
  • 网络Chinese language;Studies of The Chinese Language
  1. 密封推荐书三封包括一份中国语文教师推荐书

    Letters of recommendation including one by an instructor of Chinese language

  2. 中国语文百年的文化思考

    A Cultural Consideration of the Hundred Years ' Chinese Language Education

  3. 中国语文高考的导向&由《高考在美国》引起的话题

    The Guide of Chinese Test in the Entrance Examination to College

  4. 试论1997与香港中国语文政策

    On 1997 and Policies of the Chinese Language in Hong Kong

  5. 中国语文现代化的百年历程

    The One - hundred - year History of China 's Chinese Modernization

  6. 二十世纪初期的中国语文学习观

    Viewpoint of Chinese Language Learning in the Early 20th Century

  7. 香港的中国语文科课程改革

    Reform of Ch in ese Curriculum in Hong Kong

  8. 中国语文现代化学科建设的几个问题

    Some Viewpoints on the Subject Construction of Chinese Modernization

  9. 中国语文教学源远流长,形成了优良的传统。

    There has been a fine tradition in the history of Chinese teaching .

  10. 中国语文教育现代性探析

    Study on the Modernity of the Education of Chinese

  11. 中国语文的时代演进中国语文现代化的百年历程

    The One-hundred-year History of China 's Chinese Modernization

  12. 语文现代化指中国语文的规范化、信息化和国际化。

    The modernization of Chinese is the process of standardization , informationization and internationalization .

  13. 国外语言教育思想流派对中国语文教育的影响

    The Influence of Various Foreign Language Educational Schools of Thought on Chinese language Education

  14. 作为职业的基本教育、中国语文教育的基本科目发挥不可替代的作用。

    Basic subjects of Chinese language education as vocational basic education , play an irreplaceable role .

  15. 推荐书二份:应包括一份中国语文教师推荐书。

    Two letters of recommendation : at least one recommendation must be from a Chinese instructor .

  16. 他的教育理念和皮皮鲁讲堂的教育实践,是中国语文教育的一笔财富。

    His theories of educational and practicing of PIPI LU SCHOOL are an asset of Chinese education .

  17. 本文把这一转型称为中国语文教育早期现代化,其时间跨越了通常所说的中国近代与现代两个历史阶段。

    We call it the early modernization of China 's Chinese education . It spans many decades .

  18. 中国语文教学研究中心

    Chinese Language Teaching Centre

  19. 100多年来,中国语文现代化取得了很大的成就,积累了许多宝贵的经验。

    During the period , China 's Chinese modernization acquired many achievements , and accumulated much precious experience .

  20. 本文从历史发展的脉络,把国外教育对中国语文教育的影响分为五个阶段。

    This paper will classify the influences of foreign education affecting Chinese language and literature education into five phases .

  21. 中国语文和图像艺术的起源,皆根源于师法自然。

    The sources of Chinese language and Chinese visual art can be found in studying the laws of nature .

  22. 胡适是最早将西方教育理论引入中国语文教育改革的开拓者之一。

    Hu Shi is one of the Chinese language education reform earlier workers , who introduces the Western education theory the earliest .

  23. 小学语文教材百年的演进历史,就是近现代中国语文教育的缩影。

    The evolution of the primary mandarin textbooks during the past 100 years is certainly the epitome of modern Chinese mandarin education .

  24. 中国语文是集工具性与人文性于一体的重要基础课程,旨在提高大学生的语文素养。

    The basic units of Chinese language , combining entity with action and quality , have strong active energy in syntax and semantics .

  25. 从鸦片战争时期至20世纪前期是中国语文教育由传统走向现代的转型期。

    The period from opium war to early 20th century is the revolution that China 's Chinese education went from traditional pattern to modernization .

  26. 语文新课标中6处涉及语感培养的表述浸润着中国语文教育传统的关键词语:积累、诵读和体验。

    The words accumulating , reciting and experiencing in New Syllabus of Primary Chinese Course imply traditional Chinese teaching concept in cultivation of language sense .

  27. 香港《中国语文课程指引》是香港回归后的第一个正式的语文课程文件,对今后的语文教改起着直接指导的作用。

    Chinese Curriculum Guideline in Hong Kong is the first official Chinese curriculum file after the reunification , which influences the following Chinese reform directly .

  28. 尽管有些学生的中国语文水准尚待加强,但热爱中华文化的那份执着,却极为感人。

    Even though the language level of some students shall be further strengthened , yet their tenacity of love in Chinese culture is very impressive .

  29. 从某种意义上讲,国外教育影响、制约着中国语文教育百年变革的历程。

    In a sense , foreign education affects and restrains the history of the reform of Chinese language and literature education lasting for hundreds of years .

  30. S字幕版:中国语文科,英国语文科及数学科的字幕版节目将会在该节目播映期的最后一周播映。

    Subtitled version : For Chinese Language , English Language and Mathematics Programmes , the subtitled versions will be broadcast in the last week of transmission .