
  • 网络Social responsibility standards;social accountability;Social Accountability Standard
  1. 企业应对社会责任标准体系(SA8000)认证需要注意的几个问题

    Notices for Corporations Dealing with Social Accountability ( SA8000 ) Standard

  2. 社会责任标准SA8000与中国劳工制度的完善

    Social Accountability SA8000 and Perfection of Chinese Labor System

  3. 社会责任标准认证制度SA8000是继绿色壁垒之后,中国企业将面临的又一贸易壁垒,面对新的挑战,我国企业总成本领先的优势将不复存在。

    SA8000 is a trade barrier confronted by Chinese enterprises .

  4. 推行社会责任标准SA8000构建和谐劳动关系

    Promote Social Accountability 8000 & build harmonious labor relationship

  5. 社会责任标准(SA8000)与劳动者维权

    Social Accountability 8000 and the Right-Maintenance of Workers

  6. 社会责任标准SA8000对我国出口贸易的影响分析及对策研究

    Analysis and Strategy on the Influences of Social Responsibility Standard SA8000 to Chinese Export Trade

  7. SA8000又称社会责任标准,作为全球第一个社会责任国际性标准,它受到了广泛的关注。

    SA8000 , known as Social Accountability 8000 , is the first international social responsibility standard , which has arisen worldwide concerns .

  8. SA8000公司社会责任标准的出现是公司社会责任理念的标志性体现。

    The appearance of the SA8000 corporation society responsibility standard is the sign unfolding of the idea of " company society responsibility " .

  9. SA8000(社会责任标准)是一项新的国际认证标准,并越来越可能成为企业进入国际市场的一个门槛。

    As a new international certification standard , SA8000 becomes more likely to be a threshold when an enterprise enters into the international market .

  10. SA8000标准是全球第一个社会责任标准,其核心就在于保护劳工的权益。

    SA8000 is the first standard of social responsibility in the world , the core of which is to protect labourers ' rights and interests .

  11. 鼓励企业加入社会责任标准(SA8000)以及加大宣传教育、促进整个社会文明程度的提高等七条举措来应对就业歧视问题。

    Encourage enterprises to join in the system of social duty standard ( SA8000 ), improve civilization of the public , etc. to eliminate employment discrimination .

  12. SA8000原本是美国一个民间机构制定的劳工保护认证体系,却在人们的热捧中被冠以无数光环,几乎成了社会责任标准的代名词。

    SA8000 is a system of labor protection certification established by an agency in America , but with people 's greetings it almost replaces social responsibility standards .

  13. 社会责任标准SA8000的产生强烈影响了我国企业的经营理念和运作模式,道德化的经营行为成为现代企业管理的潮流。

    Social Accountability 8000 ( SA8000 ) has a great impact on the management concept and operation-ways of Chinese enterprises . Doing business by moral is enjoying a surge among modern enterprises .

  14. 此外,他们应该拿出支持其他规范性企业社会责任标准,如国际劳工组织(ILO)合约,劳动法和联合国全球合约。

    Moreover , they should show their support to other normative CSR standards such as ILO ( International Labor Organization ) conversions , labor laws and UN Global compact .

  15. 从今年5月1日起欧美一些国家可能强制推广社会责任标准体系。“SA8000”的施行,将为发展中的中国市场提供一个建立完善企业的社会责任管理机制的良好契机。

    American and some European countries may compel SA8000 in May 1st , 2004 . The implementing of SA8000 is a pretty good opportunity t set up the corporate social accountability management mechanism in China .

  16. 目前,在市场的驱动下,包括SA8000在内的企业社会责任标准对贸易的影响正日益增大,中国企业对此应予以重视。

    At present , under the drive of the market , the impact on trade of enterprise 's social accountability standard including SA8000 is increasing , therefore , Chinese enterprises should pay attention to this .

  17. 第三,理性推进公司社会责任标准认证。

    Thirdly , rational promote corporate social responsibility standards certification .

  18. 国际贸易中推行企业社会责任标准已经成为经济全球化的一个趋势。

    Pursuing CSR becomes a trend of economic globalization in international trade .

  19. 迎接社会责任标准促进和谐社会建设

    Meet social Accountability Standard , and Promote the Building of a Harmonious Society

  20. 浅析中国推行社会责任标准的必要性&兼谈物业管理法律体系的完善

    The Necessity in Carrying out Social Accountability in China

  21. 社会责任标准对我国外贸企业的影响

    The Influence of SA8000 on Our Foreign Trade Enterprises

  22. 利益驱动下企业社会责任标准的实施与困惑

    The Implement and Perplexity of Enterprise Social Responsibility Standard under the Drive of Benefits

  23. 研究发现:企业是否达到一定的社会责任标准将成为国际市场竞争中的又一重要衡量因素。

    We found that : whether the corporation affords certain standard of CSR becomes another benchmark in international market competition .

  24. 企业社会责任标准近年来对我国加工贸易造成了负面影响。

    The standard of enterprise social responsibility has caused negative effects on our processing trade in the past few years .

  25. 社会责任标准的实施对企业和经济社会的影响日益张显。

    The influence of the implement of the social responsibility standard upon the business enterprise and economy society is increasingly obvious .

  26. 面对社会责任标准,加工贸易企业要积极寻求对策,尽快适应。

    Facing the standard of social responsibility , processing trade should positively search for countermeasures and adapt to it as soon as possible .

  27. 最后,结合本文的理论分析和实证研究,提出完善企业社会责任标准体系,以实现社会与企业的可持续发展。

    Finally , put forward a sound system of Corporate Social Responsibility standards in order to achieve the sustainable development of society and enterprise .

  28. 企业社会责任标准运动作为一种不可遏止的国际化运动,必然会对我国社会和经济的发展产生越来越大的影响。

    As an irresistible international movement , the enterprises ' social responsibility will play a more important role in China 's social and economic development .

  29. 里昂证券在最近的一份报告中总结称,采用较高企业社会责任标准的企业的业绩,远远好于那些在这方面落后的企业。

    CLSA concludes in a recent report that companies exercising higher corporate social responsibility standards have marginally outperformed those that are lagging in the practice .

  30. 社会责任标准是一种以保护劳动环境和条件、劳工权利等为主要内容的新兴的管理标准体系。

    Social Accountability 8000 is a new management standard system which includes the protection of the working conditions , environment , the rights of labor workers , etc.