
  • 网络Social Knowledge;Social Studies
  1. 以RedRover为例,早已赚了160万美元,证明其模式为其他公司整合其内部社会知识网络而收费是可行的。

    Red rover , for example , has already made $ 1.6 million , proof that its model charging companies to integrate their in-house social knowledge network works .

  2. 政府主导下的社会知识保障体系

    The Government-led Social Knowledge Security System

  3. 属于或关于共有的社会知识和价值。

    Of or relating to the shared knowledge and values of a society .

  4. 不管是自然知识还是社会知识,都具有意识形态的特点,因而与权力密切相关。

    Both natural knowledge and social knowledge are characterized ideologically and therefore closely related with power .

  5. 社会知识保障制度与公共图书馆&兼论知识经济时代图书馆的主要职能

    Social knowledge Security System and Public Libraries & Main Functions of libraries in the Age of Knowledge Economy

  6. 话语的语用含义包含语言知识,交际情境,人们的社会知识,和文化心理。

    The pragmatic implicature of discourse involves linguistic knowledge , communicative context , social knowledge and cultural psychology .

  7. 本文从生产与归属角度出发,认为知识可分为个人知识和社会知识。

    From the view of creating and possessing , knowledge can be divided into private knowledge and social knowledge .

  8. 现代传媒的首要文化功能,便是选择建构社会知识和社会影响。

    The chief cultural function of modern media is to constitute ' social knowledge ' and ' social influence ' .

  9. 经济全球化和社会知识化给传统人事管理模式提出了新的挑战。

    Traditional mode of personnel management is now being challenged by the globalization of economy and the intellectualization of society .

  10. 本文认为学生在学校教育中所接受的知识主要有两种,即自然知识和社会知识。

    This dissertation intends to view that the knowledge acquired by students can be divided into two types : natural knowledge and social knowledge .

  11. 现代化在本质上是一场社会知识的转型,是从传统的认知方式向科学认知方式的转型。

    The essence of modernization is the transition of social knowledge , and is the transition from traditional cognitive way to scientific cognitive way .

  12. 随着社会知识化、科技信息化和经济全球化的不断推进,高新技术及其产业已成为各个国家和地区竞争的焦点,谁在高新技术产业发展的进程中领先一步,谁就有可能抢占先机。

    With the constant promotions of scientific and technological informationization and economic globalization , high-tech industry has already become the focuses of competition among countries and regions .

  13. 社会知识总量包括人类生活各个方面的认识和认知,各民族或一定区域以此作为民族素质提高和民族凝聚力增强的重要方式。

    Knowledge total of society contain all knowledge of the human beings life and it is the very important method to improve the national qualities and cohesion .

  14. 但这并不难发现历史上的一些哲学家至少曾短暂的接触到社会知识的纬度或者合理的信仰问题。

    It is not difficult , however , to find historical philosophers who made at least brief forays into the social dimensions of knowledge or rational belief .

  15. 教师的发展是现代社会知识经济和信息化的要求,是提高学校办学水平的的集中表现。

    The development of teacher is the requirements of knowledge economy and information in modern society . It is the performance of improving the educational level of school .

  16. 根据广义的互文性理论,文本除了受其他文本的影响,还可能受到文本以外的无处不在的社会知识和实践的影响。

    According to the broad sense of intertextuality , one given text might be affected by ubiquitous social knowledge and practice as well as the influence of other texts .

  17. 在社会知识经济、信息管理高速发展的新时期,地质资料档案管理工作的内容与模式也发生了巨大的转变。

    In times of economy of information society knowledge and rapid development of information management , the content and mode of the management of geologic document information have shifted dramatically .

  18. 社会知识产权意识大幅提高,以“尊重知识、崇尚创新、诚信守法”为核心的知识产权文化正在逐步形成。

    The IP awareness of the public was significantly promoted and an IP culture featuring " respecting knowledge , encouraging innovation , and fostering honesty " was on the rise .

  19. 在社会知识经济时代,知识产权已成为企业重要的生产要素,而商标作为知识产权的重要组成部分已越来越频繁的出现在交易市场上。

    In knowledge-economics time nowadays , intellectual property has become important and valuable element of production and trademark as a significant part of intellectual property has appeared frequently in trade market .

  20. 因此,知识经济时代,档案馆作为整个社会知识管理系统的重要组成部分,其重点是知识管理。

    Therefore , in this new era , the main point of the archives is the management of knowledge which is the important part of the management system of the whole social knowledge .

  21. 图书馆应将知识组织的范围由本馆知识信息资源扩大到社会知识信息资源,将知识组织对象由文献单元深入至知识单元。

    The library should expand its knowledge grouping sphere from knowledge information resources in this library to social knowledge resources and make the knowledge organizing object penetrate from literature unit into knowledge unit .

  22. 21世纪,面对着经济全球化、文化多元化、社会知识化、信息网络化的影响,社会对教育,对人才的培养提出了更高的要求。

    The 21st Century , facing the influence of economic globalization , the cultural diversity , social knowledgeable , information international , the society sets a higher request to education and talent growth .

  23. 美国癫痫协会负责支持和提升关于癫痫的生物学、床和社会知识的学习、取、播和应用。

    The American Epilepsy Society is committed to the support and enhancement of the study , acquisition , dissemination , and application of knowledge concerning epilepsy - biological , clinical , and social .

  24. 面对未来社会知识信息大爆炸的时代,年轻一代阅读能力的培养极其重要。一直以来高中英语课程标准把提高阅读能力作为重要的教学目标。

    Facing the age of information , it is very important for young people to be trained reading ability . English curriculum standards of senior high school has been regarding the improvement of reading ability as the important teaching aims .

  25. 这更多地是关于程序知识和社会知识:如何在组织或专业学会中入门、你应该认识谁、你应该加入什么团体,以及从哪里申请资助。

    It 's more about procedural and social knowledge : how to find your way in the organisation or in a professional society ; who you should know ; which group you should join ; where to apply for a grant .

  26. 文明:人类社会知识,文化和物质发展的高级阶段,标志为艺术和科学上的发展,文字的广泛使用和复杂的政治及社会机构的出现。

    Civilization : an advanced state of intellectual , cultural , and material development in human society , marked by progress in the arts and sciences , the extensive use of writing , and the appearance of complex political and social institutions .

  27. 杜威十进分类法的引进,也使得分类法发生了根本性变化,知识的更新、学科的增多,使得社会知识结构与知识体系逐步完善。

    Bettering the social knowledge structure and system step by step , the introduction of the " Dewey Decimal Classification " approaching to the innovation of the knowledge and the increase of the subjects , made a radical change to this classification .

  28. 随着人类经济和社会知识化进程的加快,知识已经成为现代社会最重要的资源,知识资本逐渐变成提高组织竞争力的重要资源。

    With the development of human economic and social knowledge to speed up the process , knowledge has become the most important resources in modern society . The intellectual capital has gradually become the important resource of the organization and improving the competitiveness of enterprises .

  29. 它所具有的这些特点也正好与图书馆的资源共享、人本思想以及公益服务等理念不谋而合。博客作为社会知识积累、过滤、组织与传播的工具,这也正与图书馆的功能特征相吻合。

    These characteristics which are resource sharing , people thought , personalized service and public thinking has coincided with the library . Blog is the integration of knowledge filtering , knowledge accumulation and knowledge transmiting , and this is consistent with the basic features of the library .

  30. 虽然现代型的(科学的)社会知识在欧洲和中国都与自身传统的社会知识类型构成紧张关系,但西方人自古以来的天人相分的认知方式本身就与科学的认知方式是内在契合的。

    Although the social knowledge of modern ( scientific ) type inevitably has tense relation to its own traditional type both in Europe and in China , western cognitive way itself since ancient times of " division between nature and man " conforms to the scientific cognitive way in essence .