
  • 网络imbalance of YIN AND YANG
  1. 如果五脏功能失调,则整体上会出现“阴阳失调”的疾病状态。

    If the viscera function disorder , whole appears on the imbalance of Yin and Yang ," disease " .

  2. 中风病急性期偏瘫患者,由于患侧肢体病邪入经导致经脉不通,生理功能随之减弱,而健侧其生理功能相对旺盛,两侧肢体阴阳失调。

    His stroke patients with acute hemiplegia , because contract side body disease by cause the meridians and illogical , physiological functions , and weakens their physiological function health side relative exuberant , two side body the imbalance of Yin and Yang .

  3. 3肾素、血管紧张素Ⅱ、醛固酮、血红蛋白、PTH等肾脏内分泌物质有希望成为慢性肾脏病(CKD)阴阳失调及中医辨证分型的客观指标之一。

    The renin , angiotensin , aldosterone , hemoglobin , PTH renal endocrine substance is hoped to become a Chronic Kidney Disease ( CKD ) imbalance between yin and Yang and TCM syndrome differentiation typing one objective index .

  4. 结论:采用婴病调母法既能改善母体气血阴阳失调,又可使药物通过乳汁影响乳儿,达到母婴双向调节,是治疗母病及婴消化性腹泻最有效的方法。

    It is the most effective method to treat infantile chronic peptic diarrhea caused by mothers ' diseases .

  5. 老年人因血液循环障而出现的血瘀相关证候称为老年血瘀证.老年人由于脏腑功能衰退,气血阴阳失调,血液循环障碍,血液瘀滞,易于形成血瘀之证。

    Senile Blood Stasis Syndrome means related symptoms and signs resulted from disturbance of blood circulation for old people .

  6. 阴阳失调,气血失常、经络和脏腑功能紊乱等。

    Imbalance between yin and yang , disorder of Qi and blood as well as dysfunction of the viscera and meridians .

  7. 老年性忧郁症主要为老年肾气不足后,内伤七情,气血不和,或脏腑受损,阴阳失调所致,多表现为肾虚肝郁、肝肾阴虚、脾肾两虚、心肾不交等一系列脏腑病证。

    Elderly depression syndrome is caused by kidney deficiency and liver depression , liver-kidney yin-deficiency , spleen-kidney insufficiency , and kidney-heart disharmony .

  8. 汗证是指人体阴阳失调,营卫不和,腠理开阖不利而引起汗液外泄的病证。

    Sweating syndrome is that yin and yang of human disorders , disharmony of ying and wei , disfunction of the striae caused sweat leak syndrome .

  9. 医生:没问题。根据中医理论,疾病的发生是阴阳失调所致。而疾病的治疗就是阴阳的平衡。

    D : Sure . According to CTM theory , the occurrence of diseases is the incoordination between Yin and Yang and the treatment of diseases is the reestablishment of the equilibrium between them .

  10. 分析了纤维肌痛综合症病因病机,认为素体虚弱,脏腑亏虚,正气不足,阴阳失调是本病的主要内因,其中又以肝脾肾亏虚为主,风寒湿热之邪乘虚内侵是外因。

    Based on the analysis of etiological factors and pathogenesis , the author considered that the main intrinsic factors were body weakness , weakness of Zang fu and Zheng qi , maladjustment of yin and yang , specially the weakness of liver , spleen and kidney .

  11. 导致本病症发生发展的原因,首先是阳气不足,心阳虚衰,病情日重则可导致气血阴阳失调,及寒、痰、瘀、浊的阻滞。

    The first reason of the primary disease was deficient and weak YANG QI , followed the deficiency of heart-yang , pathogenetic condition may result in the imbalance of the yin and yang , qi and blood , and the stoppage of cold , phlegm , stagnant blood .

  12. 张镜人认为SLE一病,主要是湿热侵袭导致体内阴阳平衡失调,累及心、脾、肝、肾形成本虚标实。

    Zhang believes SLE is mainly caused by invasion of pathogenic dampness and heat , which lead to imbalance of yin and yang inside the body , involve the heart , spleen , liver and kidney , resulting in deficient body constitution and excessive symptoms .

  13. 文化环境生态失衡与虚假广告的产生论机能状态紊乱与中医阴阳平衡失调

    Cultural environment ecology of the false advertisements Discussing Functional Condition Disorder and Imbalance Between Yin and Yang in Chinese Medical Science

  14. 祖国医学认为妇女七七之年,天癸将竭,肾气渐虚,冲任二脉功能减退,机体阴阳平衡失调,脏腑功能失常所致。

    Chinese medicine that women 77 year , menstruation will be dried , kidney gradually empty , Chong and Ren 2 pulse is reduced , the body imbalance of yin and yang , internal organs due to dysfunction .

  15. 传统中医学多认为肾虚为致病之本,肾的阴阳平衡失调,还可导致心、肝、脾等多脏器病理改变。

    Traditional Chinese medicine takes the view that the deficiency of kidney-energy is the cause of the disease , the maladjustment of kidney-energy 's yin and yang also can lead to many organs pathologic change , such as heart , liver and spleen etc.