
yùn jià
  • Freight rate;transportation cost;freight bill
运价 [yùn jià]
  • [rate] 客运或货运的单位运费;特指根据政府管理机关的规定正式公布的运费

  1. 经济危机下航运运价与美国GDP的回归分析

    Regression analysis between US GDP and shipping freight rate under the economic crises

  2. 作为衡量大宗商品航运成本的关键指标,波罗的海干散货运价指数(balticdryindex)在过去一年里已上涨了一倍多。

    The Baltic Dry Index , a key measure of commodity shipping costs , has more than doubled in the past year .

  3. 基于EDI的集装箱运价指数生成与技术分析

    Study of the Compilation and Technical analysis of Container Freight Index based on EDI

  4. 至于全球贸易,波罗的海干散货运价指数(balticdryindex)较2008年最高水平下跌了三分之二,但仍高于过去10年的普遍水平。

    As for world trade , the Baltic Dry Index is two-thirds lower than its 2008 peak but higher than where it has generally traded over the past 10 years .

  5. 鉴于干散货运价指数的非线性特征,本文提出了结合混沌时间序列分析的相空间重构和支持向量机(SVM)的混合预测模型,探讨并阐述了混合模型的预测原理及建模思路。

    Secondly , this paper discusses the modeling idea and develops a hybrid forecasting model based on Support Vector Machine ( SVM ) and chaotic time series theory .

  6. 远期运费协议(干散货FFA)是目前被广泛应用的一种能有效规避运价波动风险的方式。

    Forward freight agreement ( FFA ) is an effective way to avoid freight fluctuation risk has been widely used .

  7. 铁路运营商联合太平洋铁路公司(UnionPacific)因为提高基本运价,上季度销售额增加了13%,该公司计划在2014年前回购4000万支公司股票。

    Railroad operator Union Pacific ( unp ) , whose sales rose 13 % in the last quarter because it was able to raise freight prices , plans to acquire 40 million shares by 2014 .

  8. 对于供给预测,运用计量经济模型对供给、需求、运价、GNP、进出口贸易额等多变量之间复杂的相互关系进行动态模拟,定量的反映出各变量之间的因果关系;

    As to supply forecast , I use econometrics model to describe the complicated relationship of demand , supply , BDI , GNP etc.

  9. 为更好地分析干散货运价变化的内在机制,论文在一定理论假设基础上,依据供需结构建立联立方程(SE)模型,对市场供给变化如何判定,市场供需如何决定运价变化做出了分析。

    In order to analyze how the demand and supply of dry bulk market determines the freight rate , I proceed to establish a SE ( simultaneous equation ) based on some theoretical hypothesizes .

  10. 本文提出了基于FFA价格和TC价格的向量误差修正模型VECM(TC,FFA),提高了即期运价的预测精度。

    The paper establishes a Vector Error Correction model based on TC price and FFA price , increasing the prediction of the future spot freight rates .

  11. 其中,远期运费协议(FFA)是近几年来发展起来的一种能够有效地管理运价风险的运费金融衍生品。

    Among them , the Forward Freight Agreement ( FFA ) is a recently developed shipping freight derivatives which can effectively manage the risk of freight fluctuation .

  12. 直到2008年初反应国际干散货海运价格的波罗的海干散货综合运价指数(BDI),从2004年的3000多点一路上涨到接近12000点。

    Until the beginning of 2008 , Baltic Dry Index ( BDI ) has risen to nearly 1,2000 points from more than 3000 points in 2004 .

  13. 上周五,衡量大宗商品航运成本的“波罗的海干散货运价指数”(bdi)遭遇了其有史以来的最大跌幅,跌至2221点,跌幅为11%。

    The Baltic Dry Index , a measure of shipping costs for commodities , suffered its biggest drop on record on Friday , falling 11 per cent to 22211 .

  14. 为了提高Dijkstra算法对铁路货物运价里程计算的有效性,提出了一种铁路网络及相关信息的动态数据结构。

    In order to raise effectiveness of using Dijkstra algorithm to compute railway freight rate distance , a dynamic data structure of railway network and relative information is proposed in this paper .

  15. 全球大宗商品航运成本基准指数波罗的海干散货运价指数(bdi)已跌至4个月前水平的四分之一。

    The Baltic Dry Index ( BDI ) , the global benchmark for the cost of shipping commodities , has slumped to a quarter of its level four months ago .

  16. 之后,利用联动运价公式,通过实例分析,计算相应联动运费,并将其与指数运费对比,构建VaR-GARCH模型进行风险测度。

    Then , by means of comparing the linkage freight and index freight , it got the VaR-GARCH model to measure the risk .

  17. 随着国际干散货贸易的繁荣和运价波动性的加大,在过去几年里FFA市场也得到较大发展。

    The volume of FFA trades has significantly increased over the past few years along with the prosperous international dry cargo trade and the volatility of freight rate . This paper analyzes the uncertainty of international dry cargo shipping market .

  18. 通过与ARIMA模型和神经网络模型进行比较,预测结果分析表明,SVM混合模型子啊BDI序列的单步和多步预测中具有较高的预测精度,能够更好地把握运价指数的变化趋势。

    Compared with the ARIMA model and BP neural network model , the numerical analysis shows that the SVM hybrid forecasting model has higher accuracy both in BDI single-step and multi-step prediction and is better able to grasp the development trend of BDI .

  19. 同时,为解决通过对货物流的准确分析和运输成本的准确计算以确定有市场竞争力的运价等问题,都迫切要求进一步提高铁路信息化建设,加强EDI与电子商务在铁路运输领域的应用。

    And to decide the competent transportation price by certain analysis of goods stream and certain calculation of transportation cost , it is of great urgency to improve the construction of rail information and strengthen the application of EDI and EC in rail transportation .

  20. 此外,欧元区危机、美国经济复苏迟缓和中国经济增长放缓,导致波罗的海干散货运价指数(BDI)今年以来下跌56%。波罗的海干散货运价指数是衡量船运成本的行业基准。

    Also , the eurozone crisis , the slow recovery in the US and a slowdown in Chinese economic growth have sent the Baltic Dry index – an industry benchmark of shipping costs – down 56 per cent this year .

  21. 本文将广泛应用于研究时变序列特征的GARCH模型应用于国际干散货运输市场,分析干散货运价指数的波动规律以及产生上述波动的原因,并对得到的模型进行简单的评价分析。

    This article will be widely used to study time-varying sequence features GARCH model is applied to the international tanker transport market analysis of dry bulk freight index fluctuation of the cause of the fluctuations , and the model for simple evaluation and analysis .

  22. 以波罗的海国际干散货运价指数(BFI)为研究对象,分析其长期趋势性波动规律,得到BFI的长期波动服从幂函数模型。

    The fluctuation nature and forecasting model of Baltic freight index ( BFI ) are researched . Firstly the power function model is proved to match the long-term fluctuation of BFI through analysis of the tendency .

  23. 本文将金融研究中广泛使用的GARCH模型应用于国际油轮运输市场,考察运价指数波动规律,分析波动形成的原因,并对其进行简单的评价。

    The GARCH model is an important type of time series model and has already been widely used to model economic and financial time-series data . This thesis applies it in international tanker freight market to explore the rules and reason of volatility and makes a concise assessment .

  24. 并通过典型案例论证了船东及货主都能利用BIFFEX的期货交易,或锁定运费收入,或锁定运费支出,从而达到规避运价风险的目的。

    Reasoning from some typical cases that ship owner and consignor can both make use of BIFFEX 'S optional exchanges ; either lock the earnings or the payout of freight , moreover achieve the aim of eluding the freight risk .

  25. 由于集装箱运输市场受到多种因素的影响,由中国出口集装箱运价指数(CCFI)的历史数据构成的时间序列信号中含有很多噪声。

    As the container transport market is affected by many factors , there is a lot of noise in the time series signal which is constituted by the historical data of the China Container Freight Index ( CCFI ) .

  26. 提供优惠合理的运价,维护客户利益。

    Provide preferential and reasonable freight rates and guaranty clients interest .

  27. 推进运价改革加快铁路进入市场步伐

    Promoting Tariff Reform Accelerating the Pace of Railway Entering the Market

  28. 要提高高运价货物的发货比重;

    The proportion of high tariff cargo transport should be increased ;

  29. 我国原油、天然气管输运价形成机制研究

    Research for China Oil and Gas Pipeline Transporting Price Forming Mechanisms

  30. 基于灰色关联理论的油轮运价指数波动分析

    Fluctuation analysis of tanker freight rate based on grey relativity theory