
  • 网络mutual convertibility of yin-yang;yin-yang conversion;mutual transformation between yin and yang;inter-transformation between yin and yang
  1. 这就是阴阳转化的一个实例。

    This is an example of transformation between yin and yang .

  2. 气化运动的本质就是机体内部阴阳消长转化的矛盾运动。

    The motive of Qi transformation is the waxing and waning movement of Yin and Yang within the organism .

  3. 重视研究日相阴阳太极钟的变化,将能更加深入地认识月经周期中阴阳消长转化的规律变化,从而推动中医妇科学向前发展。

    The midnight-noon ebb-flow theory enables us to further study the regularity of the ebb and flow of yin and yang in the menstrual cycle and promote the development of TCM gynecology .