
zhōng zhèn
  • Moderate earthquake;middle seisms
中震[zhōng zhèn]
  1. 大楼所有的玻璃都在爆炸中震碎了。

    The explosion shattered all the windows in the building .

  2. 文章还给出了分析实际地震记录中震相偏振特性的PP(PolarizationPosition)图方法及震相识别和相位对比中的最佳分量追踪法。

    Tracking component in phase correlation and polarization position in polarization analysis were given in this paper .

  3. RC框架结构在中震作用下不同性能目标的弹塑性分析

    Elastoplastic Analysis of RC Frame Structures under Moderate Earthquake with Different Performance Objectives

  4. 中震下RC框架结构的失效相关性分析

    Coal shaking ; Failure correlation analysis of RC frame structure under medium earthquake

  5. 根据射线理论对二维盆地型场地与P波波列特征的关系、波列中震相的性质及其产生的原因等进行了研究。

    The relationship between site structures and the characteristics of P-wave-trains , and the nature of the coda waves in P-wave-trains are studied in this paper according to asymptotic ray theory .

  6. 主要阐述了结构中震弹性设计和中震不屈服设计的基本概念和SATWE软件的实现过程。

    The basic concept of elastic design and un-yield design under intermediate earthquake , and the realizing of the design using SATWE software are introduced .

  7. 利用Monte-Carlo随机模拟方法,分别通过小震和中震下的失效相关性分析,得出了框架结构截面效应约束的失效相关性规律,并将其简化为便于可靠性分析的假设。

    Using Monte-Carlo simulation method , through failure correlation analysis of sectional constraints under medium and small earthquakes respectively , the failure correlation rules of sectional constraints of frame structure are obtained , and they are simplified into hypothesis which can be used in reliability evaluation of existing frame structure .

  8. 许多窗户在爆炸中震碎了。

    The shock of the blast shattered many windows .

  9. 钢筋混凝土框架中震可修标准及简化抗震设计方法

    Repairable level under moderate earthquake action and seismic design method for RC frame buildings

  10. 地震波中震相检测、识别是地震学研究的一个基础性和关键性工作环节。

    Detection and identification of seismic phase is a key project in seismological research .

  11. 中震作用下框架结构截面约束的维修失效相关性分析

    The correlation analysis of maintenance failure of sectional constraints for frame structure under medium earthquakes

  12. 长波辐射时空序列剖面中震兆特征的研究

    A study on anomaly characteristics before earthquake in the time space sequence sections of outgoing longwave radiation

  13. 建筑结构中震可修性能指标的确定方法

    A New Method to Determine the Performance Index of " Repairable under Moderate Earthquake " for Buildings

  14. 对薄弱连接板和转换厚板,采用中震承载力极限状态设计法。

    The transfer plate and weak-linking slab were designed by the ultimate strength design method under medium earthquake .

  15. 在进行大跨度结构计算与优化时,分别考虑了常遇地震、中震与罕遇地震作用;

    The frequent earthquake , moderate earthquake and rare earthquake effects are calculated in the optimum design of the structure .

  16. 按照等超越概率原则确定不同后续服役期内小震、中震和大震的重现期。

    The recurrence periods of minor , moderate and major earthquake in different re-service periods are calculated based on equal exceeding principle .

  17. 在中震和罕遇地震作用下,双行程可变阻尼力摩擦阻尼器的减震效果均略优于了向心式摩擦阻尼器。

    In the moderate and strong earthquake , double stroke damping force variable friction damper damping effect are slightly better than the centripetal type friction damper .

  18. 以某隧道Ⅴ级围岩浅埋段为例,分别求解了小震、中震及大震作用下隧道结构最不利位置处的可靠度指标。

    Shallow part of Jinzhou tunnel as for example , reliability of most disadvantageous position of tunnel structure under minor earthquake , moderate earthquake , major earthquake action respectively .

  19. 如果你在户外,请迅速转移到空地上,远离建筑物、电源线以及其它可能在地震中震倒的危险物品。

    If you 're outside , move to an open area that 's away from buildings , power lines and other potential hazards that could be knocked down during an earthquake .

  20. 结果表明,由中震地震动参数换算得到的小震、大震地震动参数不具备一致概率水平,不同概率水准下基岩峰值加速度的比值与地震环境密切相关。

    The results show that minor and major earthquakes calculated from moderate earthquake have not consisted probability and the ratios of bedrock peak accelerations under different exceeding probabilities are closely correlative with earthquake environments .

  21. 总之,当受到中震或强震时,半刚性连接比完全刚性连接更快的进入非弹性,因此考虑它的耗能能力十分重要。

    In a word , since semi-rigid connections , when subjected to moderate or strong earthquakes , become inelastic more quickly than their fully rigid counterparts , consideration of their energy absorption capacity is important .

  22. 结果表明,在现有的抗震设防水准下,遇有大震或中震发生时,目前陈列状态的绝大多数文物均存在倾覆和滑移安全隐患。

    Computing results show that , under the condition of large or medium earthquake on the fortification level , for most of the cultural relics under the existing setting form , hidden hazards due to overturning and slippage exits .

  23. 采用基于承载力的抗震设计方法所设计的剪力墙在保证承载力方面有一定的可靠性,但无法预知结构在大震作用甚至中震作用下的真实反应。

    RC shear walls that are designed by capacity-based design method have a certain reliability in ensuring the capacity , but can not predict the real response of the structures under the effect of rare earthquake even design earthquake .

  24. 目前我国的抗震规范规定结构抗震设计时,要进行小震作用下的承载力、弹性变形验算和大震作用下的弹塑性变形验算,而对于中震涉及的内容很少。

    The current seismic code in our country rules the examination of the bearing capacity of and elastic deformation under small earthquakes and elastoplastic deformation under strong earthquakes , which seldom refers to the relative contents under intermediate earthquake .

  25. 得出了地铁车站框架结构在天津波、人工波(中震)及人工波(小震)作用下的地震反应(动内力、动位移)。

    Seismic responses ( including dynamic internal force and dynamic displacement ) of Tianjin subway station frame , under action of Tianjin wave 、 artificial wave ( middle earthquake ) and man-made wave ( small earthquake ), are come out .

  26. 定义一个事件过程中震时位移量和无震位移量之和为全过程总位移量,并且定义α为震时位移量与总位移量之比值。

    The sum of coseismic displacement and aseismic displacement in a process of an event is defined as the total displacement amount in the whole process , and a is defined as the ratio of co-seismic displacement to the total displacement .

  27. 但小震设计时,结构内力调整系数值复杂,例如特一级和一级抗震等级下的柱剪力调整后超过中震弹性下的柱剪力,使结构抗震性能不易把握。

    While using the minor earthquake design method , the adjustment factor of the structure internal forces is complicated , for example , the adjusted column shear of the super or first grade seismic design will exceed the column shear under a moderate earthquake .

  28. 由于经济的原因,建筑物的抗震设计遵循大震不倒,中震可修,小震不坏的原则,即要求结构在地震作用下,允许产生一定的损伤。

    Because of economic and security reasons , structure engineers must follow the seismic design of buildings & " earthquake does not collapse , the shock can repair , minor earthquake " principle , which called for the structure under earthquake , allowing the damage to some extent .

  29. 中震作用下,框架柱未有屈服或刚屈服;大震作用下,损伤主要集中在底层和顶层,框架柱起到了二道防线的作用。

    Under medium earthquake , steel in columns did not yield or just yielded ; under large earthquake , damage of columns concentrated at the bottom and top floors , damage at the other floors was not great , columns could be the second fortification line for earthquake .

  30. 结果表明,多数按规范设计的框架结构可以达到中震可修目标,但仍有少数(超过10%)的框架结构可能不能满足中震可修的目标要求。

    The result shows that majority of RC frame structures , which according to two-phase design method , can achieve repair performance target , however , these are still a few ( more than 10 % ) frame structures may not meet the repair performance target under moderate earthquake .