
jiǎn xiě
  • Abbreviation;write a Chinese character in simplified form;simplify a book for beginners
简写 [jiǎn xiě]
  • [write a Chinese character in simplified form;simplify a book for beginners] 指汉字按规范的简化书写,如這简写为这

简写[jiǎn xiě]
  1. 通配符是另一种简写形式,用来引用目录中的内容。

    Wildcards are another form of shorthand to refer to the contents of a directory .

  2. 这个词是短语“tothrow(someone)underthebus”的简写形式,意为:将某人推下水,即为了个人利益牺牲或者背叛别人。这个短语至少在1991年时就开始使用了:

    This verb is a tidy shortening of the longer idiomatic phrase " to throw ( someone ) under the bus , " which has been in the language since at least 1991 :

  3. Plebs是plebians一词的简写形式,源于古罗马时期。

    Plebs is short for plebians , derived .

  4. Shill一词可追溯到1914年,基本都认为是shillaber(托儿)一词的简写形式。

    Shill dates back to 1914 and is thought to be a shortened form of the earlier term shillaber .

  5. 你也许患上了“恐惧邀请综合征”,英文简写为CHAOS2。

    You might have " Can 't Have Anyone Over Syndrome1 , " or " C.H.A.O.S " for short .

  6. 可以利用体重指数(bodymassindex,简写为BMI)表来监测你的体重。

    Use a Body Mass Index chart to monitor your weight .

  7. 合适的重量的个数是,也就是available,weight的简写。

    A w And the amount of weight available , a w , for available weight .

  8. 电子商务源于英文Electroniccommerce,简写为EC。

    E-commerce from English ELECTRONIC COMMERCE , abbreviated as EC .

  9. post函数是一个简写函数,等价于清单6中的代码。

    The post function is a shorthand function equivalent to the code in Listing 6 .

  10. 在识别过程中,采用径基函数(Radialbasisfunction,简写为RBF)神经网络。

    In the processing of recognition , respectively adopt Radial Basis Function ( RBF ) Neural Network .

  11. “Nickel”这一单词是德语尼格尔铜的简写。

    The word " nickel " is short for the German word kupfernickel .

  12. 客户关系管理(CustomerRelationshipManagement,简写为CRM)分为三类:分析型、操作型和协作型。

    Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) is classified into three types : analytical CRM , operational CRM and co-operational CRM .

  13. 但是,可以使用dictionary名作为简写表示法。

    However , you can use the dictionary name as a shorthand notation .

  14. Java也用一种简写形式进行运算,并同时进行赋值操作。

    Java also uses a shorthand notation to perform an operation and an assignment at the same time .

  15. 针对许多频繁使用的命令行参数,Shell提供了相应的符号或记号作为简写。

    Many command-line arguments are used so frequently that shells provide sigils , or symbols , as shorthand .

  16. 在构建舰船辅机协同设计多智能体(Multi-agentSystem,简写为MAS)过程中,各Agent之间存在某种内在的冲突、联系和规律。

    In the process of the ship auxiliary mechanism design multi-agent system , certain interrelations exit among the each agent .

  17. 面向对象(Object-Oriented,简写为OO),已成为当今计算机领域的主流技术。

    Object-Oriented ( OO ) nowadays is a main computer technology .

  18. 在R&D决策过程中,现在普遍采用的是净现金流(NetCashFlow,简写为NCF)方法,亦称为净现值方法。

    In the decision process of R & D , Net Cash Flow method is adopted widely .

  19. 还可以使用简写(:setic和:setnoic)。

    You can also use shorthand versions (: set ic and : set noic ) .

  20. 我坚信,阅读简写的(simplified)英文小说是扩大我们词汇量的一种轻松愉快的方法。

    I firmly believe that reading simplified English novels is an easy and enjoyable way of enlarging our vocabulary .

  21. 电子商务(ElectronicBusiness简写EB)是运用电子通信作为手段的经济活动,通过这种方式人们可以对带有经济价值的产品和服务进行宣传、购买和结算。

    E-business is one economical activity by means of electronic communications . People can promote , purchase and pay via E-commerce .

  22. 操作符==是Java语言中表示对象相等的简写形式,但是不代表对象引用的相等。

    The operator = = is shorthand for object equivalence in the Java language , but not for object reference identity .

  23. var是“variable”的简写,它是用于存储那些大小通常随时间而增大的文件的存储库。

    Var short for " variable " is the repository for files that typically grow in size over time .

  24. 应计利息,应收利息,累计利息(简写为AI):指尚未到期和未付的已获利息。

    Accrued interest - AI : Interest earned But not yet due and payable .

  25. 医学专家称此为自闭症谱系障碍(AutismSpectrumDisorders,简写ASD)。

    Medical professionals call them autism disorders .

  26. 最近我跟我的同事艺术领袖(artsguru,简写ag)进行了一次的谈话。

    Recently I was having a water-cooler conversation with my colleague , the arts guru .

  27. 甘氨酸(简写为Gly或G)是自然界中结构最简单的氨基酸。

    Glycine ( Gly or G ) is the simplest amino acid in nature .

  28. 清单6首先声明一个数组,其中包含花店的简写名称,并将这些名称构建到一个基本的XML文件中。

    Listing 6 starts by declaring an array that contains the short names of the stores and builds those names into a basic XML file .

  29. 天冬氨酸(简写为Asp或D)是自然界中最常见的氨基酸之一。

    Aspartic acid ( Asp or D ) is one of the most abundant amino acids in nature .

  30. 提出了一种基于局部视觉基元(LocalVisualPrimitives,简写为LVP)的产生式模型,并用于人脸重建和识别中。

    Proposes generative model based on Local Visual Primitives ( LVP ) for face modeling and classification .