
  • 网络gps;global positioning system
  1. 浅谈卫星定位仪GPS在森林调查中的应用

    Application of GPS in Forest Survey

  2. 渔民和其他人需要阅读公告和使用GPS全球卫星定位仪来避开保护区。

    Fishermen and others will need to read published notices and use GPS to stay out of the protected areas .

  3. Cosworth公司PiGarda的心脏是一个黑盒子,将感应器传来的资料纪录在里面,例如加速度感测器计算G力和卫星定位仪判定位置和速度。

    The heart of Cosworth 's Pi Garda is a black box that logs data from sensors inside it , such as accelerometers to measure g-forces and a satellite positioning system to determine position and speed .

  4. 建议在林业生产中开发和推广卫星定位仪技术。

    Also it is suggested that we should develop and extend the satellite position technology into forest production .

  5. Trimble4700卫星定位仪点位放样中偏移功能的开发与应用

    The Development and Application of Point Stake - out for Trimble 4700 . the point bounded . MATCH POINT

  6. 在准实时法中,利用差分卫星定位仪给出的地理坐标,根据中分纬度法、墨卡托法或波林法算得航迹向与对地速度的真值。

    For quasi-real-time method , the real-values of COG and SOG are calculated by Mid-Latitude , Mercator or Bowring sailing method , the geographic coordinates obtained from DGPS are taken as the original datum of the three sailing method s.

  7. 卫星导航定位仪的设计及在炮位侦校雷达中的应用

    Satellite Nevigation Device and Its Application in Artillery Location Radar