
  • 网络cosmogenic
  1. 开展DUMAND项目最强烈的动机在于,它可以利用一种重要的宇宙信息源。

    The strongest motivation for the DUMAND project is that it will exploit an important source of information about the universe .

  2. 宇宙重建源于宇宙秩序的破坏。

    Cosmic reconstruction results from the destruction of cosmic order .

  3. 东方人的宇宙观源于太极,太极就是宇宙万物的共生平台。

    The world outlook of the Easterners results from " Taiji ", which is the symbiotic universe platform .

  4. 宇宙爆炸源代码本程序演示宇宙收缩和爆炸过程。

    Big Bang universe , the source code of this program demonstrates the process of contraction and explosion .

  5. E0102是个明亮的宇宙X射线源,所以钱卓拉在1999年发射升空后不久,就曾观测过它。

    A strong cosmic source of x-rays , E0102 was imaged by the Chandra X-ray Observatory shortly after its launch in1999 .

  6. 潜在信息、潜在世界与宇宙复杂性之源

    Potential Information Is the Source of Cosmic Complexity

  7. 其理论意义则在于阐明:宇宙复杂性之源,即是潜在信息将无序的物质能量组织为有序的显在世界。

    The theoretical meaning elucidate that the source of cosmic complexity is potential information that will turn disordered material energy into ordered the apparent world .

  8. 记录这种光可以使天文学家们将伽马射线跟踪到宇宙中的射线源。

    Recording this light allows astronomers to trace the gamma rays back to their cosmic sources .

  9. 菲洛认为,既然我们没有观察到宇宙的形成过程,我们就没有理由相信现在的宇宙源于具有智慧的成因。

    Philo maintains that since we have not observed universes in the making , we cannot be justified in believing that the present universe came about by an intelligent cause .

  10. 将其能动张量与宇宙弦(核外)的能动张量叠加,求出了中微子场背景下整体宇宙弦为源的Einstein方程的线性近似解。

    Adding this tension to that of a global cosmic string outside the core , solves the linear approximate solution of Einstein equation with a global cosmic string as source and with neutrino field as background .