
  • 网络neutrality;neutralizing attitude
  1. 中立态度不存在显著的性别差异。

    There is not significant gender difference in neutralizing attitude variance .

  2. 学生的学业作弊现状对学生的中立态度有很强的预测作用。

    Academic cheating has a great effect on students ' neutralizing attitude .

  3. 新闻工作者在政治上应持中立态度。

    Journalists are supposed to be politically neutral .

  4. 他们一直持中立态度。

    They have maintained a consistently neutral stance

  5. 问题不在安格拉默克尔(angelamerkel)身上,她本人在德拉吉和魏德曼的对立中采取了中立态度。

    The problem is not Angela Merkel , who has taken a neutral position in the Draghi V weidmann contest .

  6. 学生对作弊的中立态度强度有随着年级的提高而增加的趋势。

    But with grade ascending , the neutralizing attitude strengthens .

  7. 我们在这一事件上将保持中立态度。

    We 'll take a neutral stance on this issue .

  8. 仲裁员是解决双方当事人争议的持中立态度的人。

    An Arbitrator is a neutral person who resolves disputes between parties .

  9. 意大利在这次战争中表明中立态度。

    Italy had declared for neutrality in this war .

  10. 马卡斯:我不肯定,他采取中立态度。

    Marcus : I 'm not sure . He 's sitting on the fence .

  11. 埃利逊持中立态度。

    Ellison has occupied a middle position .

  12. 在论文中,奥贝特和布鲁姆对这一争论持中立态度。

    In their report , Dr. Aubert and Dr. Brumm took no sides in the debate .

  13. 总统对这个问题采取中立态度,希望公众会忘掉它。

    The president is straddling the fence on this issue , hoping the public will forget it .

  14. 活动,但我依然可以保持我在报道中的客观中立态度。

    Although it is a PR work , I can still hold the objective attitude in the report .

  15. 他对两广事变先持中立态度,后持反对态度;

    He took a neutral attitude to Guangdong-Guangxi Incident first , then took an opposed one to it ;

  16. 英国对中国的内战持中立态度,不支持包括直系在内的任何一方;

    Britain remained neutral in China 's Civil War without supporting the Chili party or the Anfu party .

  17. 如果有人来向你抱怨或说八卦,尽量不要参与其中,保持中立态度。

    If others come to you with gossip or complaints , refrain from joining in and stay neutral .

  18. 对管理环境、职业发展等其他激励因素,持中立态度的员工比例较高。

    Most health workers thought the management environment , career development in Township Health Center as neither satisfied nor dissatisfied .

  19. 所以今天晚上,保持中立态度的同志们,我需要你们的支持。

    So tonight , to you , the great silent majority of my fellow Americans , I ask for your support .

  20. 从茶党运动的爆发来判断,也是很多持中立态度的美国人的最终答案。

    That , to judge by the eruption of the tea-party movement , is the verdict of many non-aligned Americans too .

  21. 只有4%的受访者表示他们对同性恋者没有概念,而40%的受访者保持中立态度。

    Only 4 percent of the respondents said they have no opinion on LGBT people while 40 percent of those surveyed remained neutral .

  22. 但担心通胀和担忧通缩的公司数量大致相等,几乎没有人持中立态度。

    But the number fretting about inflation is similar to those concerned about deflation - with almost no one sitting on the fence .

  23. 不过总体上,他们还是会对玩家采取一种中立态度,有些人会比较支持玩家,而有些会相当带有敌意。

    Overall , they 'll be fairly neutral toward the player , though some will be supportive and others may even be openly hostile .

  24. 近年来非婚同居现象在我国越来越普遍,我国法律几经周折还是对非婚同居现象采取中立态度。

    Unmarried cohabitation is becoming more and more common in china in recent years . However Chinese legal still takes a neutral attitude for this phenomenon .

  25. 美国也表示对于日中之间的钓鱼岛或者尖阁列岛争端持中立态度。

    Similarly , America says it is neutral in the sovereignty dispute between Japan and China over the Senkaku or Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea .

  26. 强迫总理对内阁进行重组的反对派社会主义党放弃了中立态度,并表示他们将支持新的内阁。

    Rebel Socialist MPs who forced him to reshuffle his cabinet have started to come off the fence and say that they will endorse the new cabinet .

  27. 中等专业学校在校学生对自杀行为的性质和自杀者的态度多持矛盾或中立态度,对自杀者家属和安乐死的态度多持肯定或理解态度;

    Most of the students were contradictory or neutrality to suicide character and suicides , and the majority considered the families of suicide and euthanasia affirmative and comprehensible .

  28. 鉴于不确定性和波动性的不断升级,我们无法十分确切地点明主要货币走势方向,因此目前继续建议对主要货币维持中立态度。

    With an elevated level of uncertainty and volatility , we do not have high conviction in assessing the direction of major currencies and continue to recommend neutral positions .

  29. 有将近一半的患者认为媒体对医疗纠纷的报道完全可信或比较可信(46.2%),有相当一部分患者持中立态度(41.5%)。

    Nearly half of the patients thought the reports of media to medical disputes were credible ( 46.2 % ), a significant portion of patients with neutral ( 41.5 % ) .

  30. 另一方面,面对思想观念日益阶层化,贫富差距扩大化的现实,部分高校学生对社会主义核心价值体系的主导性产生了不应有的怀疑甚至动摇倾向,对社会的发展方向持中立态度。

    On the other hand , the increasing stratification in the ideas and Widening gap between rich and poor has made some college students suspect the dominant of socialist core value system .