烈,进一步完善铁路电子商务体系增值系统是扩大铁路市场占有率、大力发展铁路市场营销的关键。

    With the drastic competence of transportation market , perfecting accessional system of railway electronic business system is the key problem how to increase railway market proportion and develop railway market .