
yán xìnɡ pò huài
  • ductile failure
  1. 例如,对于钢筋来说,遭受拉应力和剪应力会发生延性破坏,而对于CFRP筋来说,则会发生脆性破坏。

    For example , a ductile failure takes place for steel bars subjected to tensile and shear stresses , while brittle failure takes place for CFRP bars .

  2. 构件发生弯曲破坏时跨中发生了较大变形,属于能够给人明显破坏征兆的延性破坏。

    The flexural destruction happened with great deformation during the failure , belonging to the ductile failure with obvious sign of damage .

  3. 试验结果表明,采用HRB400级钢筋的混凝土构件具有较好的受力性能,均实现了延性破坏。

    The testing results indicate that the HRB400 reinforced concrete members worked well and have obvious failure marks .

  4. 《港口工程结构可靠度设计统一标准》(GB50158-92)按照构件在达到临界状态后发生脆性破坏、延性破坏等的不同模式,对单个构件可靠性分析,给出了其相应的可靠性指标。

    " The unified standard for structure reliability design of port engineering " ( GB50158-92 ), according to different pattern which members will occur such as brittleness damage and ductility damage after reaching critical state , has analyzed the reliability of single member and given its corresponding reliability index .

  5. 使加固截面的破坏形态呈延性破坏趋势。

    Thus the reinforced section should be present ductility failure tendency .

  6. 抗震结构的等效延性破坏准则及其子结构试验验证

    Equivalent ductility damage criteria of earthquake-resistant structures and their verification by substructure method

  7. 冷锻材料延性破坏判据的研究

    A Criterion for Ductile Fracture in Cold Forging

  8. 针对延性破坏指标和强度破坏指标,计算了不同地震烈度下建筑物震害的严重程度,及5种破坏状态的发生概率,给出了震害率曲线。

    Two seismic fragility curves were presented according to the intensity damage index and the deformation damage index .

  9. 主要的半延性破坏为上弦节点连接处螺栓孔的扩大。

    The main half ductile breakages of the specimen are the enlargement of the bolt hole in the joint .

  10. 结果表明,含橡胶颗粒的砂浆试件和混凝土试件在弯曲过程中会产生明显的塑性变形,试件不会在承受最大荷载时产生脆性断裂,而是经过较大的塑性变形后延性破坏。

    The results show that the rubberized mortar and concrete specimen exhibited ductile failure and underwent significant deformation before fracture .

  11. 从结构体系而言,本结构体系可改变剪力墙破坏形式,使其实现延性破坏,从而改善结构的抗震性能。

    As a matter of structural system , it may transfer the original shear wall failure mode to the ductility destruction for improving structural anti-seismic capacity .

  12. 对比梁在经过200万次疲劳循环加载后的静力试验中仍表现出良好的延性破坏特征;

    It can be seen from the results that the control beam had good plastic property in the static failure experiment after two million fatigue loading circles .

  13. 目的研究使钢管-钢骨混凝土组合柱发生延性破坏时所需要确定的轴压比限值。

    The study aims to find out the proper limited values of axial compression ratio of the steel tube-steel concrete composite column under the condition of ductility damage .

  14. 后者属于延性破坏,失效后造成的损失情况前者远远大于后者。

    The former is brittle failure and the latter is ductile failure , and the loss value of brittle failure is further greater than that of ductile failure .

  15. 结果表明,延性破坏构件在荷载组合G+Q1下β平均值为3.6,在G+Q2下β平均值为2.8;

    The main results are as following : The average β value for complex loading G + Q_1 and G + Q_2 under ductile failure are 3.6 and 2.8 ;

  16. 曲线表明,大部分的连接模型都呈现延性破坏,连接的强度和刚度都随板件的厚度以及连接件直径的增加而增大。

    And the curves show that most models present ductile failure , and the connection strength and stiffness increase with the thickness of the plates and the diameter of the connection .

  17. 得到当前铁路钢桥承载能力极限状态校准目标可靠指标值:对于主要为延性破坏的铁路钢桥而言,安全等级为一级、二级、三级的目标可靠指标分别取4.7、4.2和3.7。

    For the steel railway bridges with ductile fracture , the target reliability index of the first-level , second-level , third-level of safety classes are separately 4.7 、 4.2 and 3.7 .

  18. 混凝土中掺入橡胶颗粒后,在破坏时产生较大的变形,破坏形式由脆性破坏变为延性破坏。

    Due to the addition of rubber granules , the deformation of concrete will be larger in damage , and the damage form will be changed from brittle fracture to ductile fracture .

  19. 若将连梁中的普通混凝土变为钢纤维混凝土,势必会提高普通连梁的承载力和耗能能力,在地震作用下达到延性破坏的设计理念。

    If we replace the common concrete in coupling beams with steel fibre reinforcing concrete , there is no doubt that both bearing capacity and energy dissipation capability of coupling beams will be enhanced .

  20. 本文在塑性变形能量守恒的基础上,考虑到静水应力分量对材料延性破坏的影响,提出了冷锻材料较为适用的延性破坏判据,并作了实验验证。

    By considering both the conservation of energy of plastic deformation and the effect of hydrostatic pressure on the ductile fracture , a criterion for ductile fracture of material under cold forging is proposed and verified by experiment .

  21. 但是混杂纤维改善了混凝土构件的变形性能,使之从脆性破坏变为延性破坏。(4)掺入混杂纤维后显著提高了混凝土的弯曲韧性。

    But hybrid fiber improves the deformation performance of concrete members ; the brittle failure of concrete is changed into ductile failure . ( 4 ) After incorporation of hybrid fibers , flexural toughness of the concrete is significantly improved .

  22. 结果表明:电杆的抗裂度和卸载系数比较高,表现出良好的裂缝闭合性能和变形回复性能,裂缝呈短细非贯通分布状态,并呈现出一定的延性破坏性质。

    It is proved that the cracking-strength and the unloading coefficient of the pole is higher , the performance of crack closing and deformation recovery is well , the crack distribution states short-thin and unlinked up , and the ductile failure property is improved .

  23. 本文根据作者对各种形状裂隙所作的应力分析和模型试验研究所得结论,阐明岩石在常温下出现脆性破坏和延性破坏特性的各自应力条件。

    According to the results of our tracking analysis by the finite element method and model tests simulating various crack conditions ( or states , geometries ), the authors discussed the mechanism and the stress condition at brittle failure as well as at ductile failure of rock in ambient temperature .

  24. 使用有限元软件ANSYS模拟本文中的钢筋混凝土梁的抗弯加固试验,分别在承载力、刚度和延性、破坏形态以及二次受力性能等方面对试验结果和有限元结果进行了对比分析。

    Flexural behaviors of RC beams strengthened with various FRP are simulated via software Ansys . From the aspects of bearing capacity , stiffness and ductility , failure type and initial loading , etc. test results and numerical results are compared .

  25. 据此,建立基于最大主剪应变的岩土材料延性剪切破坏应变准则;

    The strain criterion for ductile shear failure based on the maximum principal shear strain is established .

  26. 我们分析其承载力、刚度、变形、延性和破坏形态等。

    Load-bearing capacity , stiffness , deformation , ductility , and failure modes were discussed based on the test results .

  27. 然后将该模型用于加固梁抗弯性能的参数影响分析,主要考察了承载力、刚度、延性和破坏模式等方面。

    And then an extensive parameter influence analysis is given mainly focused on capacity , rigidity , ductility and failing modes .

  28. 以前的震害和试验研究表明:普通配筋的连梁,仅通过纵筋与箍筋的配筋比率的调整来避免脆性剪切破坏以实现延性弯曲破坏基本是不可能的。

    The results indicate that it is impossible to avoid shear failure only by adjusting the ratio of the longitudinal reinforcement to the transverse reinforcement .

  29. 钢管混凝土构件延性好,破坏时变形较大,而FRP混凝土构件破坏呈脆性,破坏时变形较小,破坏发生突然。

    It also shows that concrete-filled steel tubular member has bigger deformation at failure due to its good ductility while FRP concrete member fails abruptly , presenting brittleness with less deformation .

  30. 结果表明:混凝土材料在被动围压下,延性、抗破坏能力得到加强,具有明显的增强效应。

    It is indicated that ductibility and damage resistance of concrete materials increase under passive confining pressure .