
  • 网络the conspiracy theory;Conspiracy
  1. 你有没有轻信过有关肯尼迪总统遇刺的阴谋论?

    Did you ever swallow the conspiracy theory about Kennedy ?

  2. 要想出一个阴谋论,非常容易。

    It 's easy to come up with a conspiracy theory .

  3. 犹太金融家阴谋论成为巴黎沙龙的话题

    Conspiracy theories about Jewish financiers were the talk of Paris salons .

  4. 无论是热心的世界主义者也好,还是疯狂的阴谋论者也好,都相信:根本不存在什么世界政府。

    No matter what ardent cosmopolitans or crazed conspiracy theorists believe , there is no world government .

  5. 阴谋论者指责美国中央情报局(CIA)或古巴流亡者策划了刺杀事件。

    Conspiracy theorists accused the Central Intelligence Agency or Cuban exiles .

  6. 阴谋论者亚历克斯•琼斯也是黄金的狂热信徒,他的影响力只比贝克小一点儿,而资助琼斯的公司是MidasResources

    Alex Jones , a goldbug and conspiracy theorist only slightly less influential than Beck , is sponsored by Midas Resources Inc. , which

  7. 阴谋论者好奇的是:NASA怎么能在60年代就声称他们已成功做到了呢?

    Conspiracy theorists are curious : How can NASA claim to have done just that in the1960s ?

  8. 在阴谋论者看来,美联储(Fed)是一个危险、阴暗、不负责任的机构就像与联合国(UN)或中央情报局(CIA)一样,只不过没有黑色直升机。

    To the conspiracy theorists , the Federal Reserve is a dangerous , shadowy and unaccountable organisation like the United Nations or CIA but without the black helicopters .

  9. 但还有数十个机构在提出并传播这种令人怀疑的关联,比如反西方的今日俄罗斯(RussiaToday)网站、英国小报《每日邮报》(TheDailyMail)及NaturalNews等推崇阴谋论的网站。

    Still , the dubious link has been picked up and expanded by scores of other outlets , including the anti-Western website Russia Today , the British tabloid The Daily Mail and conspiracy-minded websites like Natural News .

  10. 巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)迈出不同寻常的一步,公开了自己的完整出生证,以求粉碎自2008年大选以来一直困扰这位美国总统的阴谋论。

    Barack Obama has taken the extraordinary step of publicly releasing his complete birth certificate in an effort to kill off conspiracy theories that have bedevilled the US president since the 2008 election .

  11. 阴谋论者迅速掺和了进来,暗示那是一个漂浮在太阳前面的UFO。

    Conspiracy theorists have quickly jumped into the situation to insinuate that it is a UFO floating in front of the Sun .

  12. 由于中国中央电视台(CCTV)体育解说员杨健在北京一个奥运报道论坛上的报料,刘翔成为最新一位站上中国阴谋论风口浪尖的人物。

    Liu is the latest to top the country 's conspiracy charts , thanks to a revelation at an Olympics reporting forum in Beijing from China Central Television sports anchor Yang Jian .

  13. 丰田现在又被迫召回最新款混合动力汽车普锐斯(Prius),这个事实让反日阴谋论不攻自破。普锐斯大多在日本生产和销售。

    The fact that Toyota has now had to recall its latest-model Prius hybrid , largely built and sold in Japan , undermines anti-Japanese conspiracy theories .

  14. 关键是,尽管泄露出来的电子邮件几乎不能构成全球变暖阴谋论的证据,他们为那些挑战科学正统性以及IPCC的评论家提供了合法性。

    Crucially , although the leaked emails hardly constituted evidence of a global warming conspiracy , they legitimised those commentators who have challenged the scientific orthodoxy and the IPCC .

  15. 经过遗传工程处理的蚊子导致兹卡疫情爆发的说法,最初出现在Reddit的一个专门讨论阴谋论的版块,一些权威信源对此提出了驳斥,《发现》(Discover)杂志就是其中之一。

    Discover magazine is among the authoritative sources that have disproved the allegation that the engineered mosquitoes are behind the Zika outbreak , born last month on a Reddit board devoted to conspiracy theories .

  16. 考虑到那时光简单运算用的电脑大如房屋而且速度很慢,阴谋论者怀疑NASA当时是否已掌握足够先进的科技将火箭发射至月球。

    Conspiracy theorists doubt that NASA had technology advanced enough to send a rocket to the moon , considering that , in those days , simple calculating computers were as big as houses and were very slow .

  17. 这些记录包括UFO目击事件、星际之门计划的心理实验,这些东西一直以来都是阴谋论者们的兴趣所在,并且之前只有在马里兰州国家档案馆内才能阅览。

    The records include UFO sightings and psychic experiments from the Stargate programme , which has long been of interest to conspiracy theorists . They had previously only been accessible at the National Archives in Maryland .

  18. 土耳其长期怀疑居伦是美国特工。曾派驻伊斯坦布尔的前中央情报局(CIA)官员格雷厄姆·E·富勒(GrahamE.Fuller)写信支持居伦申请绿卡这件事,让阴谋论愈演愈烈。

    Turks have long suspected that Mr. Gulen was an American agent , and inflaming the conspiracy theories is the fact that Graham E. Fuller , a former C.I.A. official who was once stationed in Istanbul , wrote a letter to support Mr. Gulen 's application for a green card .

  19. 如今,在肯尼迪遇刺50周年之际,随着电视台工作人员纷纷涌入达拉斯,格勒登感觉被这座城市边缘化了。周五,达拉斯市迫使阴谋论者离开迪利广场(DealeyPlaza),以便组织一场毫无争议的肯尼迪遇刺纪念活动。

    Now that TV crews are flocking to Dallas for the 50th anniversary , Mr. Groden feels marginalized by the city , which pushed conspiracy theorists out of Dealey Plaza to stage a noncontroversial assassination commemoration on Friday .

  20. 阴谋论者频繁出现在我家门口

    Conspiracy theorists show up on my doorstep all the time .

  21. 世界各地的阴谋论者对此一定非常失望。

    Conspiracy theorists all over the world must be deeply disappointed .

  22. 他们对于阴谋论有着程度相当、倾向相反的喜好。

    They have an equal and opposite penchant for conspiracy theories .

  23. 他是那种阴谋论疯子…阴谋论专家吗

    Wasn 't he some sort of conspiracy nutter ... theorist ?

  24. 我听起来肯定像个满嘴阴谋论的疯子。

    I 'm sure I sound like a real conspiracy nut .

  25. 关于此事的阴谋论之多足以装满一个图书馆,却未能解释他为何消失。

    A library 's-worth of conspiracy theories has never explained his disappearance .

  26. 你也是个相信阴谋论的家伙吧

    You 're one of the conspiracy lot , aren 't you ?

  27. 对于这种阴谋论说法,央行人士予以强烈否认,这并不令人奇怪。

    Unsurprisingly , central bankers vehemently reject this plot idea .

  28. 两年了阴谋论越来越离谱

    Two years and the theories keep getting more stupid .

  29. 她想写一篇阴谋论的报道

    She 's trying to draw up this whole conspiracy thing

  30. 你要是相信那些阴谋论你就真疯了

    Okay , you are insane if you believe those conspiracy theories .