
  • 网络cool place
  1. 多喝水并躲到阴凉的地方休息。

    Drink plenty of water and rest in a cool place .

  2. 存放在干燥,阴凉的地方。

    Keep it in a dry and cool place .

  3. 我们去找了一个阴凉的地方,喝了一杯。

    We went to find somewhere cool and shady to have a drink .

  4. 我们在阴凉的地方坐下休息一会儿,好吗?

    Shall we sit in the shade and relax a bit ?

  5. 因为天气太热,我们一直呆在阴凉的地方。

    We keep in the shade because it is very hot .

  6. 喝大量的水和在阴凉的地方休息。

    Drink large amounts of water , and rest in a cool place .

  7. 你可以把果子冻放在阴凉的地方,让它凝固。

    You may leave the jelly in a cool place to harden it .

  8. 陆龟也要找个阴凉的地方

    The tortoise too will head for shade .

  9. 中午,停下来,在几棵松树下找了一块阴凉的地方。

    At noon we stopped and found a shady place under some pine trees .

  10. 我们应该把它拿到阴凉的地方晒干。

    We should place it in shade .

  11. 热天时,要多喝水,呆在阴凉的地方。

    On hot days , drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree .

  12. 把它存放在阴凉的地方。

    Keep it in cool place .

  13. 医生建议,有疼痛症状的人应该马上停下手里的工作而到阴凉的地方休息。

    Doctors say those suffering muscle pain should stop all activity and rest in a cool place .

  14. 牛奶要放在阴凉的地方,否则就容易变酸。

    Milk must be kept in a cool place , or else it will go sour easily .

  15. 他疲惫不堪,天气又越来越热,于是想就近找个阴凉的地方,坐下歇会儿。

    His weariness and the increasing heat determined him to sit down in the first convenient shade .

  16. 医生建议说一旦出现这些症状,患者必须马上到阴凉的地方休息。

    Doctors say people with such problems should rest quietly in a cool place and drink plenty of water .

  17. 于感觉不适时,应尽快到阴凉的地方休息。

    If not feeling well , take a rest in the shade or cooler place as soon as possible .

  18. 将烧杯放在阴凉的地方7至10天,并每天观察结晶体的变化。

    Leave the beaker in a shaded place for7 to10 days , and observe changes of the crystal every day .

  19. 在这春意阑珊晴朗的早晨,居民有理由呆在墙后那块阴凉的地方。

    On this bright morning of ripened spring , the residents had reason to prefer the shady side of the wall .

  20. 将患者摆脱暑热环境,立即转移到有空调或阴凉的地方。

    Get him or her out of the heat , either into air conditioning or into a shaded area , immediately .

  21. 《玩乐》炎热的天气也难挡孩子们玩乐的天性!只是要躲在阴凉的地方。

    Play Hot weather can not stop children playing , because they are at the age of playing ! Just need to play in cool places .

  22. 吸入:大量吸入该物质,应立即至通风阴凉的地方作深呼吸,呼吸困难时给氧气。

    Inhalation : massive inhalation of the substance , should be immediately ventilated cool places to take a deep breath , breathing difficulties to the oxygen .

  23. 他发现一棵长得很好的的芒果树,枝繁叶茂,非常阴凉的地方。他将草帽放在旁边,准备睡一会儿。

    He found a nice mango tree with lots of branches and cool shade , placed his bag of caps beside him and went to sleep .

  24. 如果脱水是由于炎热造成的,将病人转移到有空调的地方或者阴凉的地方,减少出汗。

    If the dehydration is caused by heat , move to an air-conditioned place or seek out shade to decrease the amount of sweat you 're producing .

  25. 为了避免小孩受伤,如把手指伸进入口触摸叶片会受伤,有必要让小孩远离电泵。电泵和电源线要保存在干燥、阴凉的地方。

    To avoid the children injury , like fingers stretching into the inlet touching the blades to cause injury , it 's necessary keeping the pump away from the children .

  26. 好牧人必须为他的羊找到一个牧草丰富的地方,也要为他们找到阴凉的地方来休息,还要为他们找水喝。

    The shepherd must find a place with plenty of good grass for his sheep to eat , a quiet shady place for them to rest , still waters for them to drink .

  27. 清水冲湿后,取适量洗涤灵或洗发水顺毛轻轻捋搓羽毛,清水冲掉泡沫后攥干水分,放在通风阴凉的地方或用吹风机烘干后放在专用毽筒中即可。

    How to wash and maintain : dip it in clean water , smear detergent or shampoo and scrub it , wash and dry it by hand and by wind , place it in the tube .

  28. 当烧烤日来临的时候,喝多了啤酒的人们肯定想在跌倒之前坐下来,所以确保有足够的凳子,最好在阴凉的地方,这样你的花园中才不会站满被晒成红色脱皮的人。

    As the day goes on and the beer gets drunk people are going to want to sit down before they fall down , so make sure there 's plenty of seats , preferably in the shade so you don 't end up with a garden full of pink peeling people .

  29. 将粮食和谷物储存在阴凉干燥的地方。

    Store grains and cereals in a cool , dry place .

  30. 小贴士:将你的化妆品放在阴凉干燥的地方。

    Tip : Keep your makeup in a cool , dry area .