
  • 网络Brittle failure;Brittle fracture
  1. 例如,对于钢筋来说,遭受拉应力和剪应力会发生延性破坏,而对于CFRP筋来说,则会发生脆性破坏。

    For example , a ductile failure takes place for steel bars subjected to tensile and shear stresses , while brittle failure takes place for CFRP bars .

  2. 通过对14组RPC试块的进行中心局部承压试验,观察到试块开裂与破坏同时发生或二者非常接近,因此我们确定碎石RPC局部承压破坏为脆性破坏。

    RPC test by 14 groups of blocks to the local pressure test center , observed specimen cracking and failure occur simultaneously or they are close , so we determine the local bearing gravel RPC damage to brittle failure , this is different from the ordinary RPC .

  3. 应力强化系数Ki是影响钢结构脆性破坏的一个重要参数。

    Stress intensity coefficient-K_i is an important factor which influents the brittle fracture of steel structure .

  4. 首先给出了应力强化系数Ki的定义并介绍了Ki在钢结构脆性破坏中的应用。

    This paper defines the stress intensity coefficient-K_i and introduces the application of K_i in the field of steel structure .

  5. 但是,FRP筋是弹性体,到达抗拉极限强度时突然断裂,用于普通混凝土梁时,没有屈服点和塑性阶段,会发生脆性破坏。

    However , as a type of elastic material , its sudden rupture without any yielding point or plastic property in the ultimate stage of tension will cause the unexpected failure of flexural members .

  6. 采用扫描电镜(SEM)及拉伸试验来测试连接情况。结果表明:当铆钉直径小于4.5mm时发生铆钉断裂现象,接头为脆性破坏;

    The results of scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ) and tensile tests , show that the fracture of the rivet took , place , and the joint presented brittle fracture when the rivet diameter was less than 4.5 mm .

  7. 许多学者在实验和理论分析方面作了大量研究,其中以Weibull脆性破坏统计理论和Bazant强度尺寸效应理论最为典型。

    Many researchers have pay a lot of time on such field with experimental and mathematic analysis , and the typical theories are : Weibull statistical theory of brittle rupture and Bazant intensity theory .

  8. 尤其是1994年发生在美国的北岭地震(Northridgeearthquake)造成大量刚性节点的脆性破坏以后,工程界围绕节点的问题开展了广泛的试验和理论研究,成为近年来的热门研究课题之一。

    Especially after the unexpected numerous brittle connection failures happened in the 1994 Northridge earthquake , many scholars have been attaching great importance to the observed connection problems in project circle , witch is one of the hot research subjects in recent years .

  9. 通过试验可以得出WSP聚合物混凝土综合力学性能良好,明显改善了普通混凝土的抗压、抗弯强度以及改善混凝土破坏时的脆性破坏特征。

    It can be concluded from the test that integrated mechanical properties of polymer concrete is good by which compressive and flexural strength of ordinary concrete are improved , as well as characteristics of brittle failure .

  10. 试验结果显示,先将砂轮修锐修整再控制砂轮行走速度小至15mm/min时,表面粗糙度小于10nm以下,且微观加工表面没有发生脆性破坏,形成镜面。

    Experimental results show that surface roughness of Ra < 10 nm may be obtained by use of dressed and trued wheel with wheel moving speed in less than 15 mm / min , and no brittle cracks on microscopic ground surface .

  11. 而在美国Northridge地震(1994)和随后发生的日本阪神地震(1995)中焊接钢框架刚性节点发生了大量的脆性破坏现象,这使得人们开始将目光投向抗震性能良好的半刚性连接钢框架。

    However the ' rigid joint ' of the welded steel frame in the Northridge earthquake occurred to a large quantity of brittle breakage . This cause the engineers pay more attention to the frame with semi-rigid connections which has good dynamic performance .

  12. 《港口工程结构可靠度设计统一标准》(GB50158-92)按照构件在达到临界状态后发生脆性破坏、延性破坏等的不同模式,对单个构件可靠性分析,给出了其相应的可靠性指标。

    " The unified standard for structure reliability design of port engineering " ( GB50158-92 ), according to different pattern which members will occur such as brittleness damage and ductility damage after reaching critical state , has analyzed the reliability of single member and given its corresponding reliability index .

  13. 预估宇航压力容器脆性破坏的一种方法

    A method of prediction brittle failure on the astronautic pressure vessel

  14. 堤身填土要有一定的塑性,避免脆性破坏;

    Embankment fill should have some plasticity and avoid brittle failure ;

  15. 钢结构构件在高应力集中区脆性破坏倾向性

    The brittle fracture tendency of steel structures with high stress concentration

  16. 巷道围岩的脆性破坏理论

    A brittle failure theory of the rock mass around tunnel

  17. 本文探讨了脆性破坏岩石的强度准则。

    The strength criteria of rock fragile fracture are discussed .

  18. 钢结构在低温下脆性破坏研究概述

    Survey of investigation about brittle fracture of steel structure under low temperature

  19. 钢框架梁柱节点脆性破坏的分析与改进

    Analysis and Improvement on Brittle Fracture of Steel Frame Beam Column Joints

  20. 构件发生剪切破坏时,斜裂缝突然出现,呈脆性破坏特点。

    The shear failure suddenly occurred with brittle failure characteristics .

  21. 极端冲击条件下脆性破坏的物理机制

    Physical Mechanism of Brittle Material Failure under Critical Shock Conditions

  22. 深部岩体脆性破坏机理及相关问题研究

    The Study on Theory of Brittle Failure and Related Issues in Deep Rock

  23. 脆性破坏统计理论和混凝土断裂韧性的尺寸效应

    Statistical Theory of Brittle Rupture and Size Effects on Fracture Toughness of Concrete

  24. 混凝土的低应力脆性破坏与防治

    The measures for controlling concrete cracking under low stresses

  25. 非饱和黄土在拉应力下的破坏一般为脆性破坏;

    The destruction of unsaturated loess by tensile stress is generally brittle failure ;

  26. 石灰岩和砂岩达到峰值强度后大多发生脆性破坏。

    The limestone and sandstone present brittle failure after reaching to the peak-strength .

  27. 压力容器脆性破坏与应力腐蚀的控制

    Brittle fracture of pressure vessels and the control and prevention of its stress corrosion

  28. 对岩土材料的脆性破坏过程进行正确描述是很困难的。

    How to describe the brittle failure process for geomaterials is a challenging problem .

  29. 将梁、柱构件看成由剪切破坏和弯曲破坏组成的串联体系,前者属于脆性破坏;

    Beams and columns are tandem system make up of shear failure and flexible failure .

  30. 混凝土脆性破坏的再认识

    Understanding brittle failure of concrete again