
  • 网络social contract theory;theory of social contract
  1. 卢梭的社会契约理论及其人性论基础

    Rousseau 's Social Contract Theory and Theory of Human Nature Foundation

  2. 论社会契约理论及其对于西方政治发展的影响

    On the Social Contract Theory and Its Influence on Western Political Development

  3. 第三章讨论明治日本和社会契约理论的传播。

    Chapter three discusses the Meiji Japan and the spread of social contract theory .

  4. 论西方社会契约理论的东渐

    Development of Contract Social Theory in China

  5. 社会契约理论及其对我国法治建设的意义

    The Theory of Social Contract and Its Effects on Our Country 's Construction of Nomocracy

  6. 社会契约理论为理解企业的社会责任提供了一个分析框架。

    Social contract theory provides an analysis framework for understanding the social obligation of the enterprise .

  7. 首先,对社会契约理论的历史脉络和主题进行梳理。

    First , the history and the themes of the social contract theory are sort out .

  8. 这并非基于虚构的默契,如大部分社会契约理论所说的那样。

    It is not based on fictional tacit consent by nobles as formulated by most social contract theories .

  9. 本文第一、二章主要讨论社会契约理论和西方主要国家宪法之间的关系。

    The first two chapters discuss the relationships between the social contract theory and the major Western national constitution .

  10. 近代启蒙思想家通过社会契约理论赋予市民社会独立于政治国家的品格与生命。

    The modern inspiring thinkers attached an independent quality and life from political state to the civil society through their social-contract theory .

  11. 自休谟1776年辞世一直到二十世纪五十年代的近两百年的时间中,休谟主要被人们理解成为一个社会契约理论的破坏者和消极的托利主义者。

    In nearly two hundred years from his death in 1776 to 1950s , understood as a social contract theory spoiler and negative Toryism .

  12. 社会契约理论的发展在于:契约论由纯粹的理论空想,变成了一个论证正义的方法。

    The development of social contract theory lies in : the contract theory turns to be a way of demonstrate of justice from simple theory hypothesis .

  13. 以社会契约理论和人力资源管理理论的视角来看,身份价值与职业价值分别对应着不同的分工方式。

    From the view of theory of Natural Law and Human Resource Management , position value and identity value point to different ways of division of labor .

  14. 财政支出法律制度作为公共财政制度的重要环节,必须符合社会契约理论和公平正义理论的要求。

    Finance expenditure on legal system , as the important link of the public finance system must comply with the social contract theory and justice theory demands .

  15. 因此可以认定,亚当.斯密对洛克等人社会契约理论批判及对政府起源问题论证是泰西思想史上对政府起源相关理论这一重要问题的经典性论证之一,具有非常重要的理论价值和意义。

    So the critical comment of Adam Smith on social contract theory and the origin of government of Locke et al is the classic argument demonstrated in the West thought history .

  16. 洛克作为西方自由主义学说的始祖,其自由理论体现在他的自然法、自然权利、社会契约理论中。

    John Locke is the forefather of the doctrine of western liberalism . His theory of liberty is embodied in his thought of Natural Law , Natural Right and Social Contract .

  17. 本文第二章中所提到的整合社会契约理论可以作为一种有效的工具来分析普遍和具体的伦理规范。

    According to the Literature Review in Chapter Two , the Integrative Social Contracts Theory serves as an effective model to probe into universal ethical norms ( hypernorms ) and specific ones in businesses .

  18. 但是社会契约理论的兴盛时期却是肇始于霍布斯《利维坦》的出版,终结于卢梭的《社会契约论》的面世。

    However , the period that Social Contract Theory enjoys its stable status begins with the publication of Hobbs ' Leviathan , and ends up with the appearance of Rousseau ' sThe Social Contract .

  19. 文章通过对其自然权利理论、社会契约理论和分权制衡理论的分析,认为有限政府是洛克政治思想的精髓所在。

    This article analyses the theory of national rights , social contract and divided and balanced rights and then comes to a conclusion that the limited government is the spirit of John Locke 's political views .

  20. 在哲学思维领域,卢梭社会契约理论对社会异化的敏感,对道德问题的关注,为德国古典哲学的诞生提供了思想灵感;

    In the field of philosophical ideology , Rousseau 's theory of social contract , with its sensitivity to social heresy and its attention to moral issues , provided spiritual inspiration for birth of German classical philosophy .

  21. 社会契约理论为刑事和解制度中个人自决权和社会自治权的存在,提供了理论根基,同时也为刑事和解制度中当事人的处分权限定了范围。

    Social contract theory provides theory foundation for the existence of individual determination rights and social autonym rights in the criminal reconciliation system , and defines the scope for the punishment rights of party involved in this system .

  22. 因此在本文的第一部分,分别对洛克与卢梭的自由观进行了历史的阐述,从他们对自然法、自然权利、社会契约理论的阐述中挖掘他们的自由理论。

    His thoughts on liberty are abundant . In the first part of the thesis , the author expounds on Locke 's and Rousseau 's theories of liberty separately and historically , then excavates their thoughts on liberty from their theories of Natural Law , Natural Right , Social Contract .

  23. 霍布斯是西方近代政治思想史上著名的政治思想家,他继承了马基雅维利现实主义的政治研究方法,运用自然法与社会契约理论全面论述了人与国家的关系这一西方传统政治研究的主题。

    Hobbes is one of the most important political thinkers in the history of the modern Western political thoughts , who inherited the realism in political study introduced by Machiavelli , and probed comprehensively the relationship of individual and state based on his theory of natural law and social contract .

  24. 从私契约理论演化而来的社会契约理论系统确证了法治观念的必然性,决定了公私法法域划分的合理性,以至于宪法成为社会契约的法律表现形式。

    The social contract theoretic system developed from the private contract theory determines the certainty of the concept of ruling by law and decides the rationalization of the distinction between public law and private law so that the constitution turns out to be the legal reflection of the social contract .

  25. 胡克坚持社会契约的理论,明确社会契约必须遵循同意的原则。

    Hooker adhered to the social contract theory and expounded that the social contract should follow consent rule .

  26. 那么社会契约论的理论力量究竟存在于什么地方?

    What , then , is the theoretical power of this theory ?

  27. 卢梭的主权思想与他的社会契约论及公意理论具有内在的关联性。

    It is correlated with the theories of social contract and general will .

  28. 对企业社会责任理论、契约理论和利益相关者理论进行回顾,并进行评价。

    Corporate social responsibility theory , contract theory and stakeholder theory were reviewed and evaluated .

  29. 至今主要有社会契约/保护失败理论、风险共担/社会保险理论、社会福利/道义责任理论、政治动机或政治工具理论、社会契约/自治恢复理论。

    These are : the social contract / failure to protect theory , the shared risk / insurance theory , the social welfare / moral obligation theory , the political motivation theory , the social contract / autonomy recovering theory .

  30. 在近代启蒙思想家与自然法学家那里,社会契约成为市民社会理论推演的前提,市民社会一般被理解为人类走出自然状态之后进入的政治社会。

    In view of enlightenment thinkers and natural law theorists , the social contract became the premise of deduction of civil society theory , civil society is generally understood as political society after human enter out of the state of nature .