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  1. 南北朝民歌也是人民的口头创作,是汉乐府民歌之后出现的又一批民歌。

    Folk songs of the Northern and Southern dynasties were created orally by people in the wake of Yuefu songs .

  2. 南北朝民歌对后来唐朝的诗人有很大的影响。

    Folk songs of the Northern and Southern dynasties had great influence on poets of the Tang Dynasty ( 618-907 AD ) .

  3. 中国脍炙人口的南北朝乐府民歌《木兰辞》被美国迪斯尼公司搬上了银幕,制作成了大型动画片《Mulan》,在全球赢得了票房佳绩。

    The Chinese popular ballad Ode of Mulan was shot by Walt Disney Company as a cartoon Mulan , which gained great success in the world .