
  • 网络cadographic communication
  1. 自然灾害多媒体地图传输功能研究

    Research into transmission function for multimedia map of natural disaster

  2. 论述了自然灾害地图传输的传统模式与现代模式。

    Traditional and modern modes for transmission of natural disaster map are explained .

  3. 传统的地图传输模式主要偏向于信息的表达和获取之间的关系,特别是地图符号化以及使用者对地图表达的认识能力。

    The traditional cartographic communication transmission mode leans to relationship between information expression and acquisition , especially the traditional map symbol and user 's cognition ability of map expression .

  4. 监控中心以车辆当前位置为中心截取地图并传输给车载终端,车载终端利用彩色液晶显示屏LCM(LCDModule)显示地图,并通过GPRS通信模块实时刷新地图。

    Focused on the current position , the control center intercepts the map and transmits it to the vehicle . This system also applies a color LCM ( LCD module ) to display the map and updates it through GPRS communication .

  5. 略论实现地图信息传输的基本条件

    Basic Conditions for the Realization of Cartographic Information Communication

  6. 网络地图服务传输机制的研究

    The Research of Theory on Network Map Service Transmission

  7. 在此基础上,提出网络地图服务传输的基本框架,探讨了网络地图服务传输的新模式。

    This paper indicates the basic framework of network map service transmission and discusses new mode of network map service transmission .

  8. 将空间认知理论、地图信息传输理论和地图视觉感受理论引入到海图设计的研究。

    Introduce the spacial cognition theory , map information transmission theory and map visual perception theory into the research of chart design .

  9. 捕食者型和收割者型无人飞机使用移动硬盘在计算机之间更新地图和传输任务视频。

    Predator and Reaper crews use removable hard drives to load map updates and transport mission videos from one computer to another .

  10. 三维符号是计算机仿真技术的产物,它符合地图的传输论,地图符号的构图规律。

    3D Symbol is the product of computer simulation technology , which accords with the format transfer theory of map and the rule of designing map symbol .

  11. 作者借助地图信息传输模型,分析得出地图可视化用户界面存在问题的根本原因&忽视了不同用户的认知特征,造成设计者和用户对系统界面的认知无法统一。

    The author uses the model of cartographic information transformation to analyze the essential reason of the user interface 's problem : designers ignore the different user 's cognition characteristics , so users and designers thinking in tow apart ways .

  12. 网络地图渐进式传输中的粒度控制与顺序控制

    Granularity and Order Issues in Progressive Transfer of Web Map

  13. 心象地图在制图传输中的作用

    The role of mental map in cartographic communication

  14. 矢量地图数据渐进式传输的研究

    Study on progressive transmission of vector map data

  15. 在分析目前在此方面研究成果的基础上,提出矢量地图数据渐进式传输的关键技术和可行途径,对未来的发展趋势进行展望。

    Based on thorough analysis of previous research result , it was presented the key technology and feasible method for progressive transmission of vector map data . Finally , it was an outlook for the future of progressive transmission of vector map data .

  16. 地图注记在地图信息传输中的功能分析

    Functionality of Map Annotation in Cartographic Information Transmission

  17. 该规定要求在线地图服务在采集和使用信息之前,需征得用户许可;在地图信息传输过程中检测到不允许公开的内容时,应停止数据传输,并报告有关部门。

    The regulations require online map services to ask users ' permission before collecting and using information , and shall stop transmitting and report to related authorities when contents that are not allowed to be shown are detected during map information transmission .

  18. 在一幅地图中,地貌通常占了整个图幅极大部分的信息内容,所以科学合理地在二维空间上表示地形对地图信息的表达传输能力有着重要的影响。

    Generally , the main part of the total information and content expressed by a map is related to relief , so the rational terrain expression on 2 dimension is greatly significative and important to the information expression and transmission of maps .

  19. 虽然地图形式的改变使两种地图在显示方式、信息载体和表达效果方面存在着很多差异,但是地图用户永远是地图最终的服务对象,并且始终决定着地图信息的传输效率。

    It is the change of form that there are many differences in display usage , information carrier and expression effect between the two types of map . But the user is forever the final service-object of map , and determines the transmission-effect all along .