
yīn móu jiā
  • conspirator;schemer;plotter
  1. 他是一个阴谋家,老是有办法获取他所要的东西。

    He 's a schemer who always finds a way of getting what he wants .

  2. 狡猾而残忍的阴谋家。

    A shrewd and heartless schemer .

  3. 三月底,这部根据乔治·马丁的奇幻小说《冰与火之歌》(ASongofIceandFire)改编的电视剧迎来了第三季的首播。在此,不妨让我们来看看剧中的敌我对手、权力掮客和阴谋家们。

    As we prepare for Sunday 's third season premiere , let 's consider the rival claimants , power brokers , and schemers in the show based on George R.R. Martin 's A Song of Ice and Fire book series .

  4. 阴谋家们被赶出了国王的领土。

    The conspirators were banished from the king 's domain .

  5. 阴谋家的阴谋将被挫败。

    The conspirators will be foiled in their intrigue .

  6. 但是这两个阴谋家发生了反目,赵高处死了李斯。

    But the two conspirators quarreled , and Zhao Kao had Li executed .

  7. 那是一张阴谋家的脸。

    It is the face of a conspirator .

  8. 委员会里的阴谋家设法使委员会作出了他们想要的决议。

    The Machiavellians on the Committee have managed to get the decision the wanted .

  9. 这位年轻政客的毫无经验使得他被一些无耻的阴谋家当作冤大头。

    The young politician 's inexperience is making him the dupe of some unscrupulous schemers .

  10. 我还知道他善于在宫廷里献媚,同时又是一个大胆的阴谋家。

    I knew him as a courtier , too , and as a bold intriguant .

  11. 电力公司的阴谋家受到惩罚。

    The electrical conspirators were caught .

  12. 高度自我中心的病态阴谋家。

    Ruthlessly self-centred psychopathic schemers .

  13. 而且,公民政治将由俄罗斯人所塑造,而非如克里姆林宫所认为的那样,由外国阴谋家所塑造。

    And it will be fashioned by Russians , not as the Kremlin believes by foreign plotters .

  14. 她等待着,后来变得不耐烦,并指出了丰猛寻求阴谋家,问她的丈夫了。

    She waited and later grew impatient , and sought out Feng Meng the schemer and asked where her husband was .

  15. 我不是阴谋家。我只不过想让阴谋家们知道他们所谓的掌控有多么的可悲。

    I 'm not a schemer . I try to show the schemers how pathetic their attempts to control things really are .

  16. 他咒骂美国和犹太复国主义阴谋家或者是接受他们命令在利比亚活动的一支“第五纵队”将之作为本国受到的每一丝挫折的根源。

    He blamed American or Zionist conspiracies or a fifth column in Libya working at their behest for every little setback his country suffered .

  17. 狐狸型:未来社会需要真正的实干家而非阴谋家。聪明与品德的结合,会天下无敌。

    Fox : Prospective society needs Jesuit of true doer and rather than . The union of wisdom and moral character , meeting the world is inapproachable .

  18. 一种被合成来避免抗药物法律的药物;禁令药物的假的影响;年制定法律来禁止阴谋家的药物。

    A drug deliberately synthesized to avoid anti-drug laws ; mimics the effects of a banned drug ; law was revised in 1986 to ban designer drugs .

  19. 一个企图通过耍滑或秘密手段在一个机构团体中谋利的阴谋家。通过审慎的谋划,他成功地使该建议获得通过。

    A schemer who tries to gain advantage in an organization in sly or underhanded ways . By careful strategy he manages to push the proposal through .

  20. “如同马基维利”意味将邪恶的意图隐藏在合理面具下的狡猾阴谋家。

    To be " Machiavellian " came to mean to be a sly schemer , one who hides his evil intentions behind the mask of executive necessity .

  21. 纳粹的领导者老乔治布什和他的阴谋家们终极接触了一位白龙会的代表人,追求某些方法在美国政府的法人破产之后来保持他们的资产。

    Nazi leader George Bush Senior and his cabal have finally contacted a White Dragon representative seeking some way to preserve their assets after the US corporate bankruptcy .

  22. 总之这位盖世的英雄死在阴谋家的手里。命运之神在朝他微笑,总算没有谁死于非命。

    In a word , this unparalleled hero dies , is in the hand of schemer . The Gull of Fortune smiled upon him this once , and no one was killed .

  23. 在这张剧透的照片中,看起来像我们最爱的两个阴谋家终于把布莱尔戴在脖子上的那枚秘密订婚戒指很好地用上了:在中央公园举行婚礼!

    In this spoiler-y photo , it looks like our two favorite schemers are finally putting that secret engagement ring Blair currently wears around her neck to good use : a wedding in Central Park !

  24. 他是个残酷无情的阴谋操纵家。

    He is a ruthless , scheming manipulator .

  25. 联邦检查官先前同意,不就Libor操纵阴谋起诉这家瑞士银行。

    Federal prosecutors had previously agreed not to prosecute the Swiss bank over the Libor scheme .

  26. 对这个阴谋、阴谋家、阴谋集团,我们是到一九五三年秋冬才发现的。

    It was not until the autumn and winter of 1953 that we detected this conspiracy , the conspirators and the cliques .