
yīn yǔ
  • overcast and rainy;be overcast and rainy
阴雨 [yīn yǔ]
  • [be overcast and rainy] 天色阴沉,又下着雨

阴雨[yīn yǔ]
  1. 阴雨天使他的关节炎发作了。

    The overcast and rainy weather found out his arthritis .

  2. 牛的猝死症(Suddendeathsyndrome)呈零星散发,有一定的区域性,春、秋季节阴雨天多发,发病急,死亡快。

    Cattle Sudden Death Syndrome is a sporadic disease which in special area and on overcast and rainy day in spring or autumn .

  3. 连绵不断的阴雨似乎使所有的声音都变得沉闷起来。

    The endless rain seemed to dull all sound .

  4. 连绵阴雨致使翌日各项赛事被迫中止。

    Constant rain forced the abandonment of the next day 's competitions .

  5. 这是4月一个阴雨绵绵的星期天。

    It was a grey , wet April Sunday .

  6. 天气总是阴雨连绵。

    It 's always dull and raining .

  7. 这样的阴雨天要防止烂秧。

    In such wet weather we must prevent the seedlings from rotting .

  8. 尽管预报称天气很好,但次日上午仍阴雨绵绵。

    Despite the good weather forecast , the next morning was as wet as ever .

  9. 有在阴雨天和姥爷一起到乡村河湾钓鱼的喜悦

    There was the excitement of fishing in country creeks with my grandpa on cloudy days .

  10. 我过去听人讲过:“从前,四川、陕西、湖北交界处的南部,常常阴雨连绵,少有晴日,偶然日出,狗就吠个不停。”

    In the past , I heard people say : " Formerly1 , it was often cloudy and drizzly2 for days on end in the south of the juncture3 of Sichuan , Shaanxi and Hubei , with very few fine days in between . When the sun shone occasionally , the dogs would bark consistently without stop . "

  11. 基于Matlab神经网络连阴雨预报模型研究

    The Research of Forecast Models for Continuously Cloudy or Rainy Weather Based on Matlab Neural Network

  12. 2006.10云南严重秋季连阴雨水汽输送特征和湿Q矢量分析

    Analysis on water vapour transporting features and wet Q vector of severe autumn lasting rainfall in Oct.2006 in Yunnan province

  13. 阴雨天平均COP为2.55。

    Average COP is 4.69 in sunny days and 2.55 in cloudy or rainy days .

  14. 阴雨天气造成CH4排放率降低会增加CH4在土壤中的氧化量。

    CH4 emission rate is lower in cloudy and raining weather when the CH4 oxidation rate in the paddy soil higher .

  15. 活动当天尽管是阴雨天气,但IBM的志愿者都如期到达,用行动兑现服务承诺。

    Despite the unpleasant weather on the event day , all the IBM volunteers arrived at community center on time , picked up the disabled people and heading for the Forest Park .

  16. 小麦成熟期穗发芽(Pre-harvestsprouting,PHS)是世界性小麦自然灾害,指小麦在收获前遇到阴雨或潮湿环境下的穗上发芽。

    The wheat pre-harvest sprouting is a worldwide natural disaster . Periods of rain during pre-harvest may cause unharvested wheat to sprout .

  17. 结果9例移植前淋巴细胞毒试验阳性者PE后全部转阴雨顺利行肾移植手术,术后排斥反应低,只有1例次急性排斥反应。

    Results Nine patients with positive lympho-toxicity before transplantation by PE became negative and the kidney operation were finished smoothly , its post-operation rejection was low except that there was a patient who appear acute rejective .

  18. 只有降大雨或连阴雨6d以上才会对其存活产生显著影响。

    Only heavy rain and continuous rain over more than 6 days have significant effect on the survival of larvae .

  19. 总而言之,河蟹生态养殖池塘PVC底层增氧机使用规律为:晴天中午开,日出前夕勤开;阴雨天夜间长开;闷热天气延长开,大风天气可少开。

    In short , ecological aquaculture pond bottom crabs PVC aerator rule is : sunny noon open , before sunrise frequently open ; rain night always open ; Hot weather extended open , windy weather may be less open .

  20. 在太阳黑子相对数低值年,广西低温阴雨天气的变化存在22a左右的周期。

    There is a 22 year oscillation in low temperature and overcast rain at sunspot minimum years .

  21. 本文应用OLR资料以及ECMWF风场资料分析了长江中下游春季连阴雨过程的热带和副热带环流系统的特征及与连晴过程的差异。

    In this Paper , Outgoing Longwave Radiation ( OLR ) data of NOAA and wind field data from ECMWF are used to investigate circulation feature in tropics and subtropics during the persistent rainy days in the middle and lower reaches of Changjiang River in spring .

  22. 陕西强连阴雨天气个例的综合分析

    Synthetic analyses on strong consecutive rainfall in autumn over Shaanxi Province

  23. 春季低温阴雨中期预报系统

    The Medium-range Forecasting System of Microtherm and Excessive Rain in Spring

  24. 英国以阴雨天气闻名于世。

    Britain is famous around the world for its rainy weather .

  25. 冷型小麦对干旱和阴雨的双重适应性

    Double adaptability of cold type wheat to drought and rainy weather

  26. 持续的阴雨对他有病的膝盖很不利。

    The persistent rain will do harm to his weak knees .

  27. 这样的情况一直延续到以后的又一个阴雨天。

    And so things went on until the next wet day .

  28. 肯定这样的阴雨天不会持续太久了。

    Surely this wet weather won 't last much longer !

  29. 2003年陕西秋季连阴雨降水特点及环流条件分析

    Analysis of continous rainfall in Shaanxi in 2003 autumn with circulation features

  30. 广东省低温阴雨天气的气候特征和类型

    Features and Types of Low Temperature and Overcast in Guangdong