
  • 网络space science;Cosmic Science
  1. 宇宙科学引进了许多新词汇。

    Space science has introduced many new words .

  2. 佐贺县立宇宙科学馆,日本

    Saga Prefecture Space Science Museum , Japan , 1999

  3. 她觉得研究宇宙科学更重要。

    She finds space research more important .

  4. 随着精密机械、惯性技术和宇宙科学等学科的发展,超高精密零件在这些领域有着重要用途。

    The manufacturing and measurements of the ultra precision hardware have been more and more important with the development of the science of precision machinery .

  5. 这个理论处于目前所有宇宙科学以及大量的不同粒子如何运转的核心。

    That idea lies at the heart of all current science of the cosmos and of how the vast variety of particles that make it up behave .

  6. 宇宙科学大大深化了人们对宇宙起源和演化的认识,为了解物质结构和相互作用提供了新的统一图景;

    Space science has helped people deepen their understanding of the origin of the space and its evolution , providing a new panoramic picture of the structure of matters and their interaction .

  7. 对宇宙的科学解释。

    A scientific explanation of the universe .

  8. “大爆炸学说”是目前大多数科学家所接受的关于宇宙的科学学说。

    " Big Bang Theory " is the scientific theory of the universe accepted by most of scientists .

  9. 他们是最近在第40届月球和新球大会上,以及宇宙射线科学国际研讨会活动上宣布了此次发现。

    They announced the discovery recently at the40th Lunar and Planetary Conference and at the Proceedings of the International Workshop Advances in Cosmic Ray Science .

  10. 霍金曾在2014年的奥斯卡获奖电影《万物理论》中由埃迪雷德梅尼饰演。周六那晚,73岁的他谈及了宇宙以及科学中的未解之谜。

    Hawking , 73 , who was portrayed in an Oscar-winning performance by Eddie Redmayne in 2014 's The Theory of Everything , spoke about the universe and mysteries of science .

  11. 探索宇宙是人类科学的永恒主题

    Exploration of the universe is an eternal theme of the science for mankind

  12. 略论霍金无边界宇宙模型的科学及哲学意义

    On Hawking 's No-Boundary Universe Model

  13. 《易经》的阴阳八卦和六十四卦是宇宙模式的科学写照,它既符合辩证法,又适合系统论。

    " Book of Changes ," describes the Eight Diagrams and64 divinatory trigram models is the scientific portrayal of the universe , it is dialectics , and suitable systems theory .

  14. 然而在最近几十年里,静态宇宙模型在科学界已经让步于一种更难理解的观点,认为宇宙中充满着暴力。

    In recent decades , however , the Steady State model of the universe has yielded in the scientific mind to an even more difficult idea , full of cosmic violence .

  15. 那年,在他的业余时间里,他为一家杂志写了3篇有关物理学的论文,物理则是物质、能量和宇宙构成的科学。

    That year , in his spare time , he wrote three papers for a journal about physics , which is the science of matter , energy and what the universe is made of .

  16. 原子分子物理-研究宇宙物质的基础科学

    Atomic and molecular physics-the fundamental science for studying cosmic matter

  17. 人类对宇宙有一种科学的态度,也有一种道德的态度。

    There are both a scientific and a moral attitude toward the universe .

  18. 在这种情况下,宇宙可能完全遵照科学定律进行自我包含和自我抉择。

    In that case , the universe could be self contained , and determined completely by the Laws of Science .

  19. 这是一篇有关利用中微子属性来探测宇宙之典型自然科学文章中之第一个段落。

    Virtually everything astronomers known about objects outside the solar system is based on the detection of photons-quanta of electromagnetic radiation .

  20. 答:天文学是研究天体和浩瀚宇宙的一门科学,是自然科学基础学科之一。

    Answer : astronomy is a science that studies celestial body and vast universe , it is one of Science Foundation course .

  21. 当科学派将科学作为一种全息的视野审视宇宙人生时,科学视野的独断化就导致了科学主义的产生。

    When Scientology takes science as a holographic vision of the universe and life , the scientific view of the arbitrariness leads to the emergence of scientific doctrine .

  22. 真空紫外波段的应用在表面物理研究、宇宙物理、生命科学、半导体光刻技术等方面有着极为重要的作用。

    Highly Reflecting mirrors for vacuum ultraviolet has been widely used in various field , such as surface technology research , cosmic physics , life sciences and lithography for semiconductor and so on .

  23. 宇宙宗教感情是科学创造中客观存在的情感因素,主体的这种情感的激发,是推动科学革命的主要动力之一。

    Through an analysis of the emotional elements of the subject in the scientific creation & the emotion of the universe and religion , it reveals profoundly that the emotional stimulation of the subject is one of the main force of promoting the scientific revolution .

  24. 本文考察了宇宙演化与宇宙结构、生命科学与医学、气象科学等领域,指出,这些领域中朱熹的思想,与道家、道教确实有渊源关系。

    The thesis analyses cosmology , life science and medicine , meteorology , etc. , and points out that Zhuxi 's points in these subjects are Taoism by origin .

  25. 第三部分通过对爱因斯坦宇宙宗教感情的分析来探讨宇宙宗教感情与科学信念的关系。

    The third part studies the relation of the religious affection to cosmos and scientific faith throw the analysis of Einstein 's " religious affection to cosmos " .

  26. 我们接下来要说的并不是那部名声大噪的奇幻电视剧《权力的游戏》,而是一部名为《宇宙:一段时空奥德赛之旅》(以下简称为《宇宙》)的科学记录片。

    No , we are not talking about the hit fantasy series Game of Thrones , but rather , a science documentary series titled Cosmos : A Spacetime Odyssey .

  27. 如果说“宇宙大爆炸理论”是正确的,那么整个宇宙和所有的生命都可以算作是意外之喜。这里的大爆炸指的是天体物理学关于宇宙起源的科学理论,可不是美剧《生活大爆炸》。

    If the big bang theory is correct - the scientific postulate , not the TV show - then the universe and all life as we know it is one big happy accident .