
  • 网络map production;map producing
  1. 关于当前数字化地图生产过程的实践与探讨

    Practice and Approach of the Digital Map Production at Present

  2. 基于小比例尺地理信息数据库的地图生产方法

    The Method of Map Production Based on the Small-Scale Geographic Information Database

  3. MicroStation是进行地图生产的图形编辑平台。

    MicroStation is the excellent map compilation software for map producing .

  4. 计算机制图(CAC)和电子出版系统的普及和推广,从根本上改变了传统的地图生产工艺。

    The popularizing and spreading Computer-Aided Cartography ( CAC ) and the electronic publication system change radically the traditional technology for producing maps .

  5. 遥感影像在电子地图生产中的应用

    Application of Remote Sensing Images in the Production of Electronic Maps

  6. 数字地图生产流程中质量的数据控制

    Data Quality Control in the Product Flow of Digital Map

  7. 高精度扫描仪在数字影像地图生产中的应用

    The Application of High-resolution Scanner on Digital Image Map Production

  8. 色彩设计和色彩复制是彩色地图生产出版的关键环节。

    Color design and color management is the key technology in color map production .

  9. 城市多功能数字地图生产技术研究

    Urban multi - Function Digital Mapping Producing Technology

  10. 矢量数字地图生产的质量控制方法

    The Quality Control of Vector Map Data

  11. 对矢量地图生产过程中常见的图形拓扑、数据冗余问题进行分析和研究;

    We analyze and research the problems of mapping topology and data redundancies in the producing process of the vectoring maps .

  12. 相比传统工艺地图生产的集中性和专业性,当前技术下的地图制印具有分散性和非严格专业性的特点。

    Comparing to centrality and speciality of traditional craft in map production , map making and printing in current technology have the characteristic of decentralization and non-strict-speciality .

  13. 色彩管理技术在彩色地图生产出版中应用后,不仅提高了印刷地图的质量,而且几乎杜绝了因色彩复制达不到要求而造成的返工。

    Using color Management in color map production , the quality of map printing has been significantly improved , and doing poor color reproduction over again has been avoided .

  14. 提出十项措施探讨发展专题地图生产和解决其生产周期长的问题:①各种规格的标准地理底图形成商品供应;

    To probe into the development of thematic mapping and the shortening of the long map production cycle , the author puts forward ten measures : 1.commercializing the production of standard geographic base maps in various specifications ;

  15. 本文从以下几个方面(即地图生产、地图学教育、专业人才与科学研究、地图学学术著作与文献、学术活动)介绍了地图学的进展。

    This paper presents an introduction to the progreses of cartography on China main land in following aspects : cartographic production and education , training of professional personnel , scientific research , academic actiVities as well as works and literature .

  16. 系统具有完备的对数字地图生产过程中的生产计划管理、装备器材管理、人力资源管理、考勤管理、资料管理和文档管理功能。

    This system has full management function of every process of the digital map production , including production plan management , equipment management , personnel management , management of checking on work attendance , and management of data and documents .

  17. 多元数据综合利用是全数字条件下地图生产工作面临的新问题,地图制图资料的运用效率决定了地图产品的质量。

    When produced maps under the entire digital condition , we wi 11 face a new problem : the synthesized use of multi-source data . The quality of maping products is decided by the efficiency of use the material of maping and cartography .

  18. 随着现代地图学的不断发展以及高新技术在地图生产领域的广泛应用,地图生产实现了数字化工作流程,并向地图制图与地图出版编辑的一体化方向发展。

    With the continuous development of modern cartographic theories and the high tech 's extensive applications in the field of map production , now the map production has achieved digital workflow , and is expanding to integration of digital mapping and publishing edit .

  19. 数字环境下的制图综合能够为从大比例尺地图生产主次分明、关系合理、清晰可读小比例尺地图提供手段,以满足国土资源管理、规划、决策等对多尺度土地利用数据的需求。

    Digital cartographic generalization can be used for focused and clear map production , namely the legible and comprehensive visualization of geographic data at a small scale and for a given purpose , which meets the demands of multi-scale data used for land resource management , planning and decision-making .

  20. 重点介绍了专题地图设计生产智能化系统(MAPKEY)的系统构成、功能、工作流程以及产生的效益。

    Then , an intelligent system ( MAPKEY ) for map design and production is introduced . Its structure , functions , working process and benefits are discussed in detail .

  21. 女:你对地图的生产做过任何实验么?

    Woman : Did you do any trial production of the maps ?

  22. 扫描矢量化软件在地图数字化生产中的应用

    Discussion of Scanning and Vectorization Softwares in Digital Mapping

  23. 基于扫描矢量化地图数据生产的数据质量控制

    Quality control in Map Digitalization Based on Scanning Vectorization

  24. 专题地图的生产制作

    The Production of the Thematic Map

  25. 在军用数字地图的生产中,多源数据的利用,也是当前数字地图生产的主要环节。

    In the production of the digital military map , the exploitation of multi-source data is also very important for producing digital map now .

  26. 在实际的地图印刷生产中,为了保证颜色能够被精确地复制,通常需要参考地图色谱进行色彩辅助设计。

    In the practical map printing , map color atlas was used to design color in order to ensure that color can be reproduced accurately .

  27. 地图数字化生产和数字地图编绘中都需要用到提取骨架线算法,如矢量化和等级变换等。

    Extracting skeleton line of polygon is a frequent operation in map digitization and cartographic compilation , e.g. vectorization and grade transformation . There are many algorithms handling this issue .

  28. 本文综合近年来面向移动通信网络建设数字地图的生产应用实践,结合当前技术发展导向分析,旨在探索面向移动通信网络建设数字地图生产与集成的有效途径。

    In this paper , according to technology development with production and application these years , the effective production and integration approach of digital map in mobile communication network construction is introduced .

  29. 介绍了扫描仪在测绘(地图)生产中实际操作的重点,分析了选取影像中最亮点与最暗点的重要性,阐述了其原理及在实际工作中的应用。

    Based on experiences of scanning work for many years , This paper introduces some key points of scanner operation in surveying and mapping production , and then explains its principles and applications .

  30. 与传统的手工制图相比,利用计算机来进行地图的生产和制作大大地提高了工作效率,减轻了制图者的劳动强度,实现了地图的数字化和信息化。

    Comparing with traditional handcraft of mapping , to produce maps using computer can advance the work efficiency consumedly , relieve map-fabricants ' labor intensity , make map digital and provide much more information .