
  • 网络courtyard;courtyard house
  1. 第二章,北方地区合院式传统民居概述。

    Chapter 2 summarizes traditional courtyard dwellings .

  2. 中国传统合院式居住建筑形成的文化内涵

    Cultural connotation of Chinese traditional courtyard house

  3. 合院式民居在云南的发展演变探析

    Research on the Development of the Traditional Courtyard Houses in Yunnan

  4. 在地域的适应性过程中形成了合院式民居形式多元化的格局。

    Courtyard diversified structure is formed in the regional adaptive process .

  5. 里院建筑(又称合院式建筑)就是在这种时代大背景下产生和发展起来的。

    Liyuan buildings had produced and developed in the context of this era .

  6. 本文是关于合院式民居在云南发展过程的研究。

    This thesis is a study on the development of the traditional courtyard houses in Yunnan .

  7. 合院式的居住生活空间环境&试论里洲新村规划设计

    Environment of residential space in courtyard houses & discussion on plan and design for Li Zhou new residential quarter

  8. 其中以合院式建筑最能适应中国传统家族观念、社会生活及居住需求。

    With courtyard style building can adapt to most Chinese traditional family concept , social life and living demand .

  9. 古代北京合院住宅的采用与建筑史研究的立场

    A study on adoption condition of courtyard house in ancient Beijing and its research purpose in Chinese architectural history

  10. 第二章整理概述北京合院建筑类型和功能类型的发展、演变过程。

    Chapter 2 gives an overview on the evolvement of the architecture type and function type of Beijing courtyard house .

  11. 立体胡同及空中合院&北京天和人家住宅设计构想合院瓦解与原型转化

    Multi-story Hutong and Aerial Courtyard & Conception of " Heaven and Dwellings " Residential Design in Beijing Inheritance and Evolution of Courtyard-House-Prototype

  12. 进而从合院式民居在云南发展的过程中总结出民居建筑发展的规律和特点,以及对现代住宅设计的启示和意义。

    Then the paper concludes with the regular patterns and features of the development of traditional buildings and its implications for modern building design .

  13. 合院是北京最具传统和特色的建筑类型,并构成了北京旧城传统街区的基本城市肌理。

    Courtyard House is the most traditional and characteristic architecture type in Beijing , which constitutes the basic fabric of the Old Beijing City .

  14. 庭院式(四合院式、合院式)民居是传统民居建筑的主体和精华、院内有好的空气质量,热环境舒适。

    Folk residential house with yard is the essence of traditional building . There are good air quality and comfortable thermal environment in it .

  15. 云南的合院式民居聚落主要集中在大理和丽江,也有部分分布在昆明、建水、石屏和会泽等地。

    The Courtyard settlements of Yunnan exit mainly in Dali and Lijiang . Some of them are distributed in Kunming , Jianshui , Shiping and Huize .

  16. 析居住区院落空间设计与环境知觉合院式的居住生活空间环境&试论里洲新村规划设计


  17. 因地制宜的院落组织方式。在此基础上,进行建筑设计,延续了传统合院空间的布局特点,并根据不同的使用功能,确定平面形式。

    On this basis , the architectural design , the continuation of the traditional courtyard space layout features , according to different functions , determine the planar form .

  18. 在中国北方传统的合院民居中,空间处理至清代已高度程式化,空间布局亦多趋于雷同。

    In traditional courtyard houses of the North China , the organization of space is highly conventionalization in Qing Dynasty , and the layout of space is becoming similar .

  19. 传统的北京四合院以其深厚的历史文化、独特的建筑形式和宜人的居住环境成为中国北方合院式建筑的典型代表,是中国传统文化的集中体现。

    The traditional courtyard house in Beijing , with its profound historical culture , unique architectural form and pleasant living environment become a typical representative of Chinese northern courtyard architecture .

  20. 对云南建水合院民居的建造特点进行总结研究,并归纳出建水传统合院民居的三大特点:1.以院落组织空间的建造方式。

    Summary of research on the Yunnan Construction hydrated hospital residential construction features and summarized built the water traditional courtyard houses three characteristics : 1 . Courtyard organizational space constructed in such a manner .

  21. 合院式民居空间是云南传统民居的空间形态,曾经在中国少数民族的居住文化中占据着举足轻重的地位。

    Closing the dyadic people of yard living in space was the space form that the Yunnan tradition people lives in , was once was occupying decisive position in Chinese national minority habitancy culture .

  22. 与此同时,传统的合院式民居空间也由于年久失修、卫生状况差等原因失去了它本来的活力。

    Meanwhile , the dyadic people of the tradition small side door yard lives in space also because of being in bad repair , hygiene situation low grade cause has lost its original vigour .

  23. 在王家大院的合院建筑中,无论是流线的转化、拱券的利用,还是厕所的构造,都展现出建造者无尽的想象力。

    In the building group of the Wang grand-courtyard , the change of route , the utilization of arch and the construction of lavatory can all serve as good examples for the imagination of the builders .

  24. 研究方法着重在于对中国北方现存有代表性的合院式传统民居的比较与分析,通过对同一地区的诸多民居进行比较,找出其差异与规律。

    This study comparably explores the existent traditional courtyard dwellings in North China as research emphasis . Difference and regular can be found out , after a comparable analysis of all kinds of dwellings in an area .

  25. 徽派建筑是民族文化的载体,它将中国传统风水文化、儒道思想和徽商精神完美地融入建筑设计,并体现在村落规划、合院结构和装饰艺术中。

    Hui styled architecture is an ethnic culture carrier which perfectly embraces Chinese traditional feng shui culture , Confucian thought and the spirit of hui merchants , and reflects on the village planning , courtyard structure and decoration art .

  26. 传统合院式居住空间良好的空间尺度,友好的空间感受以及融洽的人际关系,也都不自觉地开始远离现代的城市居民。

    Tradition agrees well with fine space of dyadic yard habitancy space dimension , amicable space experiences as well as harmonious human relations , also all does not begin to be far away from the modern urban resident conscientiously .

  27. 通过大量实地调研与文献梳理,指出邛笼、干栏、合院是西南地域内对应的三种主要建筑物种。

    Through surveying and combing with related documents in a large amount , it is concluded that there are three kinds of main building species in the SW China which are " Qionglong ", " Ganlan " and " Heyuan " .

  28. 将批判的地区主义建筑思想运用于北京的高层住宅设计,以胡同及四合院为原型,用异化的思想在高层住宅建筑中表现胡同及合院的空间概念以增加商品住宅的精神内涵。

    In the design of high-rise residence in Beijing called " heaven and dwellings " , the architect used " Hutong " and " rectangle courtyard " as prototypes in order to express the idea of critical regionalism in commercial residence .

  29. 第六章则分析了地方民居在发展过程中所面临的问题,论述了合院式民居在今后的存在意义,并探讨了在现代设计中对继承合院式民居进行继承与创新的一些思路。

    The sixth chapter puts forward the problems facing us in the development of traditional buildings , talks about the significance of their existence in the future and provides some new ideas on the learning from and innovation of the traditional building with patio in modern building design .

  30. 四环医药研发部总经理助理、该公司旗下北京澳合药物研究院院长霍彩霞介绍说,中国军方已向西非发运了足以治疗1万人的药物。

    The Chinese military has already sent enough of the drug to treat 10000 people to west Africa , according to Dr Huo Caixia , associate president of research and development for Sihuan and head of its Beijing Aohe Drug Research Institute .