- 网络earthquake action;seismism

Internal force and displacement response regularity of H-BSS at different earthquake action or different pre-stress and strut numbers were deduced .
Finally , a 7-floor hybrid masonry-concrete structures strengthened with CFRP excited by El-Centro earthquake is analyzed .
The Push-over analysis program made by the author can analyze the behavior of structure and judge structural weak place ;
The response mechanism of the mega_sub controlled structural system with additional columns subjected to vertical seismic action is studied in this paper .
Making use of Lagrange 's equations , the differential equations of motion of the cable - stayed pipe bridge system are established .
And also , the steel towers atop buildings can be seen as a TMD system to control the structure passively .
The first theorem of dynamic shakedown is employed as a part of the constraint in order to prevent potential accumulative collapes while a structure works plastic state during earthquake .
Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method is used to study large sloshing of water in large scale U-shaped aqueduct , and to discuss the vibration responses of aqueduct structure with different water levels under sinusoidal loads and earthquake action .
MR-TMD also has great control effect when factory structure is suffering earthquake .
The results indicate that Push-over method is an effective method to carry out elastic analysis of structure under the action of rare occurence of earthquake at present , P - Δ effect becomes more and more apprent with the degradation in structure yield and structure stiffness .
The experiment 's results indicate that FPS is an effective isolated device which can length the natural period and reduce the earthquake effect on upper structure .
Through the pushover analysis , we have researched on the effect of the slab-thickness and floor-number on the aseismic performance of the prestressed slab-column structure under different aseismic action levels .
Tri-liner model of reinforced concrete beam and column is needed during the process of deformation calculation of RC structure under large earthquake . The Mc . , My , and α of the tri-linear model can be calculated with different method .
Fiber model is used to calculate the interaction of biaxial bending deformation in reinforced concrete columns . The effect of the system parameters on inelastic torsional response is evaluated : stiffness eccentricity es , yield strength eccentricity ep and lateral period T.
Based on the results of K8 single layer spherical lattice shells , seismic responses of single layer lattice shells under vertical and horizontal earthquake excitations are obtained .
For this example project , the minimum cross-sectional dimension of the steel columns under seismic action should not be less than370X370 × 16 × 16mm .
Multiple tuned mass damper ( MTMD ) is proposed to be adopted in the design to control the light pier top displacement under seismic load so that light pier needs not to be very ductile .
In the " Code for seismic design of buildings ", the expression of the damping coefficient in horizontal direction is not agreeable to its definition and the specified distributive form of seismic action of base isolation buildings is incongruent with the practical situation .
Dynamic response of the Oroville Earth Dam in U. S. A. under an earthquake of intensity ⅶ is investigated by using 3-D analysis of effective stress considering the diffusion and dissipation of seismic pore water pressure .
The performance analysis and results comparison between MRF and HADAS-frame indicate that the structural deformation and column shear force are significantly reduced , and the energy dissipation capacity of the structure is increased so that the damage and injury of major structure can be decreased or even avoided .
And analyze its dynamic behavior compared to the self-supporting method .
An Investigation on Aseismic Behaviours of Railway Tunnel Lining During Earthquake
Study on the Calculation Model for Flat-plate Structures under Earthquake Action
Seismic Analysis of Tall Steel Buildings Considering Deformation of Composite Slabs
The Static Pushover Analysis of Big Chassis Structure under Severe Earthquakes
An improved simplified method for seismic action design of base-isolation buildings
Study on dampers in new structural system subjected to seismic loads
As the structure for seismic action is a random process .
Shear Modulus and Damping of Cohesive Soil Under Earthquake Loading Conditions
Effective mass of shallow-sea artificial island in case of seismic action