
  • 网络Copa Sudamericana;Copa Nissan Sudamericana
  1. 该球队此行是为参加南美杯决赛--被誉为球队史上最重大的比赛。

    The team were flying to what was billed as the biggest match in their history - the final of the Copa Sudamericana .

  2. 南美超级杯赛。

    The South American Super Cup .

  3. 警方表示,这些沙佩科恩斯球队的球员正和球队官员、随队记者及其他人一道,前去与哥伦比亚的国民竞技队(AtléticoNacional)举行南美球会杯(CopaSudamericana)足球赛的决赛。飞机在麦德林机场的进场航路上坠毁。

    The Chapecoense players , along with team officials , journalists and others , were on their way to play Colombia 's Atl é tico Nacional in the final of the Copa Sudamericana when the aircraft crashed on its approach to Medell í n airport , said police .

  4. 今晚,如果卢卡斯雷瓦的南美解放者杯梦想得以实现,那么他将重现伊斯坦布尔的奇迹。

    Lucas Leiva will require an Istanbul style miracle if his Copa Libertadores dream is to be realised in Brazil tonight .

  5. 何塞·穆里尼奥于昨晚在巴西观看科林蒂安与河床之间的南美解放者杯第二回合的比赛。

    Jose Mourinho was in Brazil last night to watch the second leg of the Copa Libertadores between Corinthians and River Plate .

  6. 我的职业生涯至今都非常幸运,为民族队效力,踢了南美解放者杯,也赢得了美洲杯冠军。

    So far in my career , I have been very lucky ; to play for Nacional , to play in the Copa Libertadores , to win the Copa America .

  7. 罗拉尔多与科林蒂安的合同原本在今年年底到期,但是科林蒂安早在新赛季的南美解放者杯上出局,再加上伤病的侵袭,罗拉尔多认为提前告别足坛“是时候了”。

    Having earlier indicated that he hoped to play on until the end of the year , injuries and Corinthians'early elimination from the Copa Libertadores prompted him to bring forward his retirement .