
  1. E永恒的真理如果不在新的社会形势下赋予新的意义,要么就不是真理,要么就不是永恒的。

    Eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation .

  2. 西昌市建设节水型社会形势浅析

    Analysis of Setting up Water Economized Society in Xichang city

  3. 在我看来,社会形势正处于一个超现实的十字路口。

    The social seems to me at a surreal crossroads .

  4. 论社会形势中的不确定性与社会稳定

    On the Uncertainty and Social Stability in Social Situation

  5. 生态纪录片正是在这种社会形势和时代背景下应运而生的。

    Ecological documentary is a product in such a social situation and historical background .

  6. 这一理论体系的建立是符合当时的社会形势的理性思考。

    This theory system is established with the contemporary social situation is the rational thinking .

  7. 亚伟速录课程的训练内容是随着社会形势的变化而不断变化的。

    However , the training content of Yawei Stenography changes with the social situation changing .

  8. 社会形势将发生改变,所以你们会看到很多人感觉到害怕。

    Social situations might be turned around , so you might see many people feeling afraid .

  9. 不同的政治、经济、社会形势,对社会管理体制产生很大的影响。

    Different political , economic and social situation has a deep impact on social management system .

  10. 随着社会形势的发展,《中华人民共和国教育法》需要适时修改。

    With the development of the society , The Educational Law of the PRC needs timely amendment .

  11. 然而,随着经济与社会形势的变化,诸多因素不可避免的会影响到其升级进程。

    However , with the economy and society changing , many factors inevitably affect its upgrading process .

  12. 适应社会形势深化高职教育教学改革

    Deepening Higher Vocational Education Reform

  13. 本文分析了四川农业大学校园形成与发展的过程以及其各功能区的组成与联系,就知识经济、开放社会形势下缺乏统一规划的老校园的发展与改造,进行深入的讨论。

    The connection and constitution of function area in the campus of Sichuan Agricultural University were analysed .

  14. 诗学发展到陈子龙所处的时代,无论是文学内部,还是当时的社会形势都发生了巨大的变化。

    In the late Ming Dynasty , there was a tremendous change both in poetry and social circumstances .

  15. 随着经济的发展、社会形势的变化,养老保险制度存在的社会情境发生了改变。

    With economic development and social situation changes , the social context of pension insurance system has changed .

  16. 在新的社会形势下,就需要去革新和发展马克思主义。

    In the new social situation , we need " innovation " and " development " of Marxism .

  17. 政府角色属于一个不断变化的动态范畴,随着社会形势的发展而转换。

    Government 's role is a changing dynamic areas , with the development of the social situation change .

  18. 现阶段,面对纷繁复杂的社会形势,青少年的成长遭遇更多不确定的因素。

    At present , facing the complex social situation , the growth of the youth in many uncertainties .

  19. 国境卫生检疫的发展必须适应国家政治、经济、社会形势。

    Firstly , the development of frontier health quarantine must adapt to political 、 economic and social situation .

  20. 后冷战时期,东亚地区的国际环境和社会形势均发生了深刻变化。

    The international environment and the social situation in East Asia have changed profoundly during the post-cold war era .

  21. 社会形势千变万化,所以我们需要更多的知识来应付种种难题。

    The social situation is changing like Proteus , thus we need more knowledge to cope with all its problems .

  22. 在这一较长的历史时期,随着社会形势的变化,英国出现了一些新的税种。

    With the development of social condition during long periods of time , some new categories of tax came into existing .

  23. 在新时代新社会形势下,教师与学生的关系出现了新的变化,师道应怎么立呢?

    In the situation of new era and new society , new changes arise from the relationship between teachers and students .

  24. 正文第一部分表述了我国当前社会形势下所面临的应急救援的形势。

    The first part of the body described the current social situation in our country faced the grim situation of emergency .

  25. 20世纪上半叶的上海,由于特殊的社会形势和政治格局,民间公益社团在社会救济与社会福利的提供方面长期发挥着实质性作用。

    In the early 21st century in Shanghai , the nongovernmental public organization had an essential role under the special situation .

  26. 其次,讨论在多变的社会形势和政治潮流影响下的江西新式学堂的发展情况。

    Secondly , discuss the development of the new-type school of Jiangxi under the influence of changeable social situation and political trend .

  27. 其在学术路向上之所以发生如此之变化,是与当时的社会形势、政治命运紧密联系的。

    The reasons for such a variation in his academic direction were closely linked with the current social situation and political fate .

  28. 近年来,我国总体经济社会形势保持着良好的发展势头,但是就业问题仍然十分严峻。

    In recent years , our overall economic and social development maintain a good momentum , but the employment is still very grim .

  29. 因此,在新的社会形势下,必须重视行政调解,不断完善行政调解制度,充分发挥行政调解在化解社会矛盾、增进社会和谐方面的功能与作用。

    Therefore we must put emphasis on and perfect administrative conciliation system and give full scope to its role in resolving social contradiction .

  30. 随着我国人口和社会形势的变化,计划生育综合改革越发显得紧迫。

    Along with the change of population and social position of China , the synthetical reform of family planning become more and more pressing .