
  • 网络SETI;extraterrestrial intelligence;extraterrestrial civilization
  1. 于是,几年前,我开始对地外文明探索工程产生了浓厚的兴趣。

    So a few years ago , I actually started getting very interested in the SETI program .

  2. 加利福尼亚州搜寻地外文明学会(SETIInstitute)的资深天文学家塞思·肖斯塔克也表现得非常谨慎,并不急于将这些粒子称为生命。

    Seth Shostak , a senior astronomer at the SETI Institute in Mountain View , California , also was cautious in calling the particles alive .

  3. 人们称这一探索计划为“地外文明搜寻计划”(SearchforExtraterrestrialIntelligence,简称SETI)。

    It 's a program known as SETI , the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence .

  4. SETI是一项利用全球联网的计算机共同搜寻地外文明的科学实验计划。

    SETI is a scientific experiment that uses Internet-connected computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence ( SETI ) .

  5. 不久前,美国天体物理学家表示,地外文明搜索研究所(SETI)一直以来探索宇宙外星文明信号的方法可能并不正确。

    The SETI Institute , listening to the cosmos for signs of signals from alien civilizations , may be monitoring the wrong " channels ," a U.S.astrophysicist says .

  6. 地外文明搜索协会((Seti)的科学家们使用火星轨道勘测器上的红外观测仪器对尼利福萨岩石群进行了研究。

    Scientists from the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute ( Seti ) used infrared light from an instrument on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to study the Nili Fossae rocks .

  7. 搜寻地外文明计划(Seti)的支持者说,我们应该启动搜寻地外文明计划,发出讯息,而不仅仅是接收,希望能够在浩瀚宇宙中找到其他智慧生命。

    Proponents of Seti ( Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence ) have said we should consider Active Seti - sending out messages , rather than just listening , in the hope someone is out there .

  8. 1977年8月15日,天文学家杰瑞·艾曼在俄亥俄州卫斯理公会派大学的一个搜寻地外文明项目中,如往常一样查看由“大耳朵”电波望远镜留下的报表,但这时他根据所看到的内容在稿纸之外写下“Wow!”。

    On August 15 , 1977 , astronomer Jerry Ehman , working on a SETI project at Ohio Wesleyan University 's Perkins Observatory , glanced as usual at the prints generated by the radio telescope known as the " Big Ear , " but what he saw this time made him write " Wow ! " on the printout .

  9. 遥感影像在地外文明探索中发挥作用

    Performance of remote sensing images in the research of out-earth civilization

  10. 仅仅发现一个地外文明世界就会具有很深的意义。

    Discovering just one extraterrestrial civilization would have profound significance .

  11. 至于哪个系统更可能发现真正的地外文明信号?

    Which system is more likely to detect a true signal from aliens ?

  12. 然后在1993年,国会突然关闭所有联邦搜寻地外文明的资金。

    Then in1993 , Congress closed all federal search outside civilized fund suddenly .

  13. 多时空与地外文明地外文明探索与超光速研究

    Exploration of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence and Research on Faster-than-Light

  14. 多时空与地外文明在外晚餐

    Multi-spacetime and civilization outside the world dinner out

  15. 他们发现了一些某个地外文明的线索。

    They found signs of an alien civilization .

  16. 所以,最近就主动探寻地外文明的好处方面,有讨论会开始向社会科学家寻求意见。

    Consequently , recent conferences on the merits of active SETI have sought the advice of social scientists .

  17. 许多为地外文明探索潜心工作的人在努力寻找地球外存在生命的迹象。

    Many dedicated men and women at the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence work hard to discover the existence of life beyond our planet .

  18. 是不是这些基因码是地外文明的编写者为所有生命形式所编写,然后就以某种方式存放在这里,以备执行?

    Was the genetic code for all life on Earth written by an extraterrestrial programmer and then somehow deposited here , for execution ?

  19. 携带地外文明世界信号的那种类型的波可以用两种方法之一来确定其方向或偏振。

    The type of wave that would carry an extraterrestrial civilization 's signal would be oriented , or polarized , in one of two ways .

  20. 诸多担忧中有一条,是否要诚实展现人类丑陋的一面。我们需要告诉地外文明我们有战争和不公正现象吗?

    Among their worries is whether to be up front about humanity 's seamy side : Should we tell the extraterrestrials about war and injustice ?

  21. 不过最近,被称作“主动探寻地外文明”的想法引发了诸多讨论,刮起了一场争议的风暴,甚至蔓延到了学术界。

    But recent arguments for what 's termed active SETI have loosed a storm of controversy , one that has even washed into the halls of academe .

  22. 科学家将利用这个超级望远镜研究宇宙演化,了解引力的性质,寻找地外文明等。

    Scientists will use the super telescope for research on the evolution of the universe , understanding the nature of gravity , search for extraterrestrial civilizations and more .

  23. 正如在宇宙中搜索地外文明作为一个开始,现在可以让世界各地的计算机用户参与到引力波搜索到气候变化的研究等课题中去。

    What began as a search for intelligent beings in the universe , now enables computer users around the world to take part in research on topics from gravitational waves to climate change .

  24. 技术发达程度足以威胁我们的地外文明必定拥有比我们更大的天线等强大设备,能够接收二战以来人类发送的杂乱的电视信号和无线电信号。

    Any extraterrestrials with technology advanced enough to threaten us will surely have antennas larger than our own , instruments that can pick up the television and radio signals broadcast willy-nilly since World War II .

  25. 由于无法测量这种危险,一些批评者提出,考虑到主动寻找地外文明可能造成的威胁,我们宁可慎重,应当禁止向外太空进行大功率传输。

    The inability to gauge this peril prompts some critics to argue that , given the possibly existential threat posed by active SETI , we should choose the side of caution . We should simply forbid powerful transmissions to the skies .

  26. 关于地外生命与地外文明探索的几点讨论

    Several points on extraterrestrial life and extraterrestrial civilization exploration

  27. 此外,这颗系外行星是目前科学研究的热点,在地外生命探索领域的领导者SETI(地外文明探索)机构看来尤其如此。

    Furthermore , this exoplanet is one of science 's most notable subjects , particularly in the eyes of the SETI ( Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence ) Institute , a leader in the exploration for extraterrestrial life .