
  • 网络google earth;NASA;satellite image;satellite photo
  1. 本文介绍了采用大幅遥感卫星照片和DEM数据生成真实场景和使用IRISPerformer开发工具,实时绘制真实场景的技术;

    This paper introduces a technology that large remote sensing satellite image as texture and DEM data are used in generating reality scene and IRIS Performer develop tool is used in real-time rendering reality scene .

  2. 下图为长城的卫星照片。

    Below is a satellite image of the great wall .

  3. 在这个Web站点上,您可以浏览整个地球的地图和卫星照片,而无需刷新页面。

    Here is a Web site that lets you browse maps and satellite photos of the entire Earth without ever having to refresh the page .

  4. 问题1:是何原因导致了出现在美国航天局(NASA)卫星照片中的厚厚云朵?

    Q1 : What has caused the thick clouds in the photos taken by a NASA satellite ?

  5. 本文提出了用于地物分类的ZS区域生长法,并据以对东洞庭湖卫星照片(简称卫片)进行了地物分类实验研究。

    ZS region growing method is proposed for surface feature classification .

  6. 美国宇航局的科学家利用新的三维卫星照片和来自该局Aqua卫星的大气红外探测器(AIRS)的数据重新追踪了这个气旋的路径。

    The NASA scientists retraced the cyclone 's path using new three-dimensional satellite images and atmospheric data from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder ( AIRS ) instrument on NASA 's Aqua satellite .

  7. 马来西亚公布了在南印度洋发现122个物体的最新卫星照片,它们位于此前发现的两组碎片附近。这为搜寻失踪的马来西亚航空公司(MalaysiaAirlines)MH370航班提供了最新线索。

    Malaysia has disclosed new satellite images of 122 objects that were spotted near two earlier sets of debris in the southern Indian Ocean , providing the latest clue in the hunt for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 , writes Jeremy Grant in Kuala Lumpur .

  8. 而后对地面的卫星照片作了光学方向滤波。

    Then , optical directional filtering for the satellite-photograph is performed .

  9. 卫星照片的线性破裂解译

    The interpretation of the linear fractures on the Landsat photoes

  10. 运用遥感卫星照片分析黄河河口近期演变

    Analysis of Recent Evolution of the Yellow River Estuary by landsat images

  11. 我有在观察上次流星雨的卫星照片。

    I was looking into the satellite imagery from the first shower .

  12. 现今,卫星照片由于自身所具有的审美价值而受到了人们的喜爱。

    Satellite photos are appreciated for their aesthetic value now .

  13. 一种基于卫星照片的大地形仿真方法

    Method of Large Area Terrain Simulation Based on Satellite-picture

  14. 专家们能把航空和卫星照片与地形数据起来。

    Experts can combine pictures taken from airplanes and satellites with topographical data .

  15. 美国情报科学学会拍下这个岛的卫星照片

    A.S.I.S. took satellite images of the whole island .

  16. 这些结果与实测资料及卫星照片判读结果一致,证明了统计方法的有效性。

    These results coincide with those obtained from interpretations of measured data and satellite photos .

  17. 研究人员从卫星照片中无法分辨牛群的头尾。

    They couldn 't tell a cow 's head from its tail in the satellite pictures .

  18. 宇航员使用的作为测量卫星照片的参照的精确网络。

    A network of fine lines used by astronomers as a reference for measurements on star photographs .

  19. 用可调光锥系统获得卫星照片大尺度空间频谱的初步研究

    Preliminary study by using adjustable optical cone system to obtain big space frequency content of satellitic pictures

  20. 标准的天线或卫星照片是三段数据集,其中包含红、绿、蓝段。

    Standard aerial or satellite photographs are three-band datasets consisting of red , green , and blue bands .

  21. 今年1月中旬,外国军事和情报官员通过卫星照片首先发现了舞水端里的发射准备活动。

    Outside military and intelligence officials in mid-January first observed preparations at that site , called Musudan-ri , via satellite photography .

  22. 当然,有人可能会问那些上面有我家房子的卫星照片是不是侵犯个人隐私呢?

    Of course , one might ask whether the satellite images that show my house are an invasion of my privacy .

  23. 去年,北约也曾发布卫星照片,佐证有关俄罗斯参与战争的说法。照片显示了俄罗斯军队在乌克兰境内的火炮阵地。

    Last year , NATO also issued satellite photographs of Russian artillery positions inside Ukraine to support its allegations of Russian involvement .

  24. 即便是在晴朗的日子里,承德钢铁排放的污染也如此浓烈,以至于从该市的卫星照片也可看到。

    Even on a clear day , pollution from Chengde Steel is so thick it can be seen on satellite images of the city .

  25. 综合利用地面地质、航磁、重力、卫星照片、三维地震等资料,可以更加有效地解释和评价走滑断层。

    The strike-slip fault can be accurately interpreted and evaluated with the combination of data of surface geology , air-magnetic , gravity , land-sat image , 3-D seismic , etc.

  26. 该方法包含了测线、控制点、地形图、卫星照片等多种信息,在准噶尔盆地石油物探中得到了广泛的应用。

    The method includes various information such as survey line , control-point , topographic drawing and satellite photo etc and is gained broad application in petroleum exploration of Junggar basin .

  27. 如:医学图像的分析,全景视频监控系统,集成大型的航空和卫星照片及虚拟现实场景的构建等。

    For example , the analysis of medical images , the panoramic video surveillance system , integrated large-scale aerial or satellite photos , construct the virtual reality scene and so on .

  28. 该软件可以在桌面电脑上运行,只需要暂时访问互联网从而下载卫星照片&这对于互联网接入情况差的国家是一个优点。

    The software can be operated on a desktop computer and requires only brief access to Internet to download the satellite images & an advantage for countries suffering from poor Internet access .

  29. 新的卫星照片显示,中国在南中国海填海所造土地上的建设工程进展领先于其他国家。目前,至少有两个重要工程已接近完工。

    China is racing ahead with construction projects on reclaimed land in the South China Sea , new satellite images show , with at least two major projects now close to completion .

  30. 两年前发布的卫星照片显示,在伸入海湾的半岛远端,还坐落着一座洞窟似的入口,通往巨大的地下潜艇基地。

    And according to satellite pictures published two years ago , on the far side of a peninsula that juts into the bay lie the cavernous entrances to a vast underground submarine base .