
zhōng yī
  • traditional Chinese medical science;doctor of traditional Chinese medicine;practitioner of Chinese medicine
中医 [zhōng yī]
  • (1) [traditional Chinese medical science]∶中国传统的医学

  • (2) [doctor of traditional Chinese medicine]∶用中国的医学理论和方法治病的医生

中医[zhōng yī]
  1. 结论:中医白虎汤加减治疗莱姆病有较好的效果。

    The conclusion : the traditional Chinese medical science white tiger Tonga subtraction cures Lyme falls ill has better effect .

  2. 中医学术是中国古代传统文化的独特产物。

    Traditional Chinese medical science is the unique outcome of Chinese traditional culture .

  3. 最好还是病向浅中医。

    It is best to treat the disease early before it takes a hold .

  4. 中医医院装上了电子计算机来抓药。

    The hospital of traditional Chinese medicine installed a computer to fill prescriptions .

  5. 老中医把自己的医术传给年轻一代。

    The old man passed on his knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine to the younger generation .

  6. 乔治在他的中医学习方面取得了惊人的进步。

    George has made extraordinary progress in his study of Chinese medicine .

  7. 中医认为筋络不通人就容易生病。

    According to traditional Chinese medicine , one gets sick if his veins get blocked .

  8. 我很犹豫,因为我对中医知之甚少,并且从未尝试过。

    I was hesitant because I knew so little about it and have never it before .

  9. 从她的描述中,中医听上去仿佛有着神奇的力量,能够制造奇迹。

    From her description , Chinese medicine sounded as if it had magic power that worked wonders .

  10. 然后有一天课后,一个学生找到我,并向我推荐了传统中医。

    Then one day after class , a student came up to me and recommended traditional Chinese medicine .

  11. 中医为我把脉并看了我的舌头,这对我而言是全新的经历,因为在西医中,从未有过这些方法。

    The Chinese doctor took my pulse and asked to see my tongue , both of which were new experiences to me because they are both non-existent in Western medicine .

  12. 推拿和针灸是两种重要的中医治疗类型。

    Massage and acupuncture are two other important kinds of TCM .

  13. 我甚至参观了一家著名的中医院。

    I even visited a famous traditional Chinese medicine hospital .

  14. 中医是中国文化的重要组成部分。

    TCM is an important part of Chinese culture .

  15. 但中医认为这是错误的。

    But TCM thinks it 's wrong .

  16. 中医在这方面很有帮助。但是特殊的是,针对一些健康问题,中医不会给你开药。

    TCM helps to do that . Quite specially , for some health problems , a doctor of TCM will not give you medicine .

  17. 他怎么了?事实上,他只是去看了一位中医然后做了"拔罐"。

    What happened to him ? In fact , he just visited a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) and had " cupping " .

  18. 中医界热切期盼,这部法律尽快通过并出台。

    We hope the law can be passed and issued soon .

  19. 中医师用它来解蛇毒。

    Chinese physicians used it as an antidote for snake poison .

  20. 全国人大代表、中国中医科学院院长张伯礼

    Zhang Boli , NPC deputy and president of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences

  21. 可喜的是,本届人大已经把中医药立法列入计划。

    It is good to see the NPC has put it on the legislation agenda .

  22. 直到去年,她尝试着用中医调理,症状才有所好转

    Until last year , she tried to use medicine recuperates symptoms , only better .

  23. 他们决定把孩子转到距离和田1400多公里的乌鲁木齐新疆医科大学附属中医医院。

    They decided TCM hospital of Xinjiang Medical University in Urumqi , which is more than 1400 kilometers from Hotan prefecture .

  24. 目前,小男孩还要经过7天的危险期观察。5月1日凌晨2点10分,小男孩终于来到了乌鲁木齐新疆医科大学附属中医医院。

    It was at 2:10 am on May 1 when the seven-year-old finally arrived at the affiliated TCM hospital of Xinjiang Medical University in Urumqi .

  25. 国家应出台更多鼓励措施,鼓励中医学科毕业生到基层工作。

    In addition , the country needs to launch more incentive2 policies , including encouraging more graduates from traditional Chinese medicine schools to work at the grassroots level .

  26. 目前中国的中医院不足全国医院总数的6%,无法容纳大量的毕业生。

    Also , less than 6 percent of the country 's hospitals are specialized in traditional Chinese medicine , which is not enough to take in a large number of graduates from TCM schools .

  27. WTO与高等中医药教育的人才培养

    WTO and the Talent-training of College Education of Chinese Medicine

  28. 心脏X综合征的中医治疗

    Treatment of Cardiac Syndrome X by Traditional Chinese Medicine

  29. 冠心病冠状动脉造影结果、同型半胱氨酸及C反应蛋白与中医证型关系的研究

    Study on Relationship between Coronary Arteriography , the Levels of Hcy and Hs-CRP and TCM Syndrome Differentiation-type in Coronary Heart Disease

  30. 慢性萎缩性胃炎患者性别和病情轻重与中医证型显著相关(均为P<0.05)。

    In CAG there was significant relationship between gender and state of illness and five TCM syndrome-types ( P < 0 . 05 ) .