
yīn yáng wǔ xíng
  • yin-yang and five elements
阴阳五行[yīn yáng wǔ xíng]
  1. 阴阳五行思想对汉代设计艺术的影响

    Influence of Yin-Yang and Five Elements Idea to Design of Han Dynasty

  2. 叶芝的神秘哲学与中国阴阳五行学说之比较

    Comparison of Yeats ′ mystical philosophy with Chinese Yin-yang and Five Elements theory

  3. 根据SY公司的实践分析,《管子》阴阳五行思想下员工组织认同感知途径模型在现代企业管理中成立。

    According to the practice , analysis the SY " GuanZi " Yin-Yang and five elements ideology employees organization identity perception way in the modern enterprise management model was established .

  4. 阴阳五行学说在心理咨询中的应用

    Application of the Theory of Yin-Yang and Five Elements to Psychological Consultation

  5. 阴阳五行学说与哲学的在场、不在场&中西体验本体世界方式的差别

    Yin-yang Wu-xing and the Presence and Absence of Philosophy

  6. 阴阳五行学说和中国人的认识论

    The Yin-Yang / Five Elements Theory and Chinese Epistemology

  7. 阴阳五行学说对古代中国刑法的影响浅谈

    Comment on the Influence of the Theory of Yin-Yang on Ancient Chinese Criminal Law

  8. 首先论述阴阳五行说和色彩语设定之间的关系。

    First discusses the five elements and colors that the relationship between language settings .

  9. 阴阳五行说的历史与宇宙生成模式

    A History of Theories of Yin-Yang and the Five Elements and the Formation of Universe

  10. 传统的阴阳五行学说也在其中得到反映。

    The traditional theory of yin and yang and five of which are reflected also .

  11. 阴阳五行思想肇始于齐文化。

    The thoughts of Yin & Yang and Five Elements started with the Qi Culture .

  12. 阴阳五行学说的政治辩证法思想

    The Political Dialectics Thought of the Doctrine of Yin and Yang and the Five - element

  13. 阴阳五行学说理论上适用于整个物质世界;

    Theoretically , the theory of yin and yang is suitable for the whole substance world .

  14. 阴阳五行学说与四行体液学说宏观框架体系的比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Holistic Frames of Yin Yang Five Element Theory and Four Element Humor Theory

  15. 阴阳五行思想对汉代文化乃至设计思想都产生了很大的影响。

    Yin-yang and Five-element thoughts had great effects on the culture and design art in Han Dynasty .

  16. 阴阳五行思想发源于中国上古时期的农业社会。

    The thought of Yinyang and Wuxing originated from the agricultural society during the remote ages of China .

  17. 音乐本于太一,中医乐疗理论的源头是阴阳五行学说;这些概念和理论为不确定性信息理论奠定了基础。

    The theory of music therapy in TCM is based on the Yinyang theory and the five-element doctrine .

  18. 其中,阴阳五行作为一种常见的学说支持,早已为人们所熟知,故介绍从略。

    Among these , Yin-Yang with common support has long been well known , so its description is omitted .

  19. 贯穿于中医的全部,阴阳五行是解开整个中医学之谜的一把最为重要的钥匙。

    From the old egos , Yin and Yang and the Five-Elements are the fundamental principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine .

  20. 在阴阳五行理论当中,充分表现了古人对金的认知。

    In the theory of yin-yang and five elements , the perception for metal from ancient people is fully shown .

  21. 试论阴阳五行学说对《文心雕龙》文学观的影响

    An analysis of the influence of Yin-yang and Five Elements theory on the literary view of Wen Xin Diao Long

  22. 阴阳五行:阴阳五行本属中国古代哲学范畴,具有唯物主义和辩证法思想。

    Yin-Yang and Five Elements : These fall in the category of ancient Chinese philosophy with concept of materialism and dialectics .

  23. 阴阳五行在中国彝族农业神祭祀与日本农业神祭祀中之异同

    Similarities and Differences of Yi n-yang and Five Elements in the Agricultural Sacrificial Rites between the Chinese Yi People and the Japanese

  24. 所以本论文是借用中国的阴阳五行学说宋阐释金属材料本身以及与其相关的创作。

    By quoting China 's yin-yang and five elements theory , this article explains the nature of metal materials and related creations .

  25. 客观唯心思辨是中医学理论体系的基石&重新认识中医学的阴阳五行

    Thinking and analysis of objective idealism is the cornerstone of TCM theoretical system : re-recognizing " yin-yang and wuxing " of TCM

  26. 内黄农民画在构图和表现内容上体现出中国传统哲学中的天人合一、阴阳五行思想。

    Its composition and performance reflect Chinese traditional philosophy , such as harmony between human and nature , Yin and yang thought .

  27. 阴阳五行理论是中医认识自然与人的生命活动的核心理论,药食气味及其功能归属,对维持调整人的生命状态起着根本性的作用。

    The nature and taste of food and drugs and their functions paly a fundamental role in maintaining and adjusting humans life state .

  28. 《月令》观念系统通过影响阴阳五行在某种程度上决定着中国古代哲学思想的基本面貌。

    The Yueling literatures have greatly influenced the Yin-Yang and five elements , serving as the decisive foundation for the ancient Chinese philosophy .

  29. 人们通过这些艺术造型来表达意愿,反映了汉代的阴阳五行、谶纬、神仙信仰等观念。

    People to express through these artistic designs will reflect the yin and yang in Han Dynasty , divination , fairy notions of faith .

  30. 根据中国传统的阴阳五行学说,九是阳数,因此它也被称为重阳节。

    According to traditional Chinese yin and yang theory , nine is a yang number , therefore it is also called Double Yang Festival .